Обсуждение: trace_checkpoint parameter patch


trace_checkpoint parameter patch

Satoshi Nagayasu
Hi all,

Here is a brand new patch to log a checkpointing load information
to tune the bgwriter parameter.

When you enable trace_checkpoint parameter and process
the checkpoint, the bgwriter logs the number of
flushed buffer pages and the elapsed time.

{61}snaga@artemis:~/pgsql-snapshot% ./bin/psql -c 'checkpoint' pgbench
LOG:  CheckPoint: 1522/3072 buffer(s) flushed. CPU 0.03s/0.00u sec elapsed 1.57 sec

I think this information is useful to configure
the bgwriter parameter to reduce the performance impact
of the checkpointing.

Any suggestion or comments?
NAGAYASU Satoshi <snaga@snaga.org>

diff -rc postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c
*** postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c    Fri Jun  1 00:13:01 2007
--- postgresql-snapshot/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c    Tue Jun 12 18:37:47 2007
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  #include "storage/spin.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
  #include "utils/pg_locale.h"
+ #include "utils/pg_rusage.h"

*** 66,76 ****
  char       *XLOG_sync_method = NULL;
  const char    XLOG_sync_method_default[] = DEFAULT_SYNC_METHOD_STR;
  bool        fullPageWrites = true;
  #ifdef WAL_DEBUG
  bool        XLOG_DEBUG = false;

   * XLOGfileslop is used in the code as the allowed "fuzz" in the number of
   * preallocated XLOG segments --- we try to have at least XLOGfiles advance
--- 67,78 ----
  char       *XLOG_sync_method = NULL;
  const char    XLOG_sync_method_default[] = DEFAULT_SYNC_METHOD_STR;
  bool        fullPageWrites = true;
  #ifdef WAL_DEBUG
  bool        XLOG_DEBUG = false;

+ bool        trace_checkpoint = false;
   * XLOGfileslop is used in the code as the allowed "fuzz" in the number of
   * preallocated XLOG segments --- we try to have at least XLOGfiles advance
*** 5699,5708 ****
  static void
  CheckPointGuts(XLogRecPtr checkPointRedo)
!     FlushBufferPool();            /* performs all required fsyncs */
      /* We deliberately delay 2PC checkpointing as long as possible */
--- 5701,5722 ----
  static void
  CheckPointGuts(XLogRecPtr checkPointRedo)
+     PGRUsage ru0;
+     int flushed = 0;
!     if (trace_checkpoint)
!             pg_rusage_init(&ru0);
!     flushed = FlushBufferPool();            /* performs all required fsyncs */
!     if (trace_checkpoint)
!             elog(LOG, "CheckPoint: %d/%d buffer(s) flushed. %s",
!                  flushed, NBuffers, pg_rusage_show(&ru0));
      /* We deliberately delay 2PC checkpointing as long as possible */
diff -rc postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c
*** postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c    Thu May 31 05:11:58 2007
--- postgresql-snapshot/src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c    Tue Jun 12 17:51:25 2007
*** 1001,1012 ****
   * This is called at checkpoint time to write out all dirty shared buffers.
! void
      int            buf_id;
      int            num_to_scan;
      int            absorb_counter;

       * Find out where to start the circular scan.
--- 1001,1013 ----
   * This is called at checkpoint time to write out all dirty shared buffers.
! int
      int            buf_id;
      int            num_to_scan;
      int            absorb_counter;
+     int            flushed;

       * Find out where to start the circular scan.
*** 1019,1024 ****
--- 1020,1026 ----
       * Loop over all buffers.
+     flushed = 0;
      num_to_scan = NBuffers;
      absorb_counter = WRITES_PER_ABSORB;
      while (num_to_scan-- > 0)
*** 1038,1047 ****
--- 1040,1053 ----
                  absorb_counter = WRITES_PER_ABSORB;
+             flushed++;
          if (++buf_id >= NBuffers)
              buf_id = 0;
+     return flushed;

*** 1340,1350 ****
   * Local relations do not participate in checkpoints, so they don't need to be
   * flushed.
! void
!     BufferSync();

