Обсуждение: SQL query to a file


SQL query to a file

Marcelo Pereira
Hi All,

I have a connection to a PostgreSQL database, and I would to write a query
result to a file.

# ----8<----------------------------------------------
$conection = pgconnect(...
$sql = "select * from mytable";
$result = pg_exec($conection, $sql);
# -----8<---------------------------------------------

So, the results are stored in $result, how can I write this to a file?

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Pereira

-- Remember that only God and Esc+:w saves.
       (_.\           Marcelo Pereira       |
        / / ___                             |
       / (_/ _ \__    Matematica/99 - IMECC |

Re: SQL query to a file

dan radom
you can use the PHP touch and fopen functions and then write the rows to the file using a for loop.


* Marcelo Pereira (gandalf@sum.desktop.com.br) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a connection to a PostgreSQL database, and I would to write a query
> result to a file.
> Example:
> # ----8<----------------------------------------------
> $conection = pgconnect(...
> $sql = "select * from mytable";
> $result = pg_exec($conection, $sql);
> # -----8<---------------------------------------------
> So, the results are stored in $result, how can I write this to a file?

Re: SQL query to a file

Marcelo Pereira
Hi Dan,

Thanks for you answer!!

I will look for touch and fopen!!


Marcelo Pereira

-- Remember that only God and Esc+:w saves.
       (_.\           Marcelo Pereira       |
        / / ___                             |
       / (_/ _ \__    Matematica/99 - IMECC |

--- dan radom, with your fast fingers, wrote:

:> you can use the PHP touch and fopen functions and then write the rows to the file using a for loop.
:> dan
:> * Marcelo Pereira (gandalf@sum.desktop.com.br) wrote:
:> > Hi All,
:> >
:> > I have a connection to a PostgreSQL database, and I would to write a query
:> > result to a file.
:> >
:> > Example:
:> > # ----8<----------------------------------------------
:> > $conection = pgconnect(...
:> > $sql = "select * from mytable";
:> > $result = pg_exec($conection, $sql);
:> > # -----8<---------------------------------------------
:> >
:> > So, the results are stored in $result, how can I write this to a file?
:> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
:> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster