Обсуждение: Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC


Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC


Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC

I want to upgrade my PostgreSQL server from 8.0.4 to 8.1.3.
My C++ application connects to the database via ODBC (ODBC driver: PostgreSQL Unicode).

I've installed 8.1.3 with "large objects (lo)" and created a table

CREATE testdata
(id integer not null,
buffer lo);

So far this worked.
Now if I want to get the 'buffer' column

::SQLExecDirect(m_hStmt, (unsigned char*)"SELECT buffer FROM testdata WHERE id=6", SQL_NTS);
::SQLGetData(m_hStmt, nCol, SQL_C_BINARY, pBuffer, nPacketSize,  &sdODataLength);

I get the error message

"Received an unsupported type from Postgres. (14)"

In PostgreSQL 8.0.4 this worked without a problem.
In 8.1.3 I can also see in pgAdmin III that there are no functions lo_in(lo) and lo_out(lo) in the tree.

Perhaps this is an installation bug in 8.1.3?
Has anybody got an idea?

Best regards

Gerhard Lutz

Test Solutions
MB-technology GmbH

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Re: Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC

Ludek Finstrle
> WHERE id=6", SQL_NTS);
> ::SQLFetch(m_hStmt);
> ::SQLGetData(m_hStmt, nCol, SQL_C_BINARY, pBuffer, nPacketSize,
> &sdODataLength);
> I get the error message
> "Received an unsupported type from Postgres. (14)"
> In PostgreSQL 8.0.4 this worked without a problem.
> In 8.1.3 I can also see in pgAdmin III that there are no functions
> lo_in(lo) and lo_out(lo) in the tree.
> Perhaps this is an installation bug in 8.1.3?
> Has anybody got an idea?

I see no psqlODBC version in your report.
How did you create the lo type? Did you follow psqlODBC FAQ?



Re: Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC


The version of PSQLODBC.DLL is
In version I didn't have this problem.

I didn't create the lo type explicitly. I just checked the checkbox "Large Objects (lo)"
while installing PostgreSQL. This worked with PostgreSQL 8.0.4.

I didn't find a special psqlODBC FAQ, only the general FAQ lists at www.postgresql.org.

Best regards,
Gerhard Lutz

Gesendet von: pgsql-odbc-owner@postgresql.org

27.02.2006 14:24

Re: [ODBC] Bug report 2267: Accessing large objects via ODBC

> I want to upgrade my PostgreSQL server from 8.0.4 to 8.1.3.
> My C++ application connects to the database via ODBC (ODBC driver: PostgreSQL Unicode).
> I've installed 8.1.3 with "large objects (lo)" and created a table
> CREATE testdata
> (id integer not null,
> buffer lo);
> So far this worked.
> Now if I want to get the 'buffer' column
> ::SQLExecDirect(m_hStmt, (unsigned char*)"SELECT buffer FROM testdata WHERE id=6", SQL_NTS);
> ::SQLFetch(m_hStmt);
> ::SQLGetData(m_hStmt, nCol, SQL_C_BINARY, pBuffer, nPacketSize,
> &sdODataLength);
> I get the error message
> "Received an unsupported type from Postgres. (14)"
> In PostgreSQL 8.0.4 this worked without a problem.
> In 8.1.3 I can also see in pgAdmin III that there are no functions
> lo_in(lo) and lo_out(lo) in the tree.
> Perhaps this is an installation bug in 8.1.3?
> Has anybody got an idea?

I see no psqlODBC version in your report.
How did you create the lo type? Did you follow psqlODBC FAQ?



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