Обсуждение: Installation of pgAdmin


Installation of pgAdmin

Douglas Bates
I received a response that the address pgadmin-support@greatbridge.com
was unreachable when I tried to send this.  As I say below, I was
sorry to hear that greatbridge.com had ceased operations.

Can anyone on this list help me with my question about installation of
pgAdmin?  Please cc: me on responses.  I am not currently subscribed
to this list.

First - I was sorry to hear that greatbridge.com has ceased operations.
I hope that all those who worked for GreatBridge are able to move on
to new challenges.

My question must qualify as the dumbest question I have ever sent to
an e-mail list but - I can't decide how I install and start pgAdmin.
I run PostgreSQL 7.1.1 on a Debian GNU/Linux system.  On the Windows
ME machine from which I want to connect I have the ODBC driver
installed.  I'm not quite sure what it meant on the home page for
pgAdmin to say that I require Microsoft Windows Installer.

I downloaded pgadmin-7_1_0.zip.  When I expand that with WinZIP I
don't see anything that looks like an installer or an application.

I must be missing something obvious.  Can someone tell me how to get

Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

Re: Installation of pgAdmin

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Bates [mailto:bates@stat.wisc.edu]
> Sent: 13 September 2001 18:09
> To: pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org
> Subject: [ODBC] Installation of pgAdmin
> I received a response that the address
> pgadmin-support@greatbridge.com was unreachable when I tried
> to send this.  As I say below, I was sorry to hear that
> greatbridge.com had ceased operations.
> Can anyone on this list help me with my question about
> installation of pgAdmin?  Please cc: me on responses.  I am
> not currently subscribed to this list.

The pgAdmin lists are now pgadmin-support@postgresql.org &
pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org. Check out our new website at
http://pgadmin.postgresql.org for more details about them.

As for your problem, I *think* that Windows ME already has the installer,
umm, installed. In the zip file you downloaded, there should be a single
.msi file. If you can double click that and it starts to install then you're
OK. If not, then you can either hunt through the MS website for the Windows
Installer redistributable, or, if you download the 'full' version of the
ODBC driver from ftp.postgresql.org or a mirror, then that will pre-install
the installer for you before installing the ODBC driver itself.

Regards, Dave.