Обсуждение: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table


Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Mark Kirkwood
I have always thought that an example of how to maintain a summary table
via triggers would be nice... but until the other day, had not attempted
to do one, so contributing a simplified version seemed like a good thing
to do.

I have made the example pretty much self contained, which unfortunately
means it is longish.  This made me wonder about  its placement (i.e in
plpgsql examples). It could go in a 'Data warehousing' chapter - if we
had one....

Any suggestions welcome.

best wishes


P.s : use is made of a schema from Ralph Kimball's "The Data  Warehouse
Toolkit" -  I mailed him to check it was ok (and it was, in fact he was
quite pleased)
--- plpgsql.sgml.orig    2004-12-29 15:48:53.089973005 +1300
+++ plpgsql.sgml    2004-12-29 12:43:50.000000000 +1300
@@ -2632,6 +2632,306 @@
+   <para>
+    An area where triggers can be useful is maintaining a summary table
+    of another table. The resulting summary can be used in place of the
+    original table for certain queries - with often vastly reduced run
+    times.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    This technique is commonly used in Data Warehousing, where the tables
+    of measured or observed data (called fact tables) can be extremely large.
+   </para>
+   <example id="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example">
+    <title>A <application>PL/pgSQL</application> Trigger Procedure For Maintaining A Summary Table</title>
+    <para>
+     <xref linkend="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example"> shows an example of a
+     trigger procedure in <application>PL/pgSQL</application> that maintains
+     a summary table for a fact table in a data warehouse.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The schema detailed here is loosely based on the <emphasis>Grocery Store
+     </emphasis> example from <emphasis>The Data Warehouse Toolkit</emphasis>
+     by Ralph Kimball.
+    </para>
+-- Three dimension tables.
+CREATE TABLE time_dimension (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_week                 integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_month                integer NOT NULL,
+    month                       integer NOT NULL,
+    quarter                     integer NOT NULL,
+    year                        integer NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE product_dimension (
+    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
+    description                 varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+    brand                       varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+    catageory                   varchar(20) NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE store_dimension (
+    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
+    store_name                  varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+    address                     varchar(100) NOT NULL
+-- Sales fact.
+CREATE TABLE sales_fact (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
+    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL
+-- Sales summary.
+CREATE TABLE sales_summary_bytime (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  numeric(12) NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL
+-- COPY in data.
+COPY time_dimension FROM '/var/dump/time.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY product_dimension FROM '/var/dump/prod.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY store_dimension FROM '/var/dump/store.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY sales_fact FROM '/var/dump/sales.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+-- Create indexes on the dimensions, facts and summary.
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_dimension_key ON time_dimension(time_key);
+CREATE INDEX time_dimension_year ON time_dimension(year);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX product_dimension_key ON product_dimension(product_key);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX store_dimension_key ON store_dimension(store_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_time ON sales_fact(time_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_product ON sales_fact(product_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_store ON sales_fact(store_key);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sales_summary_bytime_key ON sales_summary_bytime(time_key);
+-- Collect statistics for the optimizer.
+ANALYZE VERBOSE time_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE product_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE store_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_fact;
+-- Pre populate (and collect statistics for) the summary table.
+INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
+            time_key,
+            amount_sold,
+            units_sold,
+            amount_cost)
+    SELECT  f.time_key,
+            sum(f.amount_sold),
+            sum(f.units_sold),
+            sum(f.amount_cost)
+    FROM sales_fact f
+    GROUP BY f.time_key;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_summary_bytime;
+-- Function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION maint_sales_summary_bytime() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $maint_sales_summary_bytime$
