Обсуждение: Problem with VB-DirectODBC selecting text-fields [EBEWE: Virus checked]


Problem with VB-DirectODBC selecting text-fields [EBEWE: Virus checked]



i have a problem with the following SQL-Statement:

Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14957 and Znr = 1 and wegkz = 1;

when executing it via direct-odbc in VB it gives me the error-nr: 3146

the VB-Code:
Set myConn = myWs.OpenConnection("", _
                            dbDriverNoPrompt, _
sql = "Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14957 and Znr = 1 and wegkz =
Set rs = myConn.OpenRecordset(Sql, _
                         dbOpenSnapshot, _
                         dbExecDirect, _

the database:

the ODBC-Version:

the table 'weg' in database 'fakt32':

fakt32=#\d weg

  Attribute  |         Type          |                    Modifier
  inr        | integer               | not null default
  wegnr      | integer               | default 0
  wegkz      | smallint              | default 0
  bsnr       | integer               | default 0
  znr        | integer               | default 0
  arnr       | character varying(15) |
  arname     | character varying(30) |
  arlfnr     | integer               | default 0
  arlfname   | character varying(25) |
  arlfarnr   | character varying(15) |
  datum      | date                  |
  bkz        | integer               | default 0
  groessen   | text                  |
  bestellung | text                  |
Indices: weg_bsnr_key,

- excuting the same query via psql works fine:
      fakt32=# Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14957 and Znr = 1 and
   wegkz = 1;
   (1 row)

- executing the same query via pgadmin II also works fine
- executing the same query via Access (linked table) also works fine
- looking at the logs:

in psqlodbc_4294820759.log beginning from line 170:

>conn=170740516, query='Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14914 and
>Znr = 1 and wegkz = 1'
>    [ fetched 1 rows ]

that's OK

>conn=170740516, query='SELECT * FROM Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr
>= 14914 and Znr = 1 and >wegkz = 1'

???? where does this "SELECT * " come from ?

>ERROR from backend during send_query: 'ERROR:  parser: parse error at or
>near "Select"'

this is the result of the 2nd (wrong) query

mylog_4294820759.log shows the same beginning from line 94853

Please help!

(See attached file: psqlodbc_4294820759.zip)(See attached file:


Wolfgang Fuertbauer,          wolfgang.fuertbauer@ebewe.com
c/o EBEWE Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG   Tel: +43 7665 8123 315
Mondeseestrasse 11            Fax: +43 7665 8123 11
4866 Unterach, Austria


Psqlodbc 7.1.11

"Simeo Reig"
Hi, with psqlodbc 7.1.9 an attempt to write to a table that the current user
doesn't have enought privilege raise error
number -2147467259 and err.description contains "Permission denied", with
psqlodbc 7.1.11 it raise the same err number
but text has changed to "Error while executing the query", that is less
descriptive and I need a descriptive text because error number
-2147467259  is raised for various errors (emty row, referential integrity
violation, duplicate key ...) .

Is this a bug ? How can I know the correct error ?


(extract of a class to trap errors)

  Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2147217864 'the row has changed
            msgbox "El registre ha canviat mentres s'editava," & Chr$(13) &
            "cancel.li els canvis i torni a recuperar el registre " &
Chr$(13) & _
            "(Els seus canvis es perdràn)", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Barra
            Resume Next

         Case -2147467259

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "Empty row cannot be inserted",
vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                MsgBox "No es pot afegir un registre buit !"
                ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "Fail to add null value in not
null", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
               MsgBox "Falten Camps Obligatoris"
               ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "referential integrity violation",
vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                MsgBox "No es pot esborrar, hi ha registres relacionats a
altres taules"
                ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "cannot insert a duplicate key into
unique index", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                MsgBox "No es pot realizar l'operació, crearia valors
                ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "Permission denied", vbTextCompare)
> 0 Then
               MsgBox "No té permisos per ha crear nous registres i/o
               ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If InStr(1, Err.Description, "you don't have permissions to set
sequence", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
               MsgBox "No té permisos per ha modificar la sequència."
               ErrorTrobat = True
            End If

            If ErrorTrobat = False Then
                MsgBox "Error Inesperat " & Err.Description & Err.Number
            End If

        Case Else
            MsgBox "Error numero :" & Err.Number & " descripcio :" &
    End Select

Re: Psqlodbc 7.1.11

"Hiroshi Inoue"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simeo Reig
> Hi, with psqlodbc 7.1.9 an attempt to write to a table that the
> current user
> doesn't have enought privilege raise error
> number -2147467259 and err.description contains "Permission denied", with
> psqlodbc 7.1.11 it raise the same err number
> but text has changed to "Error while executing the query", that is less
> descriptive and I need a descriptive text because error number
> -2147467259  is raised for various errors (emty row, referential integrity
> violation, duplicate key ...) .
> Is this a bug ? How can I know the correct error ?

It seems my fault.
Please retry the newest driver.

Hiroshi Inoue

Re: Problem with VB-DirectODBC selecting text-fields [EBEWE: Virus checked]

"Hiroshi Inoue"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com
> Hi,
> i have a problem with the following SQL-Statement:
> Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14957 and Znr = 1 and wegkz = 1;
> when executing it via direct-odbc in VB it gives me the error-nr: 3146
> the VB-Code:
> ------------
> Set myConn = myWs.OpenConnection("", _
>                             dbDriverNoPrompt, _
>                             False,_
>                             "ODBC;dsn=PostgreSQL;uid=postgres;pwd=;")
> sql = "Select Groessen from Weg where Bsnr = 14957 and Znr = 1 and wegkz =
> 1"
> Set rs = myConn.OpenRecordset(Sql, _
>                          dbOpenSnapshot, _
>                          dbExecDirect, _
>                          dbOptimistic)

How are you creating the myWs ?
Are you setting the DefaultCursorDriver property as dbUseOdbcCursor ?

Hiroshi Inoue