Обсуждение: hashed crosstab


hashed crosstab

Joe Conway
Attached is an update to contrib/tablefunc. It implements a new hashed
version of crosstab. This fixes a major deficiency in real-world use of
the original version. Easiest to undestand with an illustration:

select * from cth;
  id | rowid |        rowdt        |   attribute    |      val
   1 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | temperature    | 42
   2 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | test_result    | PASS
   3 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | volts          | 2.6987
   4 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | temperature    | 53
   5 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_result    | FAIL
   6 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_startdate | 01 March 2003
   7 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | volts          | 3.1234
(7 rows)

Original crosstab:
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1,2',4)
AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate
text, volts text);
  rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
  test1 | 42          | PASS        | 2.6987         |
  test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
(2 rows)

Hashed crosstab:
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
AS c(rowid text, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate
timestamp, volts float8);
  rowid | temperature | test_result |   test_startdate    | volts
  test1 |          42 | PASS        |                     | 2.6987
  test2 |          53 | FAIL        | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | 3.1234
(2 rows)

Notice that the original crosstab slides data over to the left in the
result tuple when it encounters missing data. In order to work around
this you have to be make your source sql do all sorts of contortions
(cartesian join of distinct rowid with distinct attribute; left join
that back to the real source data). The new version avoids this by
building a hash table using a second distinct attribute query.

The new version also allows for "extra" columns (see the README) and
allows the result columns to be coerced into differing datatypes if they
are suitable (as shown above).

In testing a "real-world" data set (69 distinct rowid's, 27 distinct
categories/attributes, multiple missing data points) I saw about a
5-fold improvement in execution time (from about 2200 ms old, to 440 ms

I left the original version intact because: 1) BC, 2) it is probably
slightly faster if you know that you have no missing attributes.

README and regression test adjustments included. If there are no
objections, please apply.


Index: contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 README.tablefunc
*** contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
--- contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    3 Mar 2003 03:37:39 -0000
*** 333,338 ****
--- 333,457 ----

+ crosstab(text, text) - returns a set of row_name, extra, and
+                       category value columns
+ Synopsis
+ crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql)
+ Inputs
+   source_sql
+     A SQL statement which produces the source set of data. The SQL statement
+     must return one row_name column, one category column, and one value
+     column. It may also have one or more "extra" columns.
+     The row_name column must be first. The category and value columns
+     must be the last two columns, in that order. "extra" columns must be
+     columns 2 through (N - 2), where N is the total number of columns.
+     The "extra" columns are assumed to be the same for all rows with the
+     same row_name. The values returned are copied from the first row
+     with a given row_name and subsequent values of these columns are ignored
+     until row_name changes.
+     e.g. source_sql must produce a set something like:
+          SELECT row_name, extra_col, cat, value FROM foo;
+              row_name    extra_col   cat    value
+             ----------+------------+-----+---------
+               row1         extra1    cat1    val1
+               row1         extra1    cat2    val2
+               row1         extra1    cat4    val4
+               row2         extra2    cat1    val5
+               row2         extra2    cat2    val6
+               row2         extra2    cat3    val7
+               row2         extra2    cat4    val8
+   category_sql
+     A SQL statement which produces the distinct set of categories. The SQL
+     statement must return one category column only. category_sql must produce
+     at least one result row or an error will be generated. category_sql
+     must not produce duplicate categories or an error will be generated.
+     e.g. SELECT DISTINCT cat FROM foo;
+               cat
+             -------
+               cat1
+               cat2
+               cat3
+               cat4
+ Outputs
+   Returns setof record, which must be defined with a column definition
+   in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement, e.g.:
+     SELECT * FROM crosstab(source_sql, cat_sql)
+     AS ct(row_name text, extra text, cat1 text, cat2 text, cat3 text, cat4 text);
+     the example crosstab function produces a set something like:
+                       <== values  columns ==>
+            row_name   extra   cat1   cat2   cat3   cat4
+            ---------+-------+------+------+------+------
+              row1     extra1  val1   val2          val4
+              row2     extra2  val5   val6   val7   val8
+ Notes
+   1. source_sql must be ordered by row_name (column 1).
+   2. The number of values columns is determined at run-time. The
+      column definition provided in the FROM clause must provide for
+      the correct number of columns of the proper data types.
+   3. Missing values (i.e. not enough adjacent rows of same row_name to
+      fill the number of result values columns) are filled in with nulls.
+   4. Extra values (i.e. source rows with category not found in category_sql
+      result) are skipped.
+   5. Rows with a null row_name column are skipped.
+ Example usage
+ create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab
+ (
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1'
+ )
+ AS
+ (
+        rowid text,
+        rowdt timestamp,
+        temperature int4,
+        test_result text,
+        test_startdate timestamp,
+        volts float8
+ );
+  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
+ -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
+  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
+  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
+ (2 rows)
+ ==================================================================
+ Name
  connectby(text, text, text, text, int[, text]) - returns a set
      representing a hierarchy (tree structure)

Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -c -r1.11 tablefunc.c
*** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.11
--- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    3 Mar 2003 02:57:50 -0000
*** 39,44 ****
--- 39,49 ----

  #include "tablefunc.h"

+ static int load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
+ static Tuplestorestate *get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
+                                                 int num_categories,
+                                                 TupleDesc tupdesc,
+                                                 MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
  static void validateConnectbyTupleDesc(TupleDesc tupdesc, bool show_branch);
  static bool compatCrosstabTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
  static bool compatConnectbyTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
*** 95,100 ****
--- 100,166 ----
  /* sign, 10 digits, '\0' */
  #define INT32_STRLEN    12

+ /* hash table support */
+ static HTAB *crosstab_HashTable;
+ /* The information we cache about loaded procedures */
+ typedef struct crosstab_cat_desc
+ {
+     char       *catname;
+     int            attidx;    /* zero based */
+ }    crosstab_cat_desc;
+ #define MAX_CATNAME_LEN            NAMEDATALEN
+ #define INIT_CATS                64
+ #define crosstab_HashTableLookup(CATNAME, CATDESC) \
+ do { \
+     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
+     \
+     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
+     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
+     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
+                                          key, HASH_FIND, NULL); \
+     if (hentry) \
+         CATDESC = hentry->catdesc; \
+     else \
+         CATDESC = NULL; \
+ } while(0)
+ #define crosstab_HashTableInsert(CATDESC) \
+ do { \
+     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; bool found; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
+     \
+     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
+     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATDESC->catname); \
+     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
+                                          key, HASH_ENTER, &found); \
+     if (hentry == NULL) \
+         elog(ERROR, "out of memory in crosstab_HashTable"); \
+     if (found) \
+         elog(ERROR, "trying to use a category name more than once"); \
+     hentry->catdesc = CATDESC; \
+ } while(0)
+ #define crosstab_HashTableDelete(CATNAME) \
+ do { \
+     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
+     \
+     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
+     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
+     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
+                                          key, HASH_REMOVE, NULL); \
+     if (hentry == NULL) \
+         elog(WARNING, "trying to delete function name that does not exist."); \
+ } while(0)
+ /* hash table */
+ typedef struct crosstab_hashent
+ {
+     char                internal_catname[MAX_CATNAME_LEN];
+     crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
+ } crosstab_HashEnt;
   * normal_rand - return requested number of random values
   * with a Gaussian (Normal) distribution.
*** 593,598 ****
--- 659,999 ----

