Обсуждение: Tuple sampling


Tuple sampling

Manfred Koizar
This patch implements the new tuple sampling method as discussed on
-hackers and -performance a few weeks ago.

"Large DB" -hackers 2004-04-02
"query slows down with more accurate stats" -perform 2004-04-13
"Tuple sampling" -hackers 2004-04-19

diff -rcN ../base/src/backend/commands/analyze.c src/backend/commands/analyze.c
*** ../base/src/backend/commands/analyze.c    Sun May  9 12:05:51 2004
--- src/backend/commands/analyze.c    Sun May  9 19:33:27 2004
*** 38,43 ****
--- 38,66 ----
  #include "utils/syscache.h"
  #include "utils/tuplesort.h"

+ /*
+  * With two-stage sampling we process at most 300000 blocks, each of
+  * which contains less than 1200 tuples (at 32K block size, smallest
+  * possible tuple size).  So the number of tuples processed can be
+  * stored in a 32 bit int.
+  * Change this datatype to double if the number of rows in the table
+  * might exceed INT_MAX.  Then the algorithm should work as long as the
+  * row count does not become so large that it is not represented accurately
+  * in a double (on IEEE-math machines this would be around 2^52 rows).
+  */
+ typedef int TupleCount;
+ /*
+ ** data structure for Algorithm S from Knuth 3.4.2
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+     BlockNumber    N;                /* number of blocks, known in advance */
+     int            n;                /* sample size */
+     BlockNumber    t;                /* current block number */
+     int            m;                /* blocks selected so far */
+ } BlockSamplerData;
+ typedef BlockSamplerData *BlockSampler;

  /* Per-index data for ANALYZE */
  typedef struct AnlIndexData
*** 57,62 ****
--- 80,89 ----
  static MemoryContext anl_context = NULL;

+ static void BlockSampler_Init(BlockSampler bs, BlockNumber nblocks, int samplesize);
+ static bool BlockSampler_HasMore(BlockSampler bs);
+ static BlockNumber BlockSampler_Next(BlockSampler bs);
  static void compute_index_stats(Relation onerel, double totalrows,
                                  AnlIndexData *indexdata, int nindexes,
                                  HeapTuple *rows, int numrows,
*** 66,72 ****
                      int targrows, double *totalrows);
  static double random_fract(void);
  static double init_selection_state(int n);
! static double select_next_random_record(double t, int n, double *stateptr);
  static int    compare_rows(const void *a, const void *b);
  static void update_attstats(Oid relid, int natts, VacAttrStats **vacattrstats);
  static Datum std_fetch_func(VacAttrStatsP stats, int rownum, bool *isNull);
--- 93,99 ----
                      int targrows, double *totalrows);
  static double random_fract(void);
  static double init_selection_state(int n);
! static TupleCount get_next_S(TupleCount t, int n, double *stateptr);
  static int    compare_rows(const void *a, const void *b);
  static void update_attstats(Oid relid, int natts, VacAttrStats **vacattrstats);
  static Datum std_fetch_func(VacAttrStatsP stats, int rownum, bool *isNull);
*** 638,649 ****

   * acquire_sample_rows -- acquire a random sample of rows from the table
!  * Up to targrows rows are collected (if there are fewer than that many
!  * rows in the table, all rows are collected).    When the table is larger
!  * than targrows, a truly random sample is collected: every row has an
!  * equal chance of ending up in the final sample.
   * We also estimate the total number of rows in the table, and return that
   * into *totalrows.
--- 665,754 ----

+ ** BlockSampler_Init -- prepare for random sampling of blocknumbers
+ **
+ ** BlockSampler is used for stage one of our new two-stage tuple
+ ** sampling mechanism as discussed on -hackers 2004-04-02 (subject
+ ** "Large DB").  It selects a random sample of samplesize blocks out of
+ ** the nblocks blocks in the table.  If the table has less than
+ ** samplesize blocks, all blocks are selected.
+ **
+ */
+ static void
+ BlockSampler_Init(BlockSampler bs, BlockNumber nblocks, int samplesize)
+ {
+     bs->N = nblocks;            /* table size */
+     /*
+     ** If we decide to reduce samplesize for tables that have less or
+     ** not much more than samplesize blocks, here is the place to do
+     ** it.
+     */
+     bs->n = samplesize;
+     bs->t = 0;                    /* blocks scanned so far */
+     bs->m = 0;                    /* blocks selected so far */
+ }
+ static bool
+ BlockSampler_HasMore(BlockSampler bs)
+ {
+     return (bs->t < bs->N) && (bs->m < bs->n);
+ }
+ static BlockNumber
+ BlockSampler_Next(BlockSampler bs)
+ {
+     BlockNumber    K = bs->N - bs->t;        /* remaining blocks */
+     int            k = bs->n - bs->m;        /* blocks still to sample */
+     double        p;                /* probability to skip the next block */
+     double        V;                /* random */
+     Assert(BlockSampler_HasMore(bs));
+     if (k >= K)
+     {
+         /* need all the rest */
+         bs->t += 1;
+         bs->m += 1;
+         return bs->t - 1;
+     }
+     p = 1.0 - (double) k / (double) K;
+     V = random_fract();
+     while (V < p)
+     {
+         bs->t += 1;
+         K -= 1;
+         /*
+         ** Assert(K > 0)
+         ** because we startet with K > k > 0,
+         ** and when K == k, the loop terminates
+         */
+         p *= 1.0 - (double) k / (double) K;
+     }
+     /* select */
+     bs->t += 1;
+     bs->m += 1;
+     return bs->t - 1;
+ }
+ /*
   * acquire_sample_rows -- acquire a random sample of rows from the table
!  * As of May 2004 we use a new two-stage method:  Stage one selects up
!  * to targrows random blocks (or all blocks, if there aren't so many).
!  * Stage two scans these blocks and uses the Vitter algorithm to create
!  * a random sample of targrows rows (or less, if there are less in the
!  * sample of blocks).  The two stages are executed simultaneously:  Each
!  * block is processed as soon as stage one returns its number and while
!  * the rows are read stage two controls which ones are to be inserted
!  * into the sample.
!  *
!  * Although every row has an equal chance of ending up in the final
!  * sample, this sampling method is not perfect: not every possible
!  * sample has an equal chance of being selected.  For large relations
!  * the number of different blocks represented by the sample tends to be
!  * too small.  We can live with that for now.  Improvements are welcome.
   * We also estimate the total number of rows in the table, and return that
   * into *totalrows.
*** 656,754 ****
                      double *totalrows)
      int            numrows = 0;
!     HeapScanDesc scan;
      BlockNumber    totalblocks;
!     HeapTuple    tuple;
!     ItemPointer lasttuple;
!     BlockNumber lastblock,
!                 estblock;
!     OffsetNumber lastoffset;
!     int            numest;
!     double        tuplesperpage;
!     double        t;
      double        rstate;

      Assert(targrows > 1);

!     /*
!      * Do a simple linear scan until we reach the target number of rows.
!      */
!     scan = heap_beginscan(onerel, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
!     totalblocks = scan->rs_nblocks;    /* grab current relation size */
!     while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
!     {
!         rows[numrows++] = heap_copytuple(tuple);
!         if (numrows >= targrows)
!             break;
!         vacuum_delay_point();
!     }
!     heap_endscan(scan);

