Обсуждение: Performance degradation in 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660


Performance degradation in 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660

Vladimir Kamarzin
After upgrade from 9.3.1 to 9.3.5 we expirienced a slight performance degradation of all queries. Query time increased
tosome amount of ms, mostly in range of 100ms. Some actions in our application results in a lot of small queries and in
suchcases performance degradation is very significant - total action performs for a 2-3 times longer then before (15s
->40s, etc). 

Using git-bisect we've found a bad revision causes performance drop: it is 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660

All tests were performed on the same server with same postgresql.conf, the only load on this server is postgresql test

Here is example query plan of one query: http://explain.depesz.com/s/CWA
Anecdotally, when such a query executed in psql, it shows different results than when executes as a part of
application-inducedbatch of queries. For example, the above query takes 24ms on "fast" postgres version, and 80ms on
"slow"postgres versions. But when executed in "standalone" mode from psql, it takes 9.5-13 ms independently on postgres
version.So we're logged all statements from our test suite using auto_explain module. 

Here is query time difference on different postgresql versions:
# grep "duration: " 9.3-fast.log |awk '{sum += $6}; END { print sum}'
# grep "duration: " 9.3.5.log |awk '{sum += $6}; END { print sum}'

Log from postgres from 1 revision before bad: http://tgt72.ru/static/tmp/9.3-fast.log
Log from 9.3.5: http://tgt72.ru/static/tmp/9.3.5.log
Database schema: http://tgt72.ru/static/tmp/gits.sql

data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main'         # use data in another directory
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf'       # host-based authentication file
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_ident.conf'   # ident configuration file
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.3-main.pid'                  # write an extra PID file
listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;
port = 5432                             # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
ssl = true                              # (change requires restart)
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem'          # (change requires restart)
ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'         # (change requires restart)
vacuum_cost_delay = 50
vacuum_cost_page_hit = 0
vacuum_cost_limit = 600
fsync = on                              # turns forced synchronization on or off
synchronous_commit = off                # synchronization level;
log_line_prefix = '%t:%r:%u@%d:[%p]: '
log_statement = 'none'                  # none, ddl, mod, all
log_timezone = 'localtime'
autovacuum_max_workers = 4
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.0195
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.05
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 1000000000
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = 300
vacuum_freeze_table_age = 500000000
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
timezone = 'localtime'
client_encoding = utf8          # actually, defaults to database
lc_messages = 'en_US.UTF-8'                     # locale for system error message
lc_monetary = 'ru_RU.UTF-8'                     # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'ru_RU.UTF-8'                      # locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'ru_RU.UTF-8'                         # locale for time formatting
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.russian'
max_locks_per_transaction = 128         # min 10
default_statistics_target = 50 # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
constraint_exclusion = on # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
effective_cache_size = 12GB # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
work_mem = 96MB # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
wal_buffers = 8MB # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
checkpoint_segments = 24
shared_buffers = 4GB # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
max_connections = 300 # pgtune wizard 2013-11-20
shared_preload_libraries = 'auto_explain'
auto_explain.log_analyze = 1
auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0
auto_explain.log_buffers = 1
auto_explain.log_nested_statements = 1