+  * crosstab_hash - reimplement crosstab as materialized function and
+  * properly deal with missing values (i.e. don't pack remaining
+  * values to the left)
+  *
+  * crosstab - create a crosstab of rowids and values columns from a
+  * SQL statement returning one rowid column, one category column,
+  * and one value column.
+  *
+  * e.g. given sql which produces:
+  *
+  *            rowid    cat        value
+  *            ------+-------+-------
+  *            row1    cat1    val1
+  *            row1    cat2    val2
+  *            row1    cat4    val4
+  *            row2    cat1    val5
+  *            row2    cat2    val6
+  *            row2    cat3    val7
+  *            row2    cat4    val8
+  *
+  * crosstab returns:
+  *                    <===== values columns =====>
+  *            rowid    cat1    cat2    cat3    cat4
+  *            ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
+  *            row1    val1    val2    null    val4
+  *            row2    val5    val6    val7    val8
+  *
+  * NOTES:
+  * 1. SQL result must be ordered by 1.
+  * 2. The number of values columns depends on the tuple description
+  *      of the function's declared return type.
+  * 2. Missing values (i.e. missing category) are filled in with nulls.
+  * 3. Extra values (i.e. not in category results) are skipped.
+  */
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(crosstab_hash);
+ Datum
+ crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+     char               *sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
+     char               *cats_sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
+     ReturnSetInfo       *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+     TupleDesc            tupdesc;
+     MemoryContext        per_query_ctx;
+     MemoryContext        oldcontext;
+     int                    num_categories;
+     /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
+     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
+         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: materialize mode required, but it is not "
+              "allowed in this context");
+     per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory;
+     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
+     /* get the requested return tuple description */
+     tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(rsinfo->expectedDesc);
+     /*
+      * Check to make sure we have a reasonable tuple descriptor
+      *
+      * Note we will attempt to coerce the values into whatever
+      * the return attribute type is and depend on the "in"
+      * function to complain if needed.
+      */
+     if (tupdesc->natts < 2)
+         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: query-specified return tuple and " \
+                     "crosstab function are not compatible");
+     /* load up the categories hash table */
+     num_categories = load_categories_hash(cats_sql, per_query_ctx);
+     /* let the caller know we're sending back a tuplestore */
+     rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize;
+     /* now go build it */
+     rsinfo->setResult = get_crosstab_tuplestore(sql,
+                                                 num_categories,
+                                                 tupdesc,
+                                                 per_query_ctx);
+     /*
+      * SFRM_Materialize mode expects us to return a NULL Datum. The actual
+      * tuples are in our tuplestore and passed back through
+      * rsinfo->setResult. rsinfo->setDesc is set to the tuple description
+      * that we actually used to build our tuples with, so the caller can
+      * verify we did what it was expecting.
+      */
+     rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc;
+     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+     return (Datum) 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * load up the categories hash table
+  */
+ static int
+ load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
+ {
+     HASHCTL            ctl;
+     int                ret;
+     int                proc;
+     MemoryContext    SPIcontext;
+     int                num_categories = 0;
+     /* initialize the category hash table */
+     ctl.keysize = MAX_CATNAME_LEN;
+     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(crosstab_HashEnt);
+     /*
+      * use INIT_CATS, defined above as a guess of how
+      * many hash table entries to create, initially
+      */
+     crosstab_HashTable = hash_create("crosstab hash", INIT_CATS, &ctl, HASH_ELEM);
+     /* Connect to SPI manager */
+     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
+         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
+     /* Retrieve the category name rows */
+     ret = SPI_exec(cats_sql, 0);
+     num_categories = proc = SPI_processed;
+     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
+     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
+     {
+         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
+         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
+         int                i;
+         /*
+          * The provided categories SQL query must always return one column:
+          * category - the label or identifier for each column
+          */
+         if (spi_tupdesc->natts != 1)
+             elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
+                         "return 1 column of at least one row");
+         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
+         {
+             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
+             char               *catname;
+             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
+             /* get the next sql result tuple */
+             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
+             /* get the category from the current sql result tuple */
+             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
+             SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
+             catdesc = (crosstab_cat_desc *) palloc(sizeof(crosstab_cat_desc));
+             catdesc->catname = catname;
+             catdesc->attidx = i;
+             /* Add the proc description block to the hashtable */
+             crosstab_HashTableInsert(catdesc);
+             MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
+         }
+     }
+     else
+     {
+         /* no qualifying tuples */
+         SPI_finish();
+         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
+                     "return 1 column of at least one row");
+     }
+     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
+         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_finish() failed");
+     return num_categories;
+ }
+ /*
+  * create and populate the crosstab tuplestore using the provided source query
+  */
+ static Tuplestorestate *
+ get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
+                         int num_categories,
+                         TupleDesc tupdesc,
+                         MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
+ {
+     Tuplestorestate       *tupstore;
+     AttInMetadata       *attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
+     char              **values;
+     HeapTuple            tuple;
+     int                    ret;
+     int                    proc;
+     MemoryContext        SPIcontext;
+     /* initialize our tuplestore */
+     tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, SortMem);
+     /* Connect to SPI manager */
+     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
+         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
+     /* Now retrieve the crosstab source rows */
+     ret = SPI_exec(sql, 0);
+     proc = SPI_processed;
+     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
+     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
+     {
+         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
+         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
+         int                ncols = spi_tupdesc->natts;
+         char           *rowid;
+         char           *lastrowid = NULL;
+         int                i, j;
+         int                result_ncols;
+         /*
+          * The provided SQL query must always return at least three columns:
+          *
+          * 1. rowname    the label for each row - column 1 in the final result
+          * 2. category  the label for each value-column in the final result
+          * 3. value        the values used to populate the value-columns
+          *
+          * If there are more than three columns, the last two are taken as
+          * "category" and "values". The first column is taken as "rowname".
+          * Additional columns (2 thru N-2) are assumed the same for the same
+          * "rowname", and are copied into the result tuple from the first
+          * time we encounter a particular rowname.
+          */
+         if (ncols < 3)
+             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: provided source SQL must " \
+                         "return at least 3 columns; a rowid, a category, " \
+                         "and a values column");
+         result_ncols = (ncols - 2) + num_categories;
+         /* Recheck to make sure we tuple descriptor still looks reasonable */
+         if (tupdesc->natts != result_ncols)
+             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: query-specified return " \
+                         "tuple has %d columns but crosstab returns %d",
+                          tupdesc->natts, result_ncols);
+         /* allocate space */
+         values = (char **) palloc(result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
+         /* and make sure it's clear */
+         memset(values, '\0', result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
+         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
+         {
+             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
+             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
+             char               *catname;
+             /* get the next sql result tuple */
+             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
+             /* get the rowid from the current sql result tuple */
+             rowid = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
+             /* if rowid is null, skip this tuple entirely */
+             if (rowid == NULL)
+                 continue;
+             /*
+              * if we're on a new output row, grab the column values up to
+              * column N-2 now
+              */
+             if ((lastrowid == NULL) || (strcmp(rowid, lastrowid) != 0))
+             {
+                 /*
+                  * a new row means we need to flush the old one first,
+                  * unless we're on the very first row
+                  */
+                 if (lastrowid != NULL)
+                 {
+                     /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
+                     SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
+                     /* rowid changed, flush the previous output row */
+                     tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
+                     tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
+                     for (j = 0; j < result_ncols; j++)
+                         xpfree(values[j]);
+                     /* now reset the context */
+                     MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
+                 }
+                 values[0] = rowid;
+                 for (j = 1; j < ncols - 2; j++)
+                     values[j] = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, j + 1);
+             }
+             /* look up the category and fill in the appropriate column */
+             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols - 1);
+             if (catname != NULL)
+             {
+                 crosstab_HashTableLookup(catname, catdesc);
+                 if (catdesc)
+                     values[catdesc->attidx + ncols - 2] =
+                         SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols);
+             }
+             xpfree(lastrowid);
+             lastrowid = pstrdup(rowid);
+         }
+         /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
+         SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
+         /* flush the last output row */
+         tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
+         tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
+         /* now reset the context */
+         MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+         /* no qualifying tuples */
+         SPI_finish();
+     }
+     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
+         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_finish() failed");
+     tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore);
+     return tupstore;
+ }
+ /*
   * connectby_text - produce a result set from a hierarchical (parent/child)
   * table.
*** 668,674 ****
      attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);

