Обсуждение: Are these steps correct and standard way to upload images into a table?


Are these steps correct and standard way to upload images into a table?

"Zhidian Du"
I check the posts about uploading images from browser.  No one give me a
whole procedure how to do it.  My friend told me I can upload binary/image
file using following steps:

I want to know are these steps standard steps that insert images into a

Step 1 upload it
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<tr><td>upload </TD><TD><input type="file" name="pic"

    if($pic_name != '')
    $len = strlen($pic_name)-4;
    $ext = substr($pic_name,$len);
    $ext = strtolower($ext);

    exec("cp $pic $File");


Step 2 Read it
$fd = fopen($img_name, "r");
        while ($post_file = fread($fd, 4096))
         $filestuff .= $post_file;

Step 3 insert or update into the table using insert or update

Are these steps correct or the standard way to upload images into a table?


Zhidian Du

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Re: Are these steps correct and standard way to upload

Chris Smith

>I check the posts about uploading images from browser.  No one give me a
>whole procedure how to do it.  My friend told me I can upload binary/image
>file using following steps:
>I want to know are these steps standard steps that insert images into a table?
>Step 1 upload it
><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
><tr><td>upload </TD><TD><input type="file" name="pic"
>         if($pic_name != '')
>         {
>         $len = strlen($pic_name)-4;
>         $ext = substr($pic_name,$len);
>         $ext = strtolower($ext);
>         $File="/www/pics/test".$ext;
>         exec("cp $pic $File");

Use the move_uploaded_image function in PHP. Safer and easier.

>         }
>Step 2 Read it
>$fd = fopen($img_name, "r");
>        while ($post_file = fread($fd, 4096))
>        {
>         $filestuff .= $post_file;
>        }
>        fclose($fd);
>Step 3 insert or update into the table using insert or update

Are you sure you want to keep the file in the database? It will bloat it
out quite a bit (depending on the size and type of your files of course).
Why need keep either a filename or filepath and just store the file itself
on the machine ?

Anyway, check out the pg_lo_import function in the PHP manual for a
starting point.


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Re: Are these steps correct and standard way to upload

"Papp Gyozo"
2002. november 8. 05:45 dátummal Chris Smith ezt írta:
| Hi,
| >I check the posts about uploading images from browser.  No one give
| > me a whole procedure how to do it.  My friend told me I can upload
| > binary/image file using following steps:
| >
| >         exec("cp $pic $File");
| Use the move_uploaded_image function in PHP. Safer and easier.

The proper name of the function mentioned here is move_uploaded_file().
See: http://php.net/move_uploaded_file

Snippet from the PHP Manual on how to writing BLOBs into PostgreSQL

    $database = pg_connect ("dbname=jacarta");
    pg_query ($database, "begin");
    $oid = pg_lo_create ($database);
    echo "$oid\n";
    $handle = pg_lo_open ($database, $oid, "w");
    echo "$handle\n";
    pg_lo_write ($handle, "large object data");
    pg_lo_close ($handle);
    pg_query ($database, "commit");

Papp, Győző
- pgerzson@freestart.hu