!      * If we ran out of tuples then we're done, no matter how few we
!      * collected.  No sort is needed, since they're already in order.
!      */
!     if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
!     {
!         *totalrows = (double) numrows;
!         ereport(elevel,
!                 (errmsg("\"%s\": %u pages, %d rows sampled, %.0f estimated total rows",
!                         RelationGetRelationName(onerel),
!                         totalblocks, numrows, *totalrows)));
!         return numrows;
!     }
!      * Otherwise, start replacing tuples in the sample until we reach the
!      * end of the relation.  This algorithm is from Jeff Vitter's paper
!      * (see full citation below).  It works by repeatedly computing the
!      * number of the next tuple we want to fetch, which will replace a
!      * randomly chosen element of the reservoir (current set of tuples).
!      * At all times the reservoir is a true random sample of the tuples
!      * we've passed over so far, so when we fall off the end of the
!      * relation we're done.
!      *
!      * A slight difficulty is that since we don't want to fetch tuples or
!      * even pages that we skip over, it's not possible to fetch *exactly*
!      * the N'th tuple at each step --- we don't know how many valid tuples
!      * are on the skipped pages.  We handle this by assuming that the
!      * average number of valid tuples/page on the pages already scanned
!      * over holds good for the rest of the relation as well; this lets us
!      * estimate which page the next tuple should be on and its position in
!      * the page.  Then we fetch the first valid tuple at or after that
!      * position, being careful not to use the same tuple twice.  This
!      * approach should still give a good random sample, although it's not
!      * perfect.
!      */
!     lasttuple = &(rows[numrows - 1]->t_self);
!     lastblock = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(lasttuple);
!     lastoffset = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(lasttuple);
!     /*
!      * If possible, estimate tuples/page using only completely-scanned
!      * pages.
!      */
!     for (numest = numrows; numest > 0; numest--)
!     {
!         if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(rows[numest - 1]->t_self)) != lastblock)
!             break;
!     }
!     if (numest == 0)
!     {
!         numest = numrows;        /* don't have a full page? */
!         estblock = lastblock + 1;
!     }
!     else
!         estblock = lastblock;
!     tuplesperpage = (double) numest / (double) estblock;
!     t = (double) numrows;        /* t is the # of records processed so far */
      rstate = init_selection_state(targrows);
!     for (;;)
-         double        targpos;
          BlockNumber targblock;
          Buffer        targbuffer;
          Page        targpage;
--- 761,788 ----
                      double *totalrows)
      int            numrows = 0;
!     TupleCount    liverows = 0;
!     TupleCount    deadrows = 0;
!     TupleCount    rowstoskip = -1;
      BlockNumber    totalblocks;
!     BlockSamplerData bs;
      double        rstate;

      Assert(targrows > 1);

!     totalblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(onerel);

!     ** Prepare for sampling block numbers
!     */
!     BlockSampler_Init(&bs, totalblocks, targrows);
!     ** Prepare for sampling rows
!     */
      rstate = init_selection_state(targrows);
!     while (BlockSampler_HasMore(&bs))
          BlockNumber targblock;
          Buffer        targbuffer;
          Page        targpage;
*** 757,783 ****


!         t = select_next_random_record(t, targrows, &rstate);
!         /* Try to read the t'th record in the table */
!         targpos = t / tuplesperpage;
!         targblock = (BlockNumber) targpos;
!         targoffset = ((int) ((targpos - targblock) * tuplesperpage)) +
!             FirstOffsetNumber;
!         /* Make sure we are past the last selected record */
!         if (targblock <= lastblock)
!         {
!             targblock = lastblock;
!             if (targoffset <= lastoffset)
!                 targoffset = lastoffset + 1;
!         }
!         /* Loop to find first valid record at or after given position */
! pageloop:;
!         /*
!          * Have we fallen off the end of the relation?
!          */
!         if (targblock >= totalblocks)
!             break;

           * We must maintain a pin on the target page's buffer to ensure
--- 791,797 ----


!         targblock = BlockSampler_Next(&bs);

           * We must maintain a pin on the target page's buffer to ensure
*** 795,848 ****
          maxoffset = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(targpage);
          LockBuffer(targbuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

!         for (;;)
              HeapTupleData targtuple;
              Buffer        tupbuffer;

-             if (targoffset > maxoffset)
-             {
-                 /* Fell off end of this page, try next */
-                 ReleaseBuffer(targbuffer);
-                 targblock++;
-                 targoffset = FirstOffsetNumber;
-                 goto pageloop;
-             }
              ItemPointerSet(&targtuple.t_self, targblock, targoffset);
              if (heap_fetch(onerel, SnapshotNow, &targtuple, &tupbuffer,
                             false, NULL))
!                  * Found a suitable tuple, so save it, replacing one old
!                  * tuple at random
!                 int            k = (int) (targrows * random_fract());