      /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
!     if (!rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize)
          elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
               "allowed in this context");

--- 1069,1075 ----
      attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);

      /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
!     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
          elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
               "allowed in this context");

Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4 tablefunc.h
*** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    4 Sep 2002 20:31:08 -0000    1.4
--- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    2 Mar 2003 22:32:15 -0000
*** 34,39 ****
--- 34,40 ----
  extern Datum normal_rand(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum crosstab(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ extern Datum crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum connectby_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);

  #endif   /* TABLEFUNC_H */
Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.sql.in
*** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    18 Oct 2002 18:41:21 -0000    1.5
--- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    2 Mar 2003 22:32:23 -0000
*** 52,57 ****
--- 52,62 ----
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab'

+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text,text)
+ RETURNS setof record
+ AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab_hash'
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,int,text)
  RETURNS setof record
  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','connectby_text'
Index: contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.out
*** contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
--- contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    3 Mar 2003 02:58:22 -0000
*** 123,128 ****
--- 123,201 ----
   test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8
  (2 rows)

+ --
+ -- hash based crosstab
+ --
+ create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
+ NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'cth_id_seq' for SERIAL column 'cth.id'
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
+ -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
+ -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
+ -- return attributes as plain text
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
+  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
+ -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
+  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
+  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
+ (2 rows)
+ -- this time without rowdt
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
+  rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
+ -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
+  test1 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
+  test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
+ (2 rows)
+ -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
+ -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
+  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
+  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
+ (2 rows)
+ -- source query and category query out of sync
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
+  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate
+ -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------
+  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |
+  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003
+ (2 rows)
+ -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+ ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
+ -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+ ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
+ --
+ -- connectby
+ --
  -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
  CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
  \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'
Index: contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql
RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 tablefunc.sql
*** contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.6
--- contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    3 Mar 2003 02:51:45 -0000
*** 38,43 ****
--- 38,98 ----
  SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 3) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text); 
  SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 4) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text, att4 text); 

+ --
+ -- hash based crosstab
+ --
+ create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
+ -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
+ -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
+ insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
+ -- return attributes as plain text
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
+ -- this time without rowdt
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
+ -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+ -- source query and category query out of sync
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
+ -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+ -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
+ SELECT * FROM crosstab(
+   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
+   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
+ AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
+ --
+ -- connectby
+ --
  -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
  CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
  \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'

Re: hashed crosstab

Bruce Momjian
Your patch has been added to the PostgreSQL unapplied patches list at:


I will try to apply it within the next 48 hours.


Joe Conway wrote:
> Attached is an update to contrib/tablefunc. It implements a new hashed
> version of crosstab. This fixes a major deficiency in real-world use of
> the original version. Easiest to undestand with an illustration:
> Data:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> select * from cth;
>   id | rowid |        rowdt        |   attribute    |      val
> ----+-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------
>    1 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | temperature    | 42
>    2 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | test_result    | PASS
>    3 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | volts          | 2.6987
>    4 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | temperature    | 53
>    5 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_result    | FAIL
>    6 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_startdate | 01 March 2003
>    7 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | volts          | 3.1234
> (7 rows)
> Original crosstab:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> SELECT * FROM crosstab(
>    'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1,2',4)
> AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate
> text, volts text);
>   rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
>   test1 | 42          | PASS        | 2.6987         |
>   test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> (2 rows)
> Hashed crosstab:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> SELECT * FROM crosstab(
>    'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
>    'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> AS c(rowid text, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate
> timestamp, volts float8);
>   rowid | temperature | test_result |   test_startdate    | volts
> -------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+--------
>   test1 |          42 | PASS        |                     | 2.6987
>   test2 |          53 | FAIL        | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | 3.1234
> (2 rows)
> Notice that the original crosstab slides data over to the left in the
> result tuple when it encounters missing data. In order to work around
> this you have to be make your source sql do all sorts of contortions
> (cartesian join of distinct rowid with distinct attribute; left join
> that back to the real source data). The new version avoids this by
> building a hash table using a second distinct attribute query.
> The new version also allows for "extra" columns (see the README) and
> allows the result columns to be coerced into differing datatypes if they
> are suitable (as shown above).
> In testing a "real-world" data set (69 distinct rowid's, 27 distinct
> categories/attributes, multiple missing data points) I saw about a
> 5-fold improvement in execution time (from about 2200 ms old, to 440 ms
> new).
> I left the original version intact because: 1) BC, 2) it is probably
> slightly faster if you know that you have no missing attributes.
> README and regression test adjustments included. If there are no
> objections, please apply.
> Thanks,
> Joe