+        delta_time_key          integer;
+        delta_amount_sold       numeric(15,2);
+        delta_units_sold        numeric(12);
+        delta_amount_cost       numeric(15,2);
+    BEGIN
+        -- Work out the increment/decrement amount(s).
+        IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = -1 * OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = -1 * OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = -1 * OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN
+            -- forbid updates that change the time_key -
+            -- (probably not too onerous, as DELETE + INSERT is how most
+            -- changes will be made).
+            IF ( OLD.time_key != NEW.time_key) THEN
+                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Update of time_key : % -> % not allowed', OLD.time_key, NEW.time_key;
+            END IF;
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold - OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold - OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost - OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
+            delta_time_key = NEW.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost;
+        END IF;
+        -- Update the summary row with the new values.
+        UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+            SET amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+            WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+        -- There might have been no row with this time_key (e.g new data!).
+        IF (NOT FOUND) THEN
+            BEGIN
+                INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
+                            time_key,
+                            amount_sold,
+                            units_sold,
+                            amount_cost)
+                    SELECT  f.time_key,
+                            sum(f.amount_sold),
+                            sum(f.units_sold),
+                            sum(f.amount_cost)
+                    FROM sales_fact f
+                    WHERE f.time_key = delta_time_key
+                    GROUP BY f.time_key;
+                -- This query can potentially be very expensive if the trigger
+                -- is created on sales_fact without the time_key indexes.
+                -- Some care is needed to ensure that this situation does
+                -- *not* occur.
+            EXCEPTION
+                --
+                -- Catch race condition when two transactions are adding data
+                -- for a new time_key.
+                --
+                    UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+                        SET    amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                            units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                            amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+                        WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+            END;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END;
+$maint_sales_summary_bytime$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+-- The trigger.
+CREATE TRIGGER maint_sales_summary_bytime
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE maint_sales_summary_bytime()
+  <para>
+   The effectiveness of the summary technique can be easily demonstrated. In
+   the first case shown below, the base fact table is used. In the second the
+   summary table is substituted. The run times and plans shown are real.
+  </para>
+    d0.quarter,
+    sum(f.amount_sold)
+    time_dimension d0,
+    sales_fact f
+WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
+AND   d0.year = 2004
+    d0.quarter
+ quarter |     sum
+       2 | 90000000.00
+       1 | 90000000.00
+       4 | 90000000.00
+       3 | 90000000.00
+(4 rows)
+Time: 2898.236 ms
+                                            QUERY PLAN
+ HashAggregate  (cost=53237.46..53237.46 rows=1 width=14)
+   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..51447.46 rows=358001 width=14)
+         ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  (cost=0.00..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
+               Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
+         ->  Index Scan using sales_fact_time on sales_fact f  (cost=0.00..96.72 rows=3757 width=14)
+               Index Cond: ("outer".time_key = f.time_key)
+(6 rows)
+    d0.quarter,
+    sum(f.amount_sold)
+    time_dimension d0,
+    sales_summary_bytime f
+WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
+AND   d0.year = 2004
+    d0.quarter
+ quarter |     sum
+       2 | 90000000.00
+       1 | 90000000.00
+       4 | 90000000.00
+       3 | 90000000.00
+(4 rows)
+Time: 28.459 ms
+                                              QUERY PLAN
+ HashAggregate  (cost=260.10..260.10 rows=1 width=14)
+   ->  Hash Join  (cost=10.72..258.31 rows=358 width=14)
+         Hash Cond: ("outer".time_key = "inner".time_key)
+         ->  Seq Scan on sales_summary_bytime f  (cost=0.00..194.00 rows=10000 width=14)
+         ->  Hash  (cost=9.83..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
+               ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  (cost=0.00..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
+                     Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
+(7 rows)
+   </example>