-                 Assert(k >= 0 && k < targrows);
-                 heap_freetuple(rows[k]);
-                 rows[k] = heap_copytuple(&targtuple);
                  /* this releases the second pin acquired by heap_fetch: */
-                 /* this releases the initial pin: */
-                 ReleaseBuffer(targbuffer);
-                 lastblock = targblock;
-                 lastoffset = targoffset;
-                 break;
!             /* this tuple is dead, so advance to next one on same page */
!             targoffset++;

!      * Now we need to sort the collected tuples by position (itempointer).
!     qsort((void *) rows, numrows, sizeof(HeapTuple), compare_rows);

       * Estimate total number of valid rows in relation.
!     *totalrows = floor((double) totalblocks * tuplesperpage + 0.5);

       * Emit some interesting relation info
--- 809,895 ----
          maxoffset = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(targpage);
          LockBuffer(targbuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

!         for (targoffset = FirstOffsetNumber; targoffset <= maxoffset; ++targoffset)
              HeapTupleData targtuple;
              Buffer        tupbuffer;

              ItemPointerSet(&targtuple.t_self, targblock, targoffset);
              if (heap_fetch(onerel, SnapshotNow, &targtuple, &tupbuffer,
                             false, NULL))
+                 liverows += 1;
!                  * The first targrows rows are simply copied into the
!                  * reservoir.
!                  * Then we start replacing tuples in the sample until
!                  * we reach the end of the relation.  This algorithm is
!                  * from Jeff Vitter's paper (see full citation below).
!                  * It works by repeatedly computing the number of the
!                  * next tuple we want to fetch, which will replace a
!                  * randomly chosen element of the reservoir (current
!                  * set of tuples).  At all times the reservoir is a true
!                  * random sample of the tuples we've passed over so far,
!                  * so when we fall off the end of the relation we're done.
!                 if (numrows < targrows)
!                     rows[numrows++] = heap_copytuple(&targtuple);
!                 else
!                 {
!                     if (rowstoskip < 0)
!                         rowstoskip = get_next_S(liverows, targrows, &rstate);
!                     if (rowstoskip == 0)
!                     {
!                         /*
!                          * Found a suitable tuple, so save it,
!                          * replacing one old tuple at random
!                          */
!                         int    k = (int) (targrows * random_fract());
!                         Assert(k >= 0 && k < targrows);
!                         heap_freetuple(rows[k]);
!                         rows[k] = heap_copytuple(&targtuple);
!                     }
!                     rowstoskip -= 1;
!                 }

                  /* this releases the second pin acquired by heap_fetch: */
!             else
!             {
!                 /* This information is currently not used. */
!                 deadrows += 1;
!             }
+         /* this releases the initial pin: */
+         ReleaseBuffer(targbuffer);

+     ereport(DEBUG2,
+             (errmsg("%d pages sampled, %.0f live rows and %.0f dead rows scanned",
+                     bs.m, (double) liverows, (double) deadrows)));
!      * If we ran out of tuples then we're done.  No sort is needed,
!      * since they're already in order.
!      *
!      * Otherwise we need to sort the collected tuples by position
!      * (itempointer).  I don't care for corner cases where the tuples
!      * are already sorted.
!     if (numrows == targrows)
!         qsort((void *) rows, numrows, sizeof(HeapTuple), compare_rows);

       * Estimate total number of valid rows in relation.
!     if (bs.m > 0)
!         *totalrows = floor((double) liverows * totalblocks / bs.m + 0.5);
!     else
!         *totalrows = 0.0;