> Index: contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 README.tablefunc
> *** contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    3 Mar 2003 03:37:39 -0000
> ***************
> *** 333,338 ****
> --- 333,457 ----
>   ==================================================================
>   Name
> + crosstab(text, text) - returns a set of row_name, extra, and
> +                       category value columns
> +
> + Synopsis
> +
> + crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql)
> +
> + Inputs
> +
> +   source_sql
> +
> +     A SQL statement which produces the source set of data. The SQL statement
> +     must return one row_name column, one category column, and one value
> +     column. It may also have one or more "extra" columns.
> +
> +     The row_name column must be first. The category and value columns
> +     must be the last two columns, in that order. "extra" columns must be
> +     columns 2 through (N - 2), where N is the total number of columns.
> +
> +     The "extra" columns are assumed to be the same for all rows with the
> +     same row_name. The values returned are copied from the first row
> +     with a given row_name and subsequent values of these columns are ignored
> +     until row_name changes.
> +
> +     e.g. source_sql must produce a set something like:
> +          SELECT row_name, extra_col, cat, value FROM foo;
> +
> +              row_name    extra_col   cat    value
> +             ----------+------------+-----+---------
> +               row1         extra1    cat1    val1
> +               row1         extra1    cat2    val2
> +               row1         extra1    cat4    val4
> +               row2         extra2    cat1    val5
> +               row2         extra2    cat2    val6
> +               row2         extra2    cat3    val7
> +               row2         extra2    cat4    val8
> +
> +   category_sql
> +
> +     A SQL statement which produces the distinct set of categories. The SQL
> +     statement must return one category column only. category_sql must produce
> +     at least one result row or an error will be generated. category_sql
> +     must not produce duplicate categories or an error will be generated.
> +
> +     e.g. SELECT DISTINCT cat FROM foo;
> +
> +               cat
> +             -------
> +               cat1
> +               cat2
> +               cat3
> +               cat4
> +
> + Outputs
> +
> +   Returns setof record, which must be defined with a column definition
> +   in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement, e.g.:
> +
> +     SELECT * FROM crosstab(source_sql, cat_sql)
> +     AS ct(row_name text, extra text, cat1 text, cat2 text, cat3 text, cat4 text);
> +
> +     the example crosstab function produces a set something like:
> +                       <== values  columns ==>
> +            row_name   extra   cat1   cat2   cat3   cat4
> +            ---------+-------+------+------+------+------
> +              row1     extra1  val1   val2          val4
> +              row2     extra2  val5   val6   val7   val8
> +
> + Notes
> +
> +   1. source_sql must be ordered by row_name (column 1).
> +
> +   2. The number of values columns is determined at run-time. The
> +      column definition provided in the FROM clause must provide for
> +      the correct number of columns of the proper data types.
> +
> +   3. Missing values (i.e. not enough adjacent rows of same row_name to
> +      fill the number of result values columns) are filled in with nulls.
> +
> +   4. Extra values (i.e. source rows with category not found in category_sql
> +      result) are skipped.
> +
> +   5. Rows with a null row_name column are skipped.
> +
> +
> + Example usage
> +
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> +
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab
> + (
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1'
> + )
> + AS
> + (
> +        rowid text,
> +        rowdt timestamp,
> +        temperature int4,
> +        test_result text,
> +        test_startdate timestamp,
> +        volts float8
> + );
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + ==================================================================
> + Name
> +
>   connectby(text, text, text, text, int[, text]) - returns a set
>       representing a hierarchy (tree structure)
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.11
> diff -c -r1.11 tablefunc.c
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.11
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    3 Mar 2003 02:57:50 -0000
> ***************
> *** 39,44 ****
> --- 39,49 ----
>   #include "tablefunc.h"
> + static int load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
> + static Tuplestorestate *get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
> +                                                 int num_categories,
> +                                                 TupleDesc tupdesc,
> +                                                 MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
>   static void validateConnectbyTupleDesc(TupleDesc tupdesc, bool show_branch);
>   static bool compatCrosstabTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
>   static bool compatConnectbyTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
> ***************
> *** 95,100 ****
> --- 100,166 ----
>   /* sign, 10 digits, '\0' */
>   #define INT32_STRLEN    12
> + /* hash table support */
> + static HTAB *crosstab_HashTable;
> +
> + /* The information we cache about loaded procedures */
> + typedef struct crosstab_cat_desc
> + {
> +     char       *catname;
> +     int            attidx;    /* zero based */
> + }    crosstab_cat_desc;
> +
> + #define MAX_CATNAME_LEN            NAMEDATALEN
> + #define INIT_CATS                64
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableLookup(CATNAME, CATDESC) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_FIND, NULL); \
> +     if (hentry) \
> +         CATDESC = hentry->catdesc; \
> +     else \
> +         CATDESC = NULL; \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableInsert(CATDESC) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; bool found; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATDESC->catname); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_ENTER, &found); \
> +     if (hentry == NULL) \
> +         elog(ERROR, "out of memory in crosstab_HashTable"); \
> +     if (found) \
> +         elog(ERROR, "trying to use a category name more than once"); \
> +     hentry->catdesc = CATDESC; \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableDelete(CATNAME) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_REMOVE, NULL); \
> +     if (hentry == NULL) \
> +         elog(WARNING, "trying to delete function name that does not exist."); \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + /* hash table */
> + typedef struct crosstab_hashent
> + {
> +     char                internal_catname[MAX_CATNAME_LEN];
> +     crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> + } crosstab_HashEnt;
> +
>   /*
>    * normal_rand - return requested number of random values
>    * with a Gaussian (Normal) distribution.
> ***************
> *** 593,598 ****
> --- 659,999 ----
>   }
>   /*
> +  * crosstab_hash - reimplement crosstab as materialized function and
> +  * properly deal with missing values (i.e. don't pack remaining
> +  * values to the left)
> +  *
> +  * crosstab - create a crosstab of rowids and values columns from a
> +  * SQL statement returning one rowid column, one category column,
> +  * and one value column.
> +  *
> +  * e.g. given sql which produces:
> +  *
> +  *            rowid    cat        value
> +  *            ------+-------+-------
> +  *            row1    cat1    val1
> +  *            row1    cat2    val2
> +  *            row1    cat4    val4
> +  *            row2    cat1    val5
> +  *            row2    cat2    val6
> +  *            row2    cat3    val7
> +  *            row2    cat4    val8
> +  *
> +  * crosstab returns:
> +  *                    <===== values columns =====>
> +  *            rowid    cat1    cat2    cat3    cat4
> +  *            ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
> +  *            row1    val1    val2    null    val4
> +  *            row2    val5    val6    val7    val8
> +  *
> +  * NOTES:
> +  * 1. SQL result must be ordered by 1.
> +  * 2. The number of values columns depends on the tuple description
> +  *      of the function's declared return type.
> +  * 2. Missing values (i.e. missing category) are filled in with nulls.
> +  * 3. Extra values (i.e. not in category results) are skipped.
> +  */
> + PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(crosstab_hash);
> + Datum
> + crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {
> +     char               *sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
> +     char               *cats_sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
> +     ReturnSetInfo       *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
> +     TupleDesc            tupdesc;
> +     MemoryContext        per_query_ctx;
> +     MemoryContext        oldcontext;
> +     int                    num_categories;
> +
> +     /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> +     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
> +         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: materialize mode required, but it is not "
> +              "allowed in this context");
> +
> +     per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory;
> +     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /* get the requested return tuple description */
> +     tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(rsinfo->expectedDesc);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Check to make sure we have a reasonable tuple descriptor
> +      *
> +      * Note we will attempt to coerce the values into whatever
> +      * the return attribute type is and depend on the "in"
> +      * function to complain if needed.
> +      */
> +     if (tupdesc->natts < 2)
> +         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: query-specified return tuple and " \
> +                     "crosstab function are not compatible");
> +
> +     /* load up the categories hash table */
> +     num_categories = load_categories_hash(cats_sql, per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /* let the caller know we're sending back a tuplestore */
> +     rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize;
> +
> +     /* now go build it */
> +     rsinfo->setResult = get_crosstab_tuplestore(sql,
> +                                                 num_categories,
> +                                                 tupdesc,
> +                                                 per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * SFRM_Materialize mode expects us to return a NULL Datum. The actual
> +      * tuples are in our tuplestore and passed back through
> +      * rsinfo->setResult. rsinfo->setDesc is set to the tuple description
> +      * that we actually used to build our tuples with, so the caller can
> +      * verify we did what it was expecting.
> +      */
> +     rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc;
> +     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
> +
> +     return (Datum) 0;
> + }
> +
> + /*
> +  * load up the categories hash table
> +  */
> + static int
> + load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
> + {
> +     HASHCTL            ctl;
> +     int                ret;
> +     int                proc;
> +     MemoryContext    SPIcontext;
> +     int                num_categories = 0;
> +
> +     /* initialize the category hash table */
> +     ctl.keysize = MAX_CATNAME_LEN;
> +     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(crosstab_HashEnt);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * use INIT_CATS, defined above as a guess of how
> +      * many hash table entries to create, initially
> +      */
> +     crosstab_HashTable = hash_create("crosstab hash", INIT_CATS, &ctl, HASH_ELEM);
> +
> +     /* Connect to SPI manager */
> +     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
> +
> +     /* Retrieve the category name rows */
> +     ret = SPI_exec(cats_sql, 0);
> +     num_categories = proc = SPI_processed;
> +
> +     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
> +     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
> +     {
> +         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
> +         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
> +         int                i;
> +
> +         /*
> +          * The provided categories SQL query must always return one column:
> +          * category - the label or identifier for each column
> +          */
> +         if (spi_tupdesc->natts != 1)
> +             elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