   <!-- **** Porting from Oracle PL/SQL **** -->

Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Bruce Momjian
Wow, yea, that is long.  Not sure where that should go.


Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> I have always thought that an example of how to maintain a summary table
> via triggers would be nice... but until the other day, had not attempted
> to do one, so contributing a simplified version seemed like a good thing
> to do.
> I have made the example pretty much self contained, which unfortunately
> means it is longish.  This made me wonder about  its placement (i.e in
> plpgsql examples). It could go in a 'Data warehousing' chapter - if we
> had one....
> Any suggestions welcome.
> best wishes
> Mark
> P.s : use is made of a schema from Ralph Kimball's "The Data  Warehouse
> Toolkit" -  I mailed him to check it was ok (and it was, in fact he was
> quite pleased)

> --- plpgsql.sgml.orig    2004-12-29 15:48:53.089973005 +1300
> +++ plpgsql.sgml    2004-12-29 12:43:50.000000000 +1300
> @@ -2632,6 +2632,306 @@
>  ;
>  </programlisting>
>     </example>
> +
> +   <para>
> +    An area where triggers can be useful is maintaining a summary table
> +    of another table. The resulting summary can be used in place of the
> +    original table for certain queries - with often vastly reduced run
> +    times.
> +   </para>
> +
> +   <para>
> +    This technique is commonly used in Data Warehousing, where the tables
> +    of measured or observed data (called fact tables) can be extremely large.
> +   </para>
> +
> +   <example id="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example">
> +    <title>A <application>PL/pgSQL</application> Trigger Procedure For Maintaining A Summary Table</title>
> +
> +    <para>
> +     <xref linkend="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example"> shows an example of a
> +     trigger procedure in <application>PL/pgSQL</application> that maintains
> +     a summary table for a fact table in a data warehouse.
> +    </para>
> +
> +    <para>
> +     The schema detailed here is loosely based on the <emphasis>Grocery Store
> +     </emphasis> example from <emphasis>The Data Warehouse Toolkit</emphasis>
> +     by Ralph Kimball.
> +    </para>
> +
> +<programlisting>
> +--
> +-- Three dimension tables.
> +--
> +CREATE TABLE time_dimension (
> +    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
> +    day_of_week                 integer NOT NULL,
> +    day_of_month                integer NOT NULL,
> +    month                       integer NOT NULL,
> +    quarter                     integer NOT NULL,
> +    year                        integer NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +CREATE TABLE product_dimension (
> +    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
> +    description                 varchar(100) NOT NULL,
> +    brand                       varchar(50) NOT NULL,
> +    catageory                   varchar(20) NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +CREATE TABLE store_dimension (
> +    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
> +    store_name                  varchar(100) NOT NULL,
> +    address                     varchar(100) NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Sales fact.
> +--
> +CREATE TABLE sales_fact (
> +    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
> +    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
> +    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
> +    amount_sold                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL,
> +    units_sold                  integer NOT NULL,
> +    amount_cost                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Sales summary.
> +--
> +CREATE TABLE sales_summary_bytime (
> +    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
> +    amount_sold                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL,
> +    units_sold                  numeric(12) NOT NULL,
> +    amount_cost                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL
> +);
> +
> +--
> +-- COPY in data.
> +--
> +COPY time_dimension FROM '/var/dump/time.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
> +COPY product_dimension FROM '/var/dump/prod.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
> +COPY store_dimension FROM '/var/dump/store.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
> +COPY sales_fact FROM '/var/dump/sales.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Create indexes on the dimensions, facts and summary.
> +--
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_dimension_key ON time_dimension(time_key);
> +CREATE INDEX time_dimension_year ON time_dimension(year);
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX product_dimension_key ON product_dimension(product_key);
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX store_dimension_key ON store_dimension(store_key);
> +
> +CREATE INDEX sales_fact_time ON sales_fact(time_key);
> +CREATE INDEX sales_fact_product ON sales_fact(product_key);
> +CREATE INDEX sales_fact_store ON sales_fact(store_key);
> +
> +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sales_summary_bytime_key ON sales_summary_bytime(time_key);
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Collect statistics for the optimizer.
> +--
> +ANALYZE VERBOSE time_dimension;
> +ANALYZE VERBOSE product_dimension;
> +ANALYZE VERBOSE store_dimension;
> +ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_fact;
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Pre populate (and collect statistics for) the summary table.
> +--
> +INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
> +            time_key,
> +            amount_sold,
> +            units_sold,
> +            amount_cost)
> +    SELECT  f.time_key,
> +            sum(f.amount_sold),
> +            sum(f.units_sold),
> +            sum(f.amount_cost)
> +    FROM sales_fact f
> +    GROUP BY f.time_key;
> +
> +ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_summary_bytime;
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- Function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE.
> +--
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION maint_sales_summary_bytime() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $maint_sales_summary_bytime$
> +    DECLARE
> +        delta_time_key          integer;
> +        delta_amount_sold       numeric(15,2);
> +        delta_units_sold        numeric(12);
