Обсуждение: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm


Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Seum-Lim Gan

I did a search in the discussion lists and found several
pointers about setting the max_fsm_relations and pages.

I have a table that keeps being updated and noticed
that after a few days, the disk usage has growned to
from just over 150 MB to like 2 GB !

I followed the recommendations from the various search
of the archives, changed the max_fsm_relations, pages,
keep doing vacuum like every minute while the
table of interest in being updated. I kept
watching the disk space usage and still noticed that
it continues to increase.

Looks like vacuum has no effect.

I did vacuum tablename and don't intend to use
the full option since it locks the table.

I have 7.3.3 running in Solaris 9.

Any recommendation ?


| Seum-Lim GAN                 email : slgan@lucent.com  |
| Lucent Technologies                                    |
| 2000 N. Naperville Road, 6B-403F  tel : (630)-713-6665 |
| Naperville, IL 60566, USA.        fax : (630)-713-7272 |
|       web : http://inuweb.ih.lucent.com/~slgan         |

Re: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Peter Childs
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Seum-Lim Gan wrote:

> Hi,
> I did a search in the discussion lists and found several
> pointers about setting the max_fsm_relations and pages.
> I have a table that keeps being updated and noticed
> that after a few days, the disk usage has growned to
> from just over 150 MB to like 2 GB !
> I followed the recommendations from the various search
> of the archives, changed the max_fsm_relations, pages,
> keep doing vacuum like every minute while the
> table of interest in being updated. I kept
> watching the disk space usage and still noticed that
> it continues to increase.
> Looks like vacuum has no effect.
> I did vacuum tablename and don't intend to use
> the full option since it locks the table.
> I have 7.3.3 running in Solaris 9.
> Any recommendation ?
> Thanks.
> Gan

    Try auto_vacuum (its in the 7.4beta4 contrib directory) I find it
very useful. Often you find that every minute in fact can be a little too
often. My table updates every couple of seconds but is vacuumed
(automatically) every hmm hour.
    If you have lots of overlapping vacumms and or editing connections
records may be held on to by one vacuum so the next can't do its job.
Always ensure that there is only one vacuum process. (You can't do this
easily with cron!)
    I'm still using 7.3.2. 7.3.3 is sposed to have some big bugs and
7.3.4 was produced within 24 hours.(must upgrade at some point)
    Oh yes Index have problems (I think this is fix in later
versions...) so you might want to try reindex.

    They are all worth a try its a brief summary of what been on
preform for weeks and weeks now.

Peter Childs

Re: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Shridhar Daithankar
Seum-Lim Gan wrote:
> I have a table that keeps being updated and noticed
> that after a few days, the disk usage has growned to
> from just over 150 MB to like 2 GB !

Hmm... You have quite a lot of wasted space there..
> I followed the recommendations from the various search
> of the archives, changed the max_fsm_relations, pages,
> keep doing vacuum like every minute while the
> table of interest in being updated. I kept
> watching the disk space usage and still noticed that
> it continues to increase.

That will help if your table is in good shape. Otherwise it will have little
effect particularly after such amount of wasted space.

> Looks like vacuum has no effect.

Its not that.

> I did vacuum tablename and don't intend to use
> the full option since it locks the table.

You got to do that. simple vacuum keeps a running instance of server clean. But
once dead tuples spill to disk, nothing but vacumm full can reclaim that space.

And don't forget, you got to reindex the indexes as well.

Once your table is in good shape, you can tune max_fsm_* and vacuum once a
minute. That will keep it good..

> I have 7.3.3 running in Solaris 9.
> Any recommendation ?



Re: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Seum-Lim Gan
I am not sure I can do the full vacuum.
If my system is doing updates in realtime and needs to be
ok 24 hours and 7 days a week non-stop, once I do
vacuum full, even on that table, that table will
get locked out and any quiery or updates that come in
will timeout.

Any suggestion on what to do besides shutting down to
do full vacuum ?

Peter Child also mentions there is indexing bugs.
Is this fixed in 7.3.4 ? I did notice after the database
grew in disk usage, its performance greatly decreases !