> +                         "return 1 column of at least one row");
> +
> +         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
> +         {
> +             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> +             char               *catname;
> +             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
> +
> +             /* get the next sql result tuple */
> +             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
> +
> +             /* get the category from the current sql result tuple */
> +             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
> +
> +             SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +             catdesc = (crosstab_cat_desc *) palloc(sizeof(crosstab_cat_desc));
> +             catdesc->catname = catname;
> +             catdesc->attidx = i;
> +
> +             /* Add the proc description block to the hashtable */
> +             crosstab_HashTableInsert(catdesc);
> +
> +             MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +         }
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         /* no qualifying tuples */
> +         SPI_finish();
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
> +                     "return 1 column of at least one row");
> +     }
> +
> +     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_finish() failed");
> +
> +     return num_categories;
> + }
> +
> + /*
> +  * create and populate the crosstab tuplestore using the provided source query
> +  */
> + static Tuplestorestate *
> + get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
> +                         int num_categories,
> +                         TupleDesc tupdesc,
> +                         MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
> + {
> +     Tuplestorestate       *tupstore;
> +     AttInMetadata       *attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
> +     char              **values;
> +     HeapTuple            tuple;
> +     int                    ret;
> +     int                    proc;
> +     MemoryContext        SPIcontext;
> +
> +     /* initialize our tuplestore */
> +     tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, SortMem);
> +
> +     /* Connect to SPI manager */
> +     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
> +         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
> +
> +     /* Now retrieve the crosstab source rows */
> +     ret = SPI_exec(sql, 0);
> +     proc = SPI_processed;
> +
> +     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
> +     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
> +     {
> +         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
> +         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
> +         int                ncols = spi_tupdesc->natts;
> +         char           *rowid;
> +         char           *lastrowid = NULL;
> +         int                i, j;
> +         int                result_ncols;
> +
> +         /*
> +          * The provided SQL query must always return at least three columns:
> +          *
> +          * 1. rowname    the label for each row - column 1 in the final result
> +          * 2. category  the label for each value-column in the final result
> +          * 3. value        the values used to populate the value-columns
> +          *
> +          * If there are more than three columns, the last two are taken as
> +          * "category" and "values". The first column is taken as "rowname".
> +          * Additional columns (2 thru N-2) are assumed the same for the same
> +          * "rowname", and are copied into the result tuple from the first
> +          * time we encounter a particular rowname.
> +          */
> +         if (ncols < 3)
> +             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: provided source SQL must " \
> +                         "return at least 3 columns; a rowid, a category, " \
> +                         "and a values column");
> +
> +         result_ncols = (ncols - 2) + num_categories;
> +
> +         /* Recheck to make sure we tuple descriptor still looks reasonable */
> +         if (tupdesc->natts != result_ncols)
> +             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: query-specified return " \
> +                         "tuple has %d columns but crosstab returns %d",
> +                          tupdesc->natts, result_ncols);
> +
> +         /* allocate space */
> +         values = (char **) palloc(result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
> +
> +         /* and make sure it's clear */
> +         memset(values, '\0', result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
> +
> +         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
> +         {
> +             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
> +             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> +             char               *catname;
> +
> +             /* get the next sql result tuple */
> +             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
> +
> +             /* get the rowid from the current sql result tuple */
> +             rowid = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
> +
> +             /* if rowid is null, skip this tuple entirely */
> +             if (rowid == NULL)
> +                 continue;
> +
> +             /*
> +              * if we're on a new output row, grab the column values up to
> +              * column N-2 now
> +              */
> +             if ((lastrowid == NULL) || (strcmp(rowid, lastrowid) != 0))
> +             {
> +                 /*
> +                  * a new row means we need to flush the old one first,
> +                  * unless we're on the very first row
> +                  */
> +                 if (lastrowid != NULL)
> +                 {
> +                     /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
> +                     SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +                     /* rowid changed, flush the previous output row */
> +                     tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
> +                     tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
> +                     for (j = 0; j < result_ncols; j++)
> +                         xpfree(values[j]);
> +
> +                     /* now reset the context */
> +                     MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +                 }
> +
> +                 values[0] = rowid;
> +                 for (j = 1; j < ncols - 2; j++)
> +                     values[j] = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, j + 1);
> +             }
> +
> +             /* look up the category and fill in the appropriate column */
> +             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols - 1);
> +
> +             if (catname != NULL)
> +             {
> +                 crosstab_HashTableLookup(catname, catdesc);
> +
> +                 if (catdesc)
> +                     values[catdesc->attidx + ncols - 2] =
> +                         SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols);
> +             }
> +
> +             xpfree(lastrowid);
> +             lastrowid = pstrdup(rowid);
> +         }
> +
> +         /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
> +         SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +         /* flush the last output row */
> +         tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
> +         tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
> +
> +         /* now reset the context */
> +         MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         /* no qualifying tuples */
> +         SPI_finish();
> +     }
> +
> +     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
> +         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_finish() failed");
> +
> +     tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore);
> +
> +     return tupstore;
> + }
> +
> + /*
>    * connectby_text - produce a result set from a hierarchical (parent/child)
>    * table.
>    *
> ***************
> *** 668,674 ****
>       attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
>       /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> !     if (!rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize)
>           elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
>                "allowed in this context");
> --- 1069,1075 ----
>       attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
>       /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> !     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
>           elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
>                "allowed in this context");
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h,v
> retrieving revision 1.4
> diff -c -r1.4 tablefunc.h
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    4 Sep 2002 20:31:08 -0000    1.4
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    2 Mar 2003 22:32:15 -0000
> ***************
> *** 34,39 ****
> --- 34,40 ----
>    */
>   extern Datum normal_rand(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   extern Datum crosstab(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
> + extern Datum crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   extern Datum connectby_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   #endif   /* TABLEFUNC_H */
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.sql.in
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    18 Oct 2002 18:41:21 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    2 Mar 2003 22:32:23 -0000
> ***************
> *** 52,57 ****
> --- 52,62 ----
>   AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab'
> + CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text,text)
> + RETURNS setof record
> + AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab_hash'
> +
>   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,int,text)
>   RETURNS setof record
>   AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','connectby_text'
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.out
> *** contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    3 Mar 2003 02:58:22 -0000
> ***************
> *** 123,128 ****
> --- 123,201 ----
>    test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8
>   (2 rows)
> + --
> + -- hash based crosstab
> + --
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'cth_id_seq' for SERIAL column 'cth.id'
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
> + -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> + -- return attributes as plain text
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- this time without rowdt
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +  rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> + -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
> +  test1 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
> +  test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- source query and category query out of sync
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> + ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
> + -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> + ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
> + --
> + -- connectby
> + --
>   -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
>   CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
>   \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql,v
> retrieving revision 1.6
> diff -c -r1.6 tablefunc.sql
> *** contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.6
> --- contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    3 Mar 2003 02:51:45 -0000
> ***************
> *** 38,43 ****
> --- 38,98 ----
>   SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 3) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text); 
>   SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 4) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text, att4 text); 
> + --
> + -- hash based crosstab
> + --
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
> + -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> +
> + -- return attributes as plain text
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +
> + -- this time without rowdt
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +
> + -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> + -- source query and category query out of sync
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
> +
> + -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> + -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> +
> + --
> + -- connectby
> + --
> +
>   -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
>   CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
>   \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: hashed crosstab