> +        delta_amount_cost       numeric(15,2);
> +    BEGIN
> +
> +        -- Work out the increment/decrement amount(s).
> +        IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN
> +
> +            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
> +            delta_amount_sold = -1 * OLD.amount_sold;
> +            delta_units_sold = -1 * OLD.units_sold;
> +            delta_amount_cost = -1 * OLD.amount_cost;
> +
> +        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN
> +
> +            -- forbid updates that change the time_key -
> +            -- (probably not too onerous, as DELETE + INSERT is how most
> +            -- changes will be made).
> +            IF ( OLD.time_key != NEW.time_key) THEN
> +                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Update of time_key : % -> % not allowed', OLD.time_key, NEW.time_key;
> +            END IF;
> +
> +            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
> +            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold - OLD.amount_sold;
> +            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold - OLD.units_sold;
> +            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost - OLD.amount_cost;
> +
> +        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
> +
> +            delta_time_key = NEW.time_key;
> +            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold;
> +            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold;
> +            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost;
> +
> +        END IF;
> +
> +
> +        -- Update the summary row with the new values.
> +        UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
> +            SET amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
> +                units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
> +                amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
> +            WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
> +
> +
> +        -- There might have been no row with this time_key (e.g new data!).
> +        IF (NOT FOUND) THEN
> +            BEGIN
> +                INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
> +                            time_key,
> +                            amount_sold,
> +                            units_sold,
> +                            amount_cost)
> +                    SELECT  f.time_key,
> +                            sum(f.amount_sold),
> +                            sum(f.units_sold),
> +                            sum(f.amount_cost)
> +                    FROM sales_fact f
> +                    WHERE f.time_key = delta_time_key
> +                    GROUP BY f.time_key;
> +                -- This query can potentially be very expensive if the trigger
> +                -- is created on sales_fact without the time_key indexes.
> +                -- Some care is needed to ensure that this situation does
> +                -- *not* occur.
> +            EXCEPTION
> +                --
> +                -- Catch race condition when two transactions are adding data
> +                -- for a new time_key.
> +                --
> +                    UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
> +                        SET    amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
> +                            units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
> +                            amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
> +                        WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
> +
> +            END;
> +        END IF;
> +        RETURN NULL;
> +
> +    END;
> +$maint_sales_summary_bytime$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> +
> +
> +--
> +-- The trigger.
> +--
> +CREATE TRIGGER maint_sales_summary_bytime
> +    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE maint_sales_summary_bytime()
> +;
> +</programlisting>
> +  <para>
> +   The effectiveness of the summary technique can be easily demonstrated. In
> +   the first case shown below, the base fact table is used. In the second the
> +   summary table is substituted. The run times and plans shown are real.
> +  </para>
> +<programlisting>
> +dwexample=#
> +    d0.quarter,
> +    sum(f.amount_sold)
> +    time_dimension d0,
> +    sales_fact f
> +WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
> +AND   d0.year = 2004
> +    d0.quarter
> +;
> + quarter |     sum
> +---------+-------------
> +       2 | 90000000.00
> +       1 | 90000000.00
> +       4 | 90000000.00
> +       3 | 90000000.00
> +(4 rows)
> +
> +Time: 2898.236 ms
> +                                            QUERY PLAN
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + HashAggregate  (cost=53237.46..53237.46 rows=1 width=14)
> +   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..51447.46 rows=358001 width=14)
> +         ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  (cost=0.00..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
> +               Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
> +         ->  Index Scan using sales_fact_time on sales_fact f  (cost=0.00..96.72 rows=3757 width=14)
> +               Index Cond: ("outer".time_key = f.time_key)
> +(6 rows)
> +
> +
> +dwexample=#
> +    d0.quarter,
> +    sum(f.amount_sold)
> +    time_dimension d0,
> +    sales_summary_bytime f
> +WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
> +AND   d0.year = 2004
> +    d0.quarter
> +;
> + quarter |     sum
> +---------+-------------
> +       2 | 90000000.00
> +       1 | 90000000.00
> +       4 | 90000000.00
> +       3 | 90000000.00
> +(4 rows)
> +
> +Time: 28.459 ms
> +                                              QUERY PLAN
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> + HashAggregate  (cost=260.10..260.10 rows=1 width=14)
> +   ->  Hash Join  (cost=10.72..258.31 rows=358 width=14)
> +         Hash Cond: ("outer".time_key = "inner".time_key)
> +         ->  Seq Scan on sales_summary_bytime f  (cost=0.00..194.00 rows=10000 width=14)
> +         ->  Hash  (cost=9.83..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
> +               ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  (cost=0.00..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
> +                     Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
> +(7 rows)
> +
> +
> +</programlisting>
> +   </example>
>    </sect1>
>    <!-- **** Porting from Oracle PL/SQL **** -->

