Обсуждение: ODBC Driver


ODBC Driver

goutham jalakam
Hello PGSQL Team,
       We have a serious problems changing the driver from postgresql to postgresql unicode.
       We are using postgre sql DB since long time.
       There is a requirement for our application to insert Latin chars into postgre. So, Changed driver from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL UNICODE.
       There are quite a few issues occuring using this driver.
Issue 1: When we mention BoolsAsChar=1 in connection string, its returning empty value instead of 1 or 0 based on true or false. 
Issue 2: we are trying to fill dataset through OdbcDataAdapter.
            Code Snippet:
                              OdbcDataAdapter odbcAdapt = new OdbcDataAdapter("Select * from table1;"+ "Select * from table2;" , cdbConn.Conn);
                               odbcAdapt .Fill(dataset)
always dataset is returning 0 tables.
Can you please help us. If we change the driver from postgresql unicode to postgresql will there be much differences in the behavior?
Please previous your valuable inputs.
Goutham J