Bruce Momjian
Patch applied.  Thanks.


Joe Conway wrote:
> Attached is an update to contrib/tablefunc. It implements a new hashed
> version of crosstab. This fixes a major deficiency in real-world use of
> the original version. Easiest to undestand with an illustration:
> Data:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> select * from cth;
>   id | rowid |        rowdt        |   attribute    |      val
> ----+-------+---------------------+----------------+---------------
>    1 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | temperature    | 42
>    2 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | test_result    | PASS
>    3 | test1 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | volts          | 2.6987
>    4 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | temperature    | 53
>    5 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_result    | FAIL
>    6 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | test_startdate | 01 March 2003
>    7 | test2 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 | volts          | 3.1234
> (7 rows)
> Original crosstab:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> SELECT * FROM crosstab(
>    'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1,2',4)
> AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate
> text, volts text);
>   rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
>   test1 | 42          | PASS        | 2.6987         |
>   test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> (2 rows)
> Hashed crosstab:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> SELECT * FROM crosstab(
>    'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
>    'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> AS c(rowid text, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate
> timestamp, volts float8);
>   rowid | temperature | test_result |   test_startdate    | volts
> -------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+--------
>   test1 |          42 | PASS        |                     | 2.6987
>   test2 |          53 | FAIL        | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | 3.1234
> (2 rows)
> Notice that the original crosstab slides data over to the left in the
> result tuple when it encounters missing data. In order to work around
> this you have to be make your source sql do all sorts of contortions
> (cartesian join of distinct rowid with distinct attribute; left join
> that back to the real source data). The new version avoids this by
> building a hash table using a second distinct attribute query.
> The new version also allows for "extra" columns (see the README) and
> allows the result columns to be coerced into differing datatypes if they
> are suitable (as shown above).
> In testing a "real-world" data set (69 distinct rowid's, 27 distinct
> categories/attributes, multiple missing data points) I saw about a
> 5-fold improvement in execution time (from about 2200 ms old, to 440 ms
> new).
> I left the original version intact because: 1) BC, 2) it is probably
> slightly faster if you know that you have no missing attributes.
> README and regression test adjustments included. If there are no
> objections, please apply.
> Thanks,
> Joe