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073

Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Mark Kirkwood
Bruce Momjian wrote:

>Wow, yea, that is long.  Not sure where that should go.
hmmm, yep - I could shorten it by removing :
- the COPY, ANALYZE (and maybe some of the INDEX) statements
- the queries and EXPLAINS at the end

However, this means that it is not clear what the point of the exercise
is (or how to use the summary table at all for that matter).

I guess the issue is that I am doing a mini introduction to data
warehousing in the example, which makes it long (time passes while
thinks about options....):

1) Write a (slightly) less mini introduction into data warehousing as a
section/chapter in its own right, and include the the summary table +
trigger as an example therein.

2) Perhaps leave the trigger + plpgsql function as a plpgsql example,
and refer to it in the (new) data warehouse section/chapter.


(BTW, These both look like 8.1 doc changes)



Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Mark Kirkwood
Mark Kirkwood wrote:

> 2) Perhaps leave the trigger + plpgsql function as a plpgsql example,
> and refer to it in the (new) data warehouse section/chapter.
Looking at option 2, it seems reasonable to add a trimmed trigger
example into the plpgsql examples section now, and leave the data
warehouse introductory stuff for its own chapter at some later stage.

--- plpgsql.sgml.orig    Tue Jan 11 12:39:17 2005
+++ plpgsql.sgml    Tue Jan 11 13:43:35 2005
@@ -2646,6 +2646,162 @@
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE process_emp_audit();
+   <para>
+    An area where triggers can be useful is maintaining a summary table
+    of another table. The resulting summary can be used in place of the
+    original table for certain queries - with often vastly reduced run
+    times.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    This technique is commonly used in Data Warehousing, where the tables
+    of measured or observed data (called fact tables) can be extremely large.
+    <xref linkend="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example"> shows an example of a
+    trigger procedure in <application>PL/pgSQL</application> that maintains
+    a summary table for a fact table in a data warehouse.
+   </para>
+   <example id="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example">
+    <title>A <application>PL/pgSQL</application> Trigger Procedure For Maintaining A Summary Table</title>
+    <para>
+     The schema detailed here is partly based on the <emphasis>Grocery Store
+     </emphasis> example from <emphasis>The Data Warehouse Toolkit</emphasis>
+     by Ralph Kimball.
+    </para>
+-- Main tables - time dimension and sales fact.
+CREATE TABLE time_dimension (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_week                 integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_month                integer NOT NULL,
+    month                       integer NOT NULL,
+    quarter                     integer NOT NULL,
+    year                        integer NOT NULL
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_dimension_key ON time_dimension(time_key);
+CREATE TABLE sales_fact (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
+    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_time ON sales_fact(time_key);
+-- Summary table - sales by time.
+CREATE TABLE sales_summary_bytime (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  numeric(12) NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sales_summary_bytime_key ON sales_summary_bytime(time_key);
+-- Function and trigger to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION maint_sales_summary_bytime() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $maint_sales_summary_bytime$
+        delta_time_key          integer;
+        delta_amount_sold       numeric(15,2);
+        delta_units_sold        numeric(12);
+        delta_amount_cost       numeric(15,2);
+    BEGIN
+        -- Work out the increment/decrement amount(s).
+        IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = -1 * OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = -1 * OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = -1 * OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN
+            -- forbid updates that change the time_key -
+            -- (probably not too onerous, as DELETE + INSERT is how most
+            -- changes will be made).
+            IF ( OLD.time_key != NEW.time_key) THEN
+                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Update of time_key : % -> % not allowed', OLD.time_key, NEW.time_key;
+            END IF;
