Обсуждение: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access


Unicode, ODBC and MS Access

"Marcus Better"

I have some problems which I think have to do with Unicode strings in

Currently, my database is set to Unicode encoding (which I understand means
UTF-8). I use Windows-based programs (running on .NET) through ODBC to
insert some text in UCS-2 encoding.

Now when I try to read that data using the same client program, it
sometimes truncates long strings (after a few hundred characters or so).

Moreover, if I access the same tables using Access XP, in most cases the
text is garbled. I see only fragments of the text, with garbage characters
in it, or in some cases no text at all.

What is the correct way to set up a database (with appropriate encoding)
and ODBC drivers so that Windows programs can read and write Unicode text

Marcus B.

Re: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access

Hiroshi Inoue
Marcus Better wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some problems which I think have to do with Unicode strings in
> Windows.
> Currently, my database is set to Unicode encoding (which I understand means
> UTF-8). I use Windows-based programs (running on .NET) through ODBC to
> insert some text in UCS-2 encoding.
> Now when I try to read that data using the same client program, it
> sometimes truncates long strings (after a few hundred characters or so).
> Moreover, if I access the same tables using Access XP, in most cases the
> text is garbled. I see only fragments of the text, with garbage characters
> in it, or in some cases no text at all.
> What is the correct way to set up a database (with appropriate encoding)
> and ODBC drivers so that Windows programs can read and write Unicode text
> (UCS-2)?

Which driver are you using ?

Hiroshi Inoue

Re: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access

"Hiroshi Inoue"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus Better [mailto:marcus@dactylis.com]
> > Which driver are you using ?
> PostgreSQL+ Unicode (Beta) version 7.02.0003.

Please try the snapshot dll at
http://www.geocities.jp/inocchichichi/psqlodbc/ .
Maybe a little better.

Hiroshi Inoue

Re: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access

"Marcus Better"
> Which driver are you using ?

PostgreSQL+ Unicode (Beta) version 7.02.0003.

Re: Unicode, ODBC and MS Access

"Hiroshi Inoue"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans-JEgen Schönig [mailto:hs@cybertec.at]
> Good morning ...
> We have some minor problems with UNICODE as well.
> We are using PostgreSQL 7.3.1 with driver.
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  connection authorized: user=plank
> database=test
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: select version()
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.003769 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: set DateStyle to 'ISO'
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.000421 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: set geqo to 'OFF'
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.000288 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: select oid from pg_type where
> typname='lo'
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.011502 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: select pg_client_encoding()
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.001134 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: BEGIN
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.000273 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: SELECT max(adr_id) FROM
> t_adresse
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.007809 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: SELECT last_value FROM
> t_adresse_adr_id_seq
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.001503 sec
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  LOG:  query: INSERT INTO t_adresse
> 2003-02-21 08:39:30 [16593]  ERROR:  Invalid UNICODE character sequence
> found (0xd345)
> 2003-02-21 08:39:31 [16593]  LOG:  query: ROLLBACK
> 2003-02-21 08:39:31 [16593]  LOG:  duration: 0.000203 sec
> The server side database is set to UNICODE.
> [hs@backup hs]$ psql -l
>        List of databases
>    Name    | Owner | Encoding
> -----------+-------+-----------
>  template0 | hs    | SQL_ASCII
>  template1 | hs    | SQL_ASCII
>  test      | hs    | UNICODE
> (7 rows)
> Somehow the driver seems to select the client encoding but it does not
> care about it. I am using RedHat 7.3 and it's default UNIX side
> ODBC stuff.
> Also: I have an additional problem because "ÓELOL" is not what the
> client is supposed to send me. The "O" should be an "O" with something
> like a " on top of it (some hungarian symbol). A tool is supposed to
> write all data inside an Access database to PostgreSQL. On the Windows
> desktop the hungarian symbols are displayed properly. Where do we lose
> that information or is it a problem with my terminal settings on Linux?
> ([hs@backup postgresql-7.3.1]$ echo $TERM $LANG
> xterm en_US.iso885915)
> Does anybody have an idea?

You seem to have to set the client_encoding using the *Connect Settings*
DSN option.

Hiroshi Inoue

Re: Newer ODBC drivers : exellent !

Hiroshi Inoue
Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> This is mostly a success note, to let all potential ODBC users
> know that the "snapshot" ODBC drivers as proposed by Hiroshi are
> a great help ... for use with Windows applications. Those drivers
> have cured me of at least two big headaches.
> Therefore a question : Hiroshi : do you plan to port them back
> to the Unix source tree ? They would be *really* useful, if only
> for Openoffice and/or R users (I'm both ...). I tried to port the
> enhancements you propose in the unix source tree (as (magnificiently)
> maintained by Oliver Elphick) ... and botched up royally !

I seem to have committed most changes in the snapshot to
the current cvs.

> Another one : the "example" jpeg about miltibyte character support
> on the snapshot page exhibits a checked "(Exp) Updatable cursors"
> checkbox. However, the SQL commands doc for DECLARE tells me that
> PostgreSQL cursors are still read-only. Which is right ?

The Updatable cursor functionality is implemented in the
driver not at the backend side.

> A couple of suggestions, too : updating the driver's docs about
> novelties in 7.3 (schema, among others) would be a Good Thing (TM).
> Reintegrating this doc (even in a terse format) in the "Client
> interfaces" part of the PostgreSQL doc tree would be a Yet Better
> Thing (R). And referring the "snapshot drivers" page somewhere on
> the Gborg site would be a great idea, too ...

Unfortunately I'm not a native English speaker. I hope
someone would update it.

Hiroshi Inoue