       * Emit some interesting relation info
*** 872,894 ****
   * These two routines embody Algorithm Z from "Random sampling with a
   * reservoir" by Jeffrey S. Vitter, in ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 11, 1
!  * (Mar. 1985), Pages 37-57.  While Vitter describes his algorithm in terms
!  * of the count S of records to skip before processing another record,
!  * it is convenient to work primarily with t, the index (counting from 1)
!  * of the last record processed and next record to process.  The only extra
!  * state needed between calls is W, a random state variable.
!  *
!  * Note: the original algorithm defines t, S, numer, and denom as integers.
!  * Here we express them as doubles to avoid overflow if the number of rows
!  * in the table exceeds INT_MAX.  The algorithm should work as long as the
!  * row count does not become so large that it is not represented accurately
!  * in a double (on IEEE-math machines this would be around 2^52 rows).
   * init_selection_state computes the initial W value.
!  * Given that we've already processed t records (t >= n),
!  * select_next_random_record determines the number of the next record to
!  * process.
  static double
  init_selection_state(int n)
--- 919,935 ----
   * These two routines embody Algorithm Z from "Random sampling with a
   * reservoir" by Jeffrey S. Vitter, in ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 11, 1
!  * (Mar. 1985), Pages 37-57.  Vitter describes his algorithm in terms
!  * of the count S of records to skip before processing another record.
!  * It is computed primarily based on t, the index (counting from 1)
!  * of the last record processed.  The only extra state needed between
!  * calls is W, a random state variable.
   * init_selection_state computes the initial W value.
!  * Given that we've already processed t records (t >= n), get_next_S
!  * determines the number of records to skip before the next record is
!  * processed.
  static double
  init_selection_state(int n)
*** 897,932 ****
      return exp(-log(random_fract()) / n);

! static double
! select_next_random_record(double t, int n, double *stateptr)
      /* The magic constant here is T from Vitter's paper */
!     if (t <= (22.0 * n))
          /* Process records using Algorithm X until t is large enough */
          double        V,

          V = random_fract();        /* Generate V */
          t += 1;
!         quot = (t - (double) n) / t;
          /* Find min S satisfying (4.1) */
          while (quot > V)
              t += 1;
!             quot *= (t - (double) n) / t;
          /* Now apply Algorithm Z */
          double        W = *stateptr;
!         double        term = t - (double) n + 1;
!         double        S;

          for (;;)
!             double        numer,
              double        U,
--- 938,976 ----
      return exp(-log(random_fract()) / n);

! static TupleCount
! get_next_S(TupleCount t, int n, double *stateptr)
      /* The magic constant here is T from Vitter's paper */
!     if (t <= (22 * n))
          /* Process records using Algorithm X until t is large enough */
+         TupleCount S = 0;
          double        V,

          V = random_fract();        /* Generate V */
          t += 1;
!         quot = 1.0 - (double) n / t;
          /* Find min S satisfying (4.1) */
          while (quot > V)
+             S += 1;
              t += 1;
!             quot *= 1.0 - (double) n / t;
+         return S;
          /* Now apply Algorithm Z */
          double        W = *stateptr;
!         TupleCount    term = t - n + 1;
!         TupleCount    S;

          for (;;)
!             TupleCount    numer,
              double        U,
*** 941,947 ****
              X = t * (W - 1.0);
              S = floor(X);        /* S is tentatively set to floor(X) */
              /* Test if U <= h(S)/cg(X) in the manner of (6.3) */
!             tmp = (t + 1) / term;
              lhs = exp(log(((U * tmp * tmp) * (term + S)) / (t + X)) / n);
              rhs = (((t + X) / (term + S)) * term) / t;
              if (lhs <= rhs)
--- 985,991 ----
              X = t * (W - 1.0);
              S = floor(X);        /* S is tentatively set to floor(X) */
              /* Test if U <= h(S)/cg(X) in the manner of (6.3) */
!             tmp = (double) (t + 1) / term;
              lhs = exp(log(((U * tmp * tmp) * (term + S)) / (t + X)) / n);
              rhs = (((t + X) / (term + S)) * term) / t;
              if (lhs <= rhs)
*** 951,979 ****
              /* Test if U <= f(S)/cg(X) */
              y = (((U * (t + 1)) / term) * (t + S + 1)) / (t + X);
!             if ((double) n < S)
                  denom = t;
                  numer_lim = term + S;
!                 denom = t - (double) n + S;
                  numer_lim = t + 1;
              for (numer = t + S; numer >= numer_lim; numer -= 1)
!                 y *= numer / denom;
                  denom -= 1;
              W = exp(-log(random_fract()) / n);    /* Generate W in advance */
              if (exp(log(y) / n) <= (t + X) / t)
-         t += S + 1;
          *stateptr = W;
-     return t;