--- 1346,1358 ----
   * Local relations do not participate in checkpoints, so they don't need to be
   * flushed.
! int
!     int flushed = BufferSync();
+     return flushed;

diff -rc postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c postgresql-snapshot/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
*** postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c    Sat Jun  9 03:23:52 2007
--- postgresql-snapshot/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c    Tue Jun 12 18:43:42 2007
*** 109,114 ****
--- 109,117 ----
  #ifdef TRACE_SORT
  extern bool trace_sort;
+ extern bool trace_checkpoint;
+ #endif
  extern bool trace_syncscan;
*** 973,978 ****
--- 976,993 ----

+     {
+         {"trace_checkpoint", PGC_SIGHUP, DEVELOPER_OPTIONS,
+             gettext_noop("Emit information about resource usage in checkpointing."),
+             NULL,
+             GUC_NOT_IN_SAMPLE
+         },
+         &trace_checkpoint,
+         false, NULL, NULL
+     },
+ #endif
      /* this is undocumented because not exposed in a standard build */
diff -rc postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/include/pg_config_manual.h postgresql-snapshot/src/include/pg_config_manual.h
*** postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/include/pg_config_manual.h    Sat Jun  9 03:23:53 2007
--- postgresql-snapshot/src/include/pg_config_manual.h    Tue Jun 12 18:42:56 2007
*** 250,255 ****
--- 250,261 ----
  #define TRACE_SORT 1

+  * Enable tracing of resource consumption during checkpoint operations;
+  * see also the trace_checkpoint GUC var.  For 8.3 this is enabled by default.
+  */
+ /*
   * Enable tracing of syncscan operations (see also the trace_syncscan GUC var).
  /* #define TRACE_SYNCSCAN */
diff -rc postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/include/storage/bufmgr.h postgresql-snapshot/src/include/storage/bufmgr.h
*** postgresql-snapshot.orig/src/include/storage/bufmgr.h    Thu May 31 05:12:03 2007
--- postgresql-snapshot/src/include/storage/bufmgr.h    Tue Jun 12 17:51:38 2007
*** 136,142 ****
  extern void ResetBufferUsage(void);
  extern void AtEOXact_Buffers(bool isCommit);
  extern void PrintBufferLeakWarning(Buffer buffer);
! extern void FlushBufferPool(void);
  extern BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber(Buffer buffer);
  extern BlockNumber RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(Relation relation);
  extern void RelationTruncate(Relation rel, BlockNumber nblocks);
--- 136,142 ----
  extern void ResetBufferUsage(void);
  extern void AtEOXact_Buffers(bool isCommit);
  extern void PrintBufferLeakWarning(Buffer buffer);
! extern int FlushBufferPool(void);
  extern BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber(Buffer buffer);
  extern BlockNumber RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(Relation relation);
  extern void RelationTruncate(Relation rel, BlockNumber nblocks);
*** 161,167 ****
  extern void AbortBufferIO(void);

  extern void BufmgrCommit(void);
! extern void BufferSync(void);
  extern void BgBufferSync(void);

  extern void AtProcExit_LocalBuffers(void);
--- 161,167 ----
  extern void AbortBufferIO(void);

  extern void BufmgrCommit(void);
! extern int BufferSync(void);
  extern void BgBufferSync(void);

  extern void AtProcExit_LocalBuffers(void);

Re: trace_checkpoint parameter patch

Satoshi Nagayasu

Thanks for comments.

Greg Smith wrote:
> The idea of using pg_rusage_init is a new one though; I hadn't thought the
> CPU usage info was interesting enough to figure out how to collect it.
> The way the patch mentioned above works it would be hard to squeeze it in
> the line usefully for formatting reasons.

"trace_sort" option uses the pg_rusage_init(), so my "trace_checkpoint"
also uses it.

> I don't know what's wrong, but the I/O here is pretty simple:  the
> checkpoint wrote some amount of data that you can compute the size of
> easily within the code knowing the block size.  That's already done in the
> patch under review.


> If you're interested in this area, you should check out the
> pg_stat_bgwriter feature already in the 8.3 CVS, look through the
> pgsql-hackers archives for the discussion this week on the topic
> "Controlling Load Distributed Checkpoints", and check out the "Automatic
> adjustment of bgwriter_lru_maxpages" patch whose latest version is at
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2007-05/msg00142.php

Thanks for the information. I missed that thread.

But I'm not so much interested in huge modification on the checkpoint now.
I need just some information on checkpointing to tune my config by my hand.
NAGAYASU Satoshi <nagayasus@nttdata.co.jp>
Phone: +81-50-5546-2496