Обсуждение: Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems:


Re: Delphi7, ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems:

"Mikhail Umorin"
Hiroshi --

it's in the connect string (below) : "... UseDeclareFetch=0;...UpdatableCursors=1;..." and I had those options
checked/uncheckedin the driver settings as well through Control Panel. What do those settings mean? why are they

Mikhail Umorin

-----Original Message-----
From:     Hiroshi Inoue <Inoue@tpf.co.jp>
Sent:     Fri, 19 Sep 2003 19:12:41 +0900
To:       Mikhail Umorin <mikeumo@onebox.com>; noelrv@nipahut.org; rncombs@covad.net;pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org
Subject:  Re: [ODBC] Delphi7,  ADO, ODBC and PostgreSQL connection problems:

Hiroshi Inoue wrote:
> Mikhail Umorin wrote:
> >
> > Thanks everyone for helping me! Especially, Hiroshi, Noel and Richard!
> >
> > Following Noel's suggestion I installed pgAdmin (II, 1.6.0). It connected fine and I could see values in the tables
withoutany other changes to client and server PCs. So, I decided to try the same connection string that pgAdmin uses (I
couldconveniently cut and paste it from pgAdmin window: thanks, pgAdmin!) - and it worked! The string was: 
> > Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=lara;
> > SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=lara;PWD=********;
> > ReadOnly=0;Protocol=6.4;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;
> > RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;
> > Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=254;
> > MaxLongVarcharSize=65536;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=1;Ksqo=1;
> > UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0;
> > BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;
> > ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=1;
> > DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0;BI=0;ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0;
> > UseServerSidePrepare=0"
> >
> > I think the problem was that when I specified a file DSN or
> > would build a connection string using Delphi's tools it was
> > not handled properly or constructed properly by Delphi's
> > TADOConnection object. So, what OLE DB driver for ODBC would
> > get was partially illegal; so, the driver would connect but
> > would not communicate beyond the handshake.
> >
> > Now, the driver's log contains no errors (so, there was
> > something serious there, Hiroshi).
> I'm still suspecting that the *use declare/fetch option*
> is turned on. Could you try to add "UseDeclareFetch=0" option
> to your connection string ?

Please also try *Updatablecursors=1* option.

Hiroshi Inoue