> Index: contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 README.tablefunc
> *** contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/README.tablefunc    3 Mar 2003 03:37:39 -0000
> ***************
> *** 333,338 ****
> --- 333,457 ----
>   ==================================================================
>   Name
> + crosstab(text, text) - returns a set of row_name, extra, and
> +                       category value columns
> +
> + Synopsis
> +
> + crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql)
> +
> + Inputs
> +
> +   source_sql
> +
> +     A SQL statement which produces the source set of data. The SQL statement
> +     must return one row_name column, one category column, and one value
> +     column. It may also have one or more "extra" columns.
> +
> +     The row_name column must be first. The category and value columns
> +     must be the last two columns, in that order. "extra" columns must be
> +     columns 2 through (N - 2), where N is the total number of columns.
> +
> +     The "extra" columns are assumed to be the same for all rows with the
> +     same row_name. The values returned are copied from the first row
> +     with a given row_name and subsequent values of these columns are ignored
> +     until row_name changes.
> +
> +     e.g. source_sql must produce a set something like:
> +          SELECT row_name, extra_col, cat, value FROM foo;
> +
> +              row_name    extra_col   cat    value
> +             ----------+------------+-----+---------
> +               row1         extra1    cat1    val1
> +               row1         extra1    cat2    val2
> +               row1         extra1    cat4    val4
> +               row2         extra2    cat1    val5
> +               row2         extra2    cat2    val6
> +               row2         extra2    cat3    val7
> +               row2         extra2    cat4    val8
> +
> +   category_sql
> +
> +     A SQL statement which produces the distinct set of categories. The SQL
> +     statement must return one category column only. category_sql must produce
> +     at least one result row or an error will be generated. category_sql
> +     must not produce duplicate categories or an error will be generated.
> +
> +     e.g. SELECT DISTINCT cat FROM foo;
> +
> +               cat
> +             -------
> +               cat1
> +               cat2
> +               cat3
> +               cat4
> +
> + Outputs
> +
> +   Returns setof record, which must be defined with a column definition
> +   in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement, e.g.:
> +
> +     SELECT * FROM crosstab(source_sql, cat_sql)
> +     AS ct(row_name text, extra text, cat1 text, cat2 text, cat3 text, cat4 text);
> +
> +     the example crosstab function produces a set something like:
> +                       <== values  columns ==>
> +            row_name   extra   cat1   cat2   cat3   cat4
> +            ---------+-------+------+------+------+------
> +              row1     extra1  val1   val2          val4
> +              row2     extra2  val5   val6   val7   val8
> +
> + Notes
> +
> +   1. source_sql must be ordered by row_name (column 1).
> +
> +   2. The number of values columns is determined at run-time. The
> +      column definition provided in the FROM clause must provide for
> +      the correct number of columns of the proper data types.
> +
> +   3. Missing values (i.e. not enough adjacent rows of same row_name to
> +      fill the number of result values columns) are filled in with nulls.
> +
> +   4. Extra values (i.e. source rows with category not found in category_sql
> +      result) are skipped.
> +
> +   5. Rows with a null row_name column are skipped.
> +
> +
> + Example usage
> +
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> +
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab
> + (
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1'
> + )
> + AS
> + (
> +        rowid text,
> +        rowdt timestamp,
> +        temperature int4,
> +        test_result text,
> +        test_startdate timestamp,
> +        volts float8
> + );
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + ==================================================================
> + Name
> +
>   connectby(text, text, text, text, int[, text]) - returns a set
>       representing a hierarchy (tree structure)
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.11
> diff -c -r1.11 tablefunc.c
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.11
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.c    3 Mar 2003 02:57:50 -0000
> ***************
> *** 39,44 ****
> --- 39,49 ----
>   #include "tablefunc.h"
> + static int load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
> + static Tuplestorestate *get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
> +                                                 int num_categories,
> +                                                 TupleDesc tupdesc,
> +                                                 MemoryContext per_query_ctx);
>   static void validateConnectbyTupleDesc(TupleDesc tupdesc, bool show_branch);
>   static bool compatCrosstabTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
>   static bool compatConnectbyTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2);
> ***************
> *** 95,100 ****
> --- 100,166 ----
>   /* sign, 10 digits, '\0' */
>   #define INT32_STRLEN    12
> + /* hash table support */
> + static HTAB *crosstab_HashTable;
> +
> + /* The information we cache about loaded procedures */
> + typedef struct crosstab_cat_desc
> + {
> +     char       *catname;
> +     int            attidx;    /* zero based */
> + }    crosstab_cat_desc;
> +
> + #define MAX_CATNAME_LEN            NAMEDATALEN
> + #define INIT_CATS                64
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableLookup(CATNAME, CATDESC) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_FIND, NULL); \
> +     if (hentry) \
> +         CATDESC = hentry->catdesc; \
> +     else \
> +         CATDESC = NULL; \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableInsert(CATDESC) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; bool found; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATDESC->catname); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_ENTER, &found); \
> +     if (hentry == NULL) \
> +         elog(ERROR, "out of memory in crosstab_HashTable"); \
> +     if (found) \
> +         elog(ERROR, "trying to use a category name more than once"); \
> +     hentry->catdesc = CATDESC; \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + #define crosstab_HashTableDelete(CATNAME) \
> + do { \
> +     crosstab_HashEnt *hentry; char key[MAX_CATNAME_LEN]; \
> +     \
> +     MemSet(key, 0, MAX_CATNAME_LEN); \
> +     snprintf(key, MAX_CATNAME_LEN - 1, "%s", CATNAME); \
> +     hentry = (crosstab_HashEnt*) hash_search(crosstab_HashTable, \
> +                                          key, HASH_REMOVE, NULL); \
> +     if (hentry == NULL) \
> +         elog(WARNING, "trying to delete function name that does not exist."); \
> + } while(0)
> +
> + /* hash table */
> + typedef struct crosstab_hashent
> + {
> +     char                internal_catname[MAX_CATNAME_LEN];
> +     crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> + } crosstab_HashEnt;
> +
>   /*
>    * normal_rand - return requested number of random values
>    * with a Gaussian (Normal) distribution.
> ***************
> *** 593,598 ****
> --- 659,999 ----
>   }
>   /*
> +  * crosstab_hash - reimplement crosstab as materialized function and
> +  * properly deal with missing values (i.e. don't pack remaining
> +  * values to the left)
> +  *
> +  * crosstab - create a crosstab of rowids and values columns from a
> +  * SQL statement returning one rowid column, one category column,
> +  * and one value column.
> +  *
> +  * e.g. given sql which produces:
> +  *
> +  *            rowid    cat        value
> +  *            ------+-------+-------
> +  *            row1    cat1    val1
> +  *            row1    cat2    val2
> +  *            row1    cat4    val4
> +  *            row2    cat1    val5
> +  *            row2    cat2    val6
> +  *            row2    cat3    val7
> +  *            row2    cat4    val8
> +  *
> +  * crosstab returns:
> +  *                    <===== values columns =====>
> +  *            rowid    cat1    cat2    cat3    cat4
> +  *            ------+-------+-------+-------+-------
> +  *            row1    val1    val2    null    val4
> +  *            row2    val5    val6    val7    val8
> +  *
> +  * NOTES:
> +  * 1. SQL result must be ordered by 1.
> +  * 2. The number of values columns depends on the tuple description
> +  *      of the function's declared return type.
> +  * 2. Missing values (i.e. missing category) are filled in with nulls.
> +  * 3. Extra values (i.e. not in category results) are skipped.
> +  */
> + PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(crosstab_hash);
> + Datum
> + crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {
> +     char               *sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
> +     char               *cats_sql = GET_STR(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
> +     ReturnSetInfo       *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
> +     TupleDesc            tupdesc;
> +     MemoryContext        per_query_ctx;
> +     MemoryContext        oldcontext;
> +     int                    num_categories;
> +
> +     /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> +     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
> +         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: materialize mode required, but it is not "
> +              "allowed in this context");
> +
> +     per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory;
> +     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /* get the requested return tuple description */
> +     tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopy(rsinfo->expectedDesc);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Check to make sure we have a reasonable tuple descriptor
> +      *
> +      * Note we will attempt to coerce the values into whatever
> +      * the return attribute type is and depend on the "in"
> +      * function to complain if needed.
> +      */
> +     if (tupdesc->natts < 2)
> +         elog(ERROR, "crosstab: query-specified return tuple and " \
> +                     "crosstab function are not compatible");
> +
> +     /* load up the categories hash table */
> +     num_categories = load_categories_hash(cats_sql, per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /* let the caller know we're sending back a tuplestore */
> +     rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize;
> +
> +     /* now go build it */
> +     rsinfo->setResult = get_crosstab_tuplestore(sql,
> +                                                 num_categories,
> +                                                 tupdesc,
> +                                                 per_query_ctx);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * SFRM_Materialize mode expects us to return a NULL Datum. The actual
> +      * tuples are in our tuplestore and passed back through
> +      * rsinfo->setResult. rsinfo->setDesc is set to the tuple description
> +      * that we actually used to build our tuples with, so the caller can
> +      * verify we did what it was expecting.
> +      */
> +     rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc;
> +     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
> +
> +     return (Datum) 0;
> + }
> +
> + /*
> +  * load up the categories hash table
> +  */
> + static int
> + load_categories_hash(char *cats_sql, MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
> + {
> +     HASHCTL            ctl;
> +     int                ret;
> +     int                proc;
> +     MemoryContext    SPIcontext;
> +     int                num_categories = 0;
> +
> +     /* initialize the category hash table */
> +     ctl.keysize = MAX_CATNAME_LEN;
> +     ctl.entrysize = sizeof(crosstab_HashEnt);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * use INIT_CATS, defined above as a guess of how
> +      * many hash table entries to create, initially
> +      */
> +     crosstab_HashTable = hash_create("crosstab hash", INIT_CATS, &ctl, HASH_ELEM);
> +
> +     /* Connect to SPI manager */
> +     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
> +
> +     /* Retrieve the category name rows */
> +     ret = SPI_exec(cats_sql, 0);
> +     num_categories = proc = SPI_processed;
> +
> +     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
> +     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
> +     {
> +         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
> +         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
> +         int                i;
> +
> +         /*
> +          * The provided categories SQL query must always return one column:
> +          * category - the label or identifier for each column
> +          */
> +         if (spi_tupdesc->natts != 1)
> +             elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
> +                         "return 1 column of at least one row");
> +
> +         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
> +         {
> +             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> +             char               *catname;
> +             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
> +
> +             /* get the next sql result tuple */
> +             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
> +
> +             /* get the category from the current sql result tuple */
> +             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
> +
> +             SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +             catdesc = (crosstab_cat_desc *) palloc(sizeof(crosstab_cat_desc));
> +             catdesc->catname = catname;
> +             catdesc->attidx = i;
> +
> +             /* Add the proc description block to the hashtable */
> +             crosstab_HashTableInsert(catdesc);
> +
> +             MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +         }
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         /* no qualifying tuples */
> +         SPI_finish();
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must " \
> +                     "return 1 column of at least one row");
> +     }
> +
> +     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
> +         elog(ERROR, "load_categories_hash: SPI_finish() failed");
> +
> +     return num_categories;
> + }
> +
> + /*
> +  * create and populate the crosstab tuplestore using the provided source query
> +  */
> + static Tuplestorestate *
> + get_crosstab_tuplestore(char *sql,
> +                         int num_categories,
> +                         TupleDesc tupdesc,
> +                         MemoryContext per_query_ctx)
> + {
> +     Tuplestorestate       *tupstore;
> +     AttInMetadata       *attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
> +     char              **values;
> +     HeapTuple            tuple;
> +     int                    ret;
> +     int                    proc;
> +     MemoryContext        SPIcontext;
> +
> +     /* initialize our tuplestore */
> +     tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, SortMem);
> +
> +     /* Connect to SPI manager */
> +     if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
> +         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
> +
> +     /* Now retrieve the crosstab source rows */
> +     ret = SPI_exec(sql, 0);
> +     proc = SPI_processed;
> +
> +     /* Check for qualifying tuples */
> +     if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (proc > 0))
> +     {
> +         SPITupleTable  *spi_tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
> +         TupleDesc        spi_tupdesc = spi_tuptable->tupdesc;
> +         int                ncols = spi_tupdesc->natts;
> +         char           *rowid;
> +         char           *lastrowid = NULL;
> +         int                i, j;
> +         int                result_ncols;
> +
> +         /*
> +          * The provided SQL query must always return at least three columns:
> +          *
> +          * 1. rowname    the label for each row - column 1 in the final result
> +          * 2. category  the label for each value-column in the final result
> +          * 3. value        the values used to populate the value-columns
> +          *
> +          * If there are more than three columns, the last two are taken as
> +          * "category" and "values". The first column is taken as "rowname".
> +          * Additional columns (2 thru N-2) are assumed the same for the same
> +          * "rowname", and are copied into the result tuple from the first
> +          * time we encounter a particular rowname.
> +          */
> +         if (ncols < 3)
> +             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: provided source SQL must " \
> +                         "return at least 3 columns; a rowid, a category, " \
> +                         "and a values column");
> +
> +         result_ncols = (ncols - 2) + num_categories;
> +
> +         /* Recheck to make sure we tuple descriptor still looks reasonable */
> +         if (tupdesc->natts != result_ncols)
> +             elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: query-specified return " \
> +                         "tuple has %d columns but crosstab returns %d",
> +                          tupdesc->natts, result_ncols);
> +
> +         /* allocate space */
> +         values = (char **) palloc(result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
> +
> +         /* and make sure it's clear */
> +         memset(values, '\0', result_ncols * sizeof(char *));
> +
> +         for (i = 0; i < proc; i++)
> +         {
> +             HeapTuple            spi_tuple;
> +             crosstab_cat_desc  *catdesc;
> +             char               *catname;
> +
> +             /* get the next sql result tuple */
> +             spi_tuple = spi_tuptable->vals[i];
> +
> +             /* get the rowid from the current sql result tuple */
> +             rowid = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, 1);
> +
> +             /* if rowid is null, skip this tuple entirely */
> +             if (rowid == NULL)
> +                 continue;
> +
> +             /*
> +              * if we're on a new output row, grab the column values up to
> +              * column N-2 now
> +              */
> +             if ((lastrowid == NULL) || (strcmp(rowid, lastrowid) != 0))
> +             {
> +                 /*
> +                  * a new row means we need to flush the old one first,
> +                  * unless we're on the very first row
> +                  */
> +                 if (lastrowid != NULL)
> +                 {
> +                     /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
> +                     SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +                     /* rowid changed, flush the previous output row */
> +                     tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
> +                     tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
> +                     for (j = 0; j < result_ncols; j++)
> +                         xpfree(values[j]);
> +
> +                     /* now reset the context */
> +                     MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +                 }
> +
> +                 values[0] = rowid;
> +                 for (j = 1; j < ncols - 2; j++)
> +                     values[j] = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, j + 1);
> +             }
> +
> +             /* look up the category and fill in the appropriate column */
> +             catname = SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols - 1);
> +
> +             if (catname != NULL)
> +             {
> +                 crosstab_HashTableLookup(catname, catdesc);
> +
> +                 if (catdesc)
> +                     values[catdesc->attidx + ncols - 2] =
> +                         SPI_getvalue(spi_tuple, spi_tupdesc, ncols);
> +             }
> +
> +             xpfree(lastrowid);
> +             lastrowid = pstrdup(rowid);
> +         }
> +
> +         /* switch to appropriate context while storing the tuple */
> +         SPIcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx);
> +
> +         /* flush the last output row */
> +         tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(attinmeta, values);
> +         tuplestore_puttuple(tupstore, tuple);
> +
> +         /* now reset the context */
> +         MemoryContextSwitchTo(SPIcontext);
> +
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         /* no qualifying tuples */
> +         SPI_finish();
> +     }
> +
> +     if (SPI_finish() != SPI_OK_FINISH)
> +         elog(ERROR, "get_crosstab_tuplestore: SPI_finish() failed");
> +
> +     tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore);
> +
> +     return tupstore;
> + }
> +
> + /*
>    * connectby_text - produce a result set from a hierarchical (parent/child)
>    * table.
>    *
> ***************
> *** 668,674 ****
>       attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
>       /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> !     if (!rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize)
>           elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
>                "allowed in this context");
> --- 1069,1075 ----
>       attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
>       /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */
> !     if (!rsinfo || !(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize))
>           elog(ERROR, "connectby requires Materialize mode, but it is not "
>                "allowed in this context");
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h,v
> retrieving revision 1.4
> diff -c -r1.4 tablefunc.h
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    4 Sep 2002 20:31:08 -0000    1.4
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.h    2 Mar 2003 22:32:15 -0000
> ***************
> *** 34,39 ****
> --- 34,40 ----
>    */
>   extern Datum normal_rand(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   extern Datum crosstab(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
> + extern Datum crosstab_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   extern Datum connectby_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
>   #endif   /* TABLEFUNC_H */
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.sql.in
> *** contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    18 Oct 2002 18:41:21 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc.sql.in    2 Mar 2003 22:32:23 -0000
> ***************
> *** 52,57 ****
> --- 52,62 ----
>   AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab'
> + CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text,text)
> + RETURNS setof record
> + AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','crosstab_hash'
> +
>   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,int,text)
>   RETURNS setof record
>   AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','connectby_text'
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out,v
> retrieving revision 1.5
> diff -c -r1.5 tablefunc.out
> *** contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.5
> --- contrib/tablefunc/expected/tablefunc.out    3 Mar 2003 02:58:22 -0000
> ***************
> *** 123,128 ****
> --- 123,201 ----
>    test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8
>   (2 rows)
> + --
> + -- hash based crosstab
> + --
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence 'cth_id_seq' for SERIAL column 'cth.id'
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
> + -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> + -- return attributes as plain text
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- this time without rowdt
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +  rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts
> + -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+--------
> +  test1 | 42          | PASS        |                | 2.6987
> +  test2 | 53          | FAIL        | 01 March 2003  | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate      | volts
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+--------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |                          | 2.6987
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- source query and category query out of sync
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
> +  rowid |          rowdt           | temperature | test_result |      test_startdate
> + -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------
> +  test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 |          42 | PASS        |
> +  test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 |          53 | FAIL        | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003
> + (2 rows)
> +
> + -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> + ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
> + -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> + ERROR:  load_categories_hash: provided categories SQL must return 1 column of at least one row
> + --
> + -- connectby
> + --
>   -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
>   CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
>   \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'
> Index: contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /opt/src/cvs/pgsql-server/contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql,v
> retrieving revision 1.6
> diff -c -r1.6 tablefunc.sql
> *** contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    23 Nov 2002 01:54:09 -0000    1.6
> --- contrib/tablefunc/sql/tablefunc.sql    3 Mar 2003 02:51:45 -0000
> ***************
> *** 38,43 ****
> --- 38,98 ----
>   SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 3) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text); 
>   SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 4) AS
c(rowidtext, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text, att4 text); 
> + --
> + -- hash based crosstab
> + --
> + create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text);
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS');
> + -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute
> + -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003');
> + insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234');
> +
> + -- return attributes as plain text
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +
> + -- this time without rowdt
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text);
> +
> + -- convert attributes to specific datatypes
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> + -- source query and category query out of sync
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp);
> +
> + -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> + -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error
> + SELECT * FROM crosstab(
> +   'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1',
> +   'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2')
> + AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8);
> +
> +
> + --
> + -- connectby
> + --
> +
>   -- test connectby with text based hierarchy
>   CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text);
>   \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data'

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073