Обсуждение: Linking tables from MS Access 2013 works fine, but cannot get table and column comments


Linking tables from MS Access 2013 works fine, but cannot get table and column comments

Andreas Buschka

Hello all,


I am sorry if this question has already been answered, but I could not find it in either the FAQs or by searching this mailing list.


We currently have the following setup:

-   pgsql Server 9.3 running on Windows x64

-   pgODBC driver 9.0.3 on Windows x64 clients (using 32-bit version due to MS Office version)

-   Microsoft Access 2010 (2013 on some workstations) with all patches


We have created some tables and commented them, like this:


COMMENT ON TABLE our_table_name

  IS 'A comment about this table.';

COMMENT ON COLUMN our_table_name.pk_our_table IS 'A comment about the primary key column.';


This works fine, I can see the comments in pgAdmin. However, when I link these tables into a new Microsoft Access database (created a DSN in the 32-bit ODBC admin using default settings), the table and its fields are linked correctly, however, not a single comment, neither for the table nor for any column, is imported into Access. This is rather unfortunate, because our data model is well-documented, and we would like to have this information available in Access as well.


I tried playing with various settings of the ODBC connection, but none of them had any effect on the table link. Is importing the comments possible at all?


All the best,