Here is number of tuples estimation:
SELECT relname,reltuples::numeric FROM pg_class order by reltuples DESC limit 100;
                          relname                          | reltuples
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_time_fact_idx                 |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_checkpoint_idx                |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_audit_timestamp_idx           |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_time_plan_idx                 |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_pk                            |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06                               |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  80649500
 schedule_line_audit_2013_06_id_idx                        |  80649500
 tl_detector_zone_history_zone_id                          |  38235000
 tl_detector_zone_history                                  |  38235000
 tl_detector_zone_history_pkey                             |  38235000
 tl_detector_zone_history_datetime                         |  38235000
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07_pk                         |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07                            |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07_start_datetime_idx         |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07_user_ignored_idx           |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07_device_datetime_unique_idx |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_07_device_idx                 |  36870100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09_start_datetime_idx         |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09_user_ignored_idx           |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09_device_datetime_unique_idx |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09_pk                         |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09                            |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_09_device_idx                 |  36453900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08_device_datetime_unique_idx |  36102100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08_device_idx                 |  36102100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08                            |  36102100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08_start_datetime_idx         |  36102100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08_user_ignored_idx           |  36102100
 matching_matchingevent_2014_08_pk                         |  36102100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03                               |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_audit_timestamp_idx           |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_time_fact_idx                 |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_checkpoint_idx                |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_pk                            |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_id_idx                        |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2013_03_time_plan_idx                 |  30608400
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_checkpoint_idx                |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_time_plan_idx                 |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_time_fact_idx                 |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_pk                            |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07                               |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_id_idx                        |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_audit_timestamp_idx           |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_07_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  29604500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_id_idx                        |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_audit_timestamp_idx           |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_time_fact_idx                 |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_checkpoint_idx                |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_pk                            |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09_time_plan_idx                 |  28739900
 schedule_line_audit_2014_09                               |  28739900
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06                            |  27963800
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06_user_ignored_idx           |  27963800
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06_device_idx                 |  27963800
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06_pk                         |  27963800
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06_start_datetime_idx         |  27963800
 matching_matchingevent_2014_06_device_datetime_unique_idx |  27963800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08                               |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_checkpoint_idx                |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_pk                            |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_time_plan_idx                 |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_time_fact_idx                 |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_id_idx                        |  27197700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_08_audit_timestamp_idx           |  27197700
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05_user_ignored_idx           |  26968500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05_pk                         |  26968500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05_device_idx                 |  26968500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05_device_datetime_unique_idx |  26968500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05                            |  26968500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_05_start_datetime_idx         |  26968500
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_audit_timestamp_idx           |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_time_plan_idx                 |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_time_fact_idx                 |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_id_idx                        |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_pk                            |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06                               |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2014_06_checkpoint_idx                |  25498800
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_audit_timestamp_idx           |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_pk                            |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_time_plan_idx                 |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_id_idx                        |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_time_fact_idx                 |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08_checkpoint_idx                |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2013_08                               |  25396100
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_id_idx                        |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_pk                            |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_checkpoint_idx                |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05                               |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_time_fact_idx                 |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_audit_timestamp_idx           |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_schedule_end_datetime_idx     |  24859700
 schedule_line_audit_2014_05_time_plan_idx                 |  24859700
 matching_matchingevent_2014_04_device_idx                 |  24449500
 matching_matchingevent_2014_04_start_datetime_idx         |  24449500
(100 rows)

Re: Performance degradation in 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660

Tom Lane
Vladimir Kamarzin <vvk@vvk.pp.ru> writes:
> After upgrade from 9.3.1 to 9.3.5 we expirienced a slight performance degradation of all queries. Query time
increasedto some amount of ms, mostly in range of 100ms. Some actions in our application results in a lot of small
queriesand in such cases performance degradation is very significant - total action performs for a 2-3 times longer
thenbefore (15s -> 40s, etc). 
> Using git-bisect we've found a bad revision causes performance drop: it is 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660

Hm.  If you're going to do queries that involve update/delete across large
inheritance trees, that bug fix is unavoidably going to cost you some
cycles.  Having said that, though, the append_rel_list data structures
aren't especially large or complex, so it's a mite astonishing that you
could notice this extra copying cost in the context of everything else
that happens in a large inherited UPDATE.  I am wondering if you've
misidentified the commit that made the difference --- especially since you
claim there's a penalty for "all" queries, which there manifestly couldn't
be with this particular patch.  If not, there must be something rather
unusual about your queries or schema.  Care to provide a self-contained
test case?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Performance degradation in 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660

Vladimir Kamarzin
07.10.2014, 19:59, "Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> Vladimir Kamarzin <vvk@vvk.pp.ru> writes:
>>  After upgrade from 9.3.1 to 9.3.5 we expirienced a slight performance degradation of all queries. Query time
increasedto some amount of ms, mostly in range of 100ms. Some actions in our application results in a lot of small
queriesand in such cases performance degradation is very significant - total action performs for a 2-3 times longer
thenbefore (15s -> 40s, etc). 
>>  Using git-bisect we've found a bad revision causes performance drop: it is 324577f39bc8738ed0ec24c36c5cb2c2f81ec660
> Hm.  If you're going to do queries that involve update/delete across large
> inheritance trees, that bug fix is unavoidably going to cost you some
> cycles.

Yeah, we're actually noticed significantly increased CPU load while running on 9.3.5.

> I am wondering if you've
> misidentified the commit that made the difference --- especially since you
> claim there's a penalty for "all" queries, which there manifestly couldn't
> be with this particular patch.

No, problem appears exactly on this commit. Actually I don't really sure about "all": we don't see degradation when
performingplain SELECTs manually, 
but comparing logged query time of some SELECTs we see the differences.

Here is example 42ms -> 250ms:

>  If not, there must be something rather
> unusual about your queries or schema.  Care to provide a self-contained
> test case?

I'm afraid we cannot do this now. If you wish, we can give you ssh access to the test server to investigate the