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold - OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold - OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost - OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
+            delta_time_key = NEW.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost;
+        END IF;
+        -- Update the summary row with the new values.
+        UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+            SET amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+            WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+        -- There might have been no row with this time_key (e.g new data!).
+        IF (NOT FOUND) THEN
+            BEGIN
+                INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
+                            time_key,
+                            amount_sold,
+                            units_sold,
+                            amount_cost)
+                    SELECT  f.time_key,
+                            sum(f.amount_sold),
+                            sum(f.units_sold),
+                            sum(f.amount_cost)
+                    FROM sales_fact f
+                    WHERE f.time_key = delta_time_key
+                    GROUP BY f.time_key;
+                -- This query can potentially be very expensive if the trigger
+                -- is created on sales_fact without the time_key indexes.
+                -- Some care is needed to ensure that this situation does
+                -- *not* occur.
+            EXCEPTION
+                --
+                -- Catch race condition when two transactions are adding data
+                -- for a new time_key.
+                --
+                    UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+                        SET amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                            units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                            amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+                        WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+            END;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END;
+$maint_sales_summary_bytime$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE TRIGGER maint_sales_summary_bytime
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE maint_sales_summary_bytime();
+   </example>

   <!-- **** Porting from Oracle PL/SQL **** -->

Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Tom Lane
Mark Kirkwood <markir@coretech.co.nz> writes:
> Looking at option 2, it seems reasonable to add a trimmed trigger
> example into the plpgsql examples section now, and leave the data
> warehouse introductory stuff for its own chapter at some later stage.

Patch applied.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Mark Kirkwood
Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> Looking at option 2, it seems reasonable to add a trimmed trigger
> example into the plpgsql examples section now, and leave the data
> warehouse introductory stuff for its own chapter at some later stage.
Sorry about this -

A amendment so as not not require a SELECT from the main table in the
trigger procedure. This makes the intent of the code more obvious, and
makes more sense within the context of the example.

Should perform better too.

Thanks to Simon for a mail that made me think about this a bit more.



--- plpgsql.sgml.orig    Sat Jan 15 14:55:39 2005
+++ plpgsql.sgml    Sat Jan 15 14:57:50 2005
@@ -2787,17 +2787,12 @@
-                    SELECT  f.time_key,
-                            sum(f.amount_sold),
-                            sum(f.units_sold),
-                            sum(f.amount_cost)
-                    FROM sales_fact f
-                    WHERE f.time_key = delta_time_key
-                    GROUP BY f.time_key;
-                -- This query can potentially be very expensive if the trigger
-                -- is created on sales_fact without the time_key indexes.
-                -- Some care is needed to ensure that this situation does
-                -- *not* occur.
+                    VALUES (
+                            delta_time_key,
+                            delta_amount_sold,
+                            delta_units_sold,
+                            delta_amount_cost
+                           );
                 -- Catch race condition when two transactions are adding data

Re: Another Plpgsql trigger example - summary table

Tom Lane
Mark Kirkwood <markir@coretech.co.nz> writes:
> A amendment so as not not require a SELECT from the main table in the
> trigger procedure. This makes the intent of the code more obvious, and
> makes more sense within the context of the example.

Yeah, much better.  Applied.

            regards, tom lane