I just installed pgbouncer 1.5.4-2.pgdg60+1 from apt.postgresql.org repo
on a Linux Debian Squeeze.
init.d script use start-stop-daemon with option "--status".
But start-stop-daemon version on debian squeeze is actually
and does not implement "--status" option...
So when calling restart or status command, you get an error :
15:53| nico@vm:~ # /etc/init.d/pgbouncer restart
start-stop-daemon: unrecognized option '--status'
Try 'start-stop-daemon --help' for more information.
Starting server: pgbouncer/usr/sbin/pgbouncer already running.
Waiting for a patch, I commented the following lines in
/etc/init.d/pgbouncer :
# $SSD --status
# if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo -n "Invoking $NAME restart"
su -c "$DAEMON -R $OPTS 2> /dev/null" - $RUNASUSER
# sleep 5
# $SSD --status
# else
# $0 start
# fi