--- 995,1022 ----
              /* Test if U <= f(S)/cg(X) */
              y = (((U * (t + 1)) / term) * (t + S + 1)) / (t + X);
!             if (n < S)
                  denom = t;
                  numer_lim = term + S;
!                 denom = t - n + S;
                  numer_lim = t + 1;
              for (numer = t + S; numer >= numer_lim; numer -= 1)
!                 y *= (double) numer / denom;
                  denom -= 1;
              W = exp(-log(random_fract()) / n);    /* Generate W in advance */
              if (exp(log(y) / n) <= (t + X) / t)
          *stateptr = W;
+         return S;


Re: Tuple sampling

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> This patch implements the new tuple sampling method as discussed on
> -hackers and -performance a few weeks ago.

Applied with minor editorializations.  AFAICS get_next_S() needs to be
called with the number of tuples already processed, which means you were
off-by-one --- this surely makes only a trivial difference in the
probabilities, but if we are going to use Vitter's algorithm then we may
as well get it right.  Also, I took out the TupleCount typedef and went
back to using doubles for the tuple counts; this is more consistent with
the coding style used elsewhere, and I really doubt that it's any
slower.  (The datatype conversions induced inside get_next_S are likely
to outweigh any savings from counting by ints, on most modern hardware.)
Plus the justification for assuming it couldn't overflow seems weak to
me; the current limitation to 300000 requested sample rows is very
arbitrary and could change anytime.

I was initially convinced that your implementation of Knuth's algorithm
S was all wet, so now there's a bunch of comments explaining why it's
actually correct...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Tuple sampling

Bruno Wolff III
On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 17:32:36 -0400,
  Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> slower.  (The datatype conversions induced inside get_next_S are likely
> to outweigh any savings from counting by ints, on most modern hardware.)

You aren't even guarenteed that integer operations are faster. On the Cray
XMP integer math was often done using floating point operations because
they were faster. This limited them to 48 bits instead of instead of 64,
but normally 48 bits was enough. I don't remember if just multiplication
was faster or if all operations were faster.

Re: Tuple sampling

Manfred Koizar
On Sun, 23 May 2004 17:32:36 -0400, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>I took out the TupleCount typedef and went
>back to using doubles for the tuple counts; this is more consistent with
>the coding style used elsewhere, and I really doubt that it's any

Performance was not the primary motivation.  I found it confusing to
have doubles everywhere and not to know whether a variable is declared
as double, because
  . we need the fractional part (e.g. a probability)
  . or it should be able to hold an integral value of more than 32 bits.
So I just invented my own datatype for huge integers.  Long long would
have been a natural choice, but AFAIK its not available on all

>I was initially convinced that your implementation of Knuth's algorithm
>S was all wet, so now there's a bunch of comments explaining why it's
>actually correct...

Thanks.  I like your explanation.  My justification for that change was
a lot more complicated.


Re: Tuple sampling

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> Performance was not the primary motivation.  I found it confusing to
> have doubles everywhere and not to know whether a variable is declared
> as double, because
>   . we need the fractional part (e.g. a probability)
>   . or it should be able to hold an integral value of more than 32 bits.
> So I just invented my own datatype for huge integers.

Well, if you want to "typedef double TupleCount" as a documentation aid,
I don't object, but let's not do it just locally in analyze.c.  There
are a bunch of other places that do the same thing.

            regards, tom lane