>Seum-Lim Gan wrote:
>>I have a table that keeps being updated and noticed
>>that after a few days, the disk usage has growned to
>>from just over 150 MB to like 2 GB !
>Hmm... You have quite a lot of wasted space there..
>>I followed the recommendations from the various search
>>of the archives, changed the max_fsm_relations, pages,
>>keep doing vacuum like every minute while the
>>table of interest in being updated. I kept
>>watching the disk space usage and still noticed that
>>it continues to increase.
>That will help if your table is in good shape. Otherwise it will
>have little effect particularly after such amount of wasted space.
>>Looks like vacuum has no effect.
>Its not that.
>>I did vacuum tablename and don't intend to use
>>the full option since it locks the table.
>You got to do that. simple vacuum keeps a running instance of server
>clean. But once dead tuples spill to disk, nothing but vacumm full
>can reclaim that space.
>And don't forget, you got to reindex the indexes as well.
>Once your table is in good shape, you can tune max_fsm_* and vacuum
>once a minute. That will keep it good..
>>I have 7.3.3 running in Solaris 9.
>>Any recommendation ?
>  HTH
>  Shridhar

| Seum-Lim GAN                 email : slgan@lucent.com  |
| Lucent Technologies                                    |
| 2000 N. Naperville Road, 6B-403F  tel : (630)-713-6665 |
| Naperville, IL 60566, USA.        fax : (630)-713-7272 |
|       web : http://inuweb.ih.lucent.com/~slgan         |

Re: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Shridhar Daithankar
On Monday 13 October 2003 19:22, Seum-Lim Gan wrote:
> I am not sure I can do the full vacuum.
> If my system is doing updates in realtime and needs to be
> ok 24 hours and 7 days a week non-stop, once I do
> vacuum full, even on that table, that table will
> get locked out and any quiery or updates that come in
> will timeout.

If you have 150MB type of data as you said last time, you could take a pg_dump
of database, drop the database and recreate it. By all chances it will take
less time than compacting a database from 2GB to 150MB.

It does involve downtime but can't help it. Thats closet you can get.

> Any suggestion on what to do besides shutting down to
> do full vacuum ?

Drop the indexes and recreate them. While creating the index, all the updates
will be blocked anyways.

> Peter Child also mentions there is indexing bugs.
> Is this fixed in 7.3.4 ? I did notice after the database

No. It is fixed in 7.4 and 7.4 is in beta still..

> grew in disk usage, its performance greatly decreases !

Obviously that is due to unnecessary IO it has to do.

Thing is your database has reached a state that is really bad for it's
operation. I strongly encourage you to recreate the database from backup,
from scratch, tune postgresql properly and run autovacuum daemon from 7.4
source dir. Besides that you would need to reindex nightly or per 5-6 hour
depending upon rate of insertion.

 Check http://www.varlena.com/varlena/GeneralBits/Tidbits/perf.html for
performance tuning starter tips..



Re: Performance, vacuum and reclaiming space, fsm

Vivek Khera
>>>>> "SD" == Shridhar Daithankar <shridhar_daithankar@persistent.co.in> writes:

SD> If you have 150MB type of data as you said last time, you could
SD> take a pg_dump of database, drop the database and recreate it. By
SD> all chances it will take less time than compacting a database from
SD> 2GB to 150MB.

That's it?  That's not so big of a disk footprint.

SD> Drop the indexes and recreate them. While creating the index, all
SD> the updates will be blocked anyways.

Be *very careful* doing this, especially with UNIQUE indexes on a live
system!  My recommendation is to get a list of all indexes on your
system with \di in psql, then running "reindex index XXXX" per index.
Be sure to bump sort_mem beforehand.  Here's a script I ran over the
weekend (during early morning low-usage time) on my system:

SET sort_mem = 131072;
SELECT NOW(); SELECT relname,relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'user_list%' ORDER BY relname;
SELECT NOW(); REINDEX INDEX  user_list_pkey            ;
SELECT NOW(); REINDEX INDEX  user_list_XXX        ;
SELECT NOW(); REINDEX INDEX  user_list_YYY     ;
SELECT NOW(); SELECT relname,relpages FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'user_list%' ORDER BY relname;

The relpages used by the latter two indexes shrunk dramatically:

user_list_XXX    |   109655
user_list_YYY    |    69837


user_list_XXX    |    57032
user_list_YYY    |    30911

and disk usage went down quite a bit as well.  Unfortunately, the pkey
reindex failed due to a deadlock being detected, but the XXX index is
most popular...  This is my "hottest" table, so I reindex it about
once a month.  My other "hot" table takes 45 minutes per index to
redo, so I try to avoid that until I *really* have to do it (about 6
months).  I don't think you'll need a nightly reindex.

Of course, regular vacuums throughout the day on the busy talbes help
keep it from getting too fragmented.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: khera@kciLink.com       Rockville, MD       +1-240-453-8497
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera   http://www.khera.org/~vivek/