Обсуждение: De-duplicating the tree


De-duplicating the tree

Craig Ringer
Hi all

Now that more and more packages share spec files and often more across the different OS versions, if not (yet) across Pg versions, I think it's worth looking at how to reduce the manual copy&paste involved in doing simple updates. It's error prone and tedious, and it shouldn't really be necessary.

Since I presume the build scripts etc are pretty heavily reliant on the current tree structure and there's a lot of legacy that might still need rebuilding one day, I'd like to symlink everything shared so that the build system doesn't get upset. I've checked that mock won't be upset, you just pass --symlink-dereference when building the srpm. If symlinks upset whatever the build scripts are used for the main repo tree it should be pretty trivial to tweak them to make them follow symlinks.

I'm thinking of starting with moving specs etc into per-version common/ dirs, like

=> rpm/redhat/9.5/repmgr/common/repmgr.spec
That'll bring the number of changes needed for many packages from 20+ down to 3-5 for a common update.

I'll prep a branch for, say, repmgr showing how it'd look so you can test your build scripts.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: De-duplicating the tree

Craig Ringer
On 3 March 2016 at 21:45, Craig Ringer <craig@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
That'll bring the number of changes needed for many packages from 20+ down to 3-5 for a common update.

BTW, if that works out I think the next step would be to template the specfiles, substituting the pg version into them. So we could then have a *single* spec file for all supported versions, at the cost of having to do some simple template substitutions on specs. This is what I've done very successfully in 2ndQuadrant's repositories and build scripts, so I can build things like pglogical for all supported Pg versions on all supported arches and hosts with a *single* command, from a *single* spec file, complete with rpm signing etc.

RPM macros aren't really suitable for this because rpm offers no way to embed macros in a .srpm, so you need to know the extra macros to --define at rpmbuild --rebuild time to get the expected result. Not desirable, a srpm should be self-contained. Hence templating the spec files.

For files that're reused across all supported versions as well, we could symlink like:

=> rpm/redhat/common/repmgr/repmgr.spec.in

where repmgr.spec.in is the existing specfile that simply has:

%global pgmajorversion __PG_MAJOR_SHORT__
%global pgpackageversion __PG_MAJOR__

There's already a Makefile, so adding rules for templated files is trivial and can be done via Makefile.global to make it a one-liner like

The rules we'd generate would be like:

repmgr.spec: repmgr.spec.in
    sed -e 's/__PG_MAJOR_SHORT__/$(pg_major_short)/' \
           -e 's/__PG_MAJOR__/$(pg_major)/' \
           $< > $@

the makevars pg_major_short and pg_major can be determined automatically from the makefile's path so there's no need to put the version in the Makefile. 

(BTW, the DIST that's currently set manually in each Makefile can also be determined from the makefile path automatically)

With that done your build scripts should stay happy and be able to invoke the Makefiles without knowing anything's changed. 

Then I can probably patch Makefile.global to allow use of mock/mockchain just by passing USE_MOCK=1 to make, referencing a localrepo for build dependencies, so it becomes possible for anyone to rebuild anything in the source tree and expect it to work. That in turn leads to easy automated testing...

Sound like a sane direction? I don't want to tackle all that at once - for one thing, time is a concern. But starting with symlinking into common dirs *within* a pg major version and maybe autodetecting DIST so the Makefile can be shared would be a beginning.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: De-duplicating the tree



Sure, please go ahead. While you are working on it, can you please also
implement the feature we discussed offlist, which eliminates the pgmajorversion
variables to be removed from the top of all spec files? I'm happy to change
build scripts to cope with this.

Regards, Devrim

On Thu, 2016-03-03 at 21:45 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Hi all
> Now that more and more packages share spec files and often more across the
> different OS versions, if not (yet) across Pg versions, I think it's worth
> looking at how to reduce the manual copy&paste involved in doing simple
> updates. It's error prone and tedious, and it shouldn't really be necessary.
> Since I presume the build scripts etc are pretty heavily reliant on the
> current tree structure and there's a lot of legacy that might still need
> rebuilding one day, I'd like to symlink everything shared so that the build
> system doesn't get upset. I've checked that mock won't be upset, you just
> pass --symlink-dereference when building the srpm. If symlinks upset
> whatever the build scripts are used for the main repo tree it should be
> pretty trivial to tweak them to make them follow symlinks.
> I'm thinking of starting with moving specs etc into per-version common/
> dirs, like
> rpm/redhat/9.5/repmgr/EL-6/repmgr.spec
> => rpm/redhat/9.5/repmgr/common/repmgr.spec
> That'll bring the number of changes needed for many packages from 20+ down
> to 3-5 for a common update.
> I'll prep a branch for, say, repmgr showing how it'd look so you can test
> your build scripts.

Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR


Re: De-duplicating the tree


On Thu, 2016-03-03 at 21:58 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> (BTW, the DIST that's currently set manually in each Makefile can also be
> determined from the makefile path automatically)

Quick note: The dir names are: EL-6, EL-7, for example -- but the dist
variables are rhel6 and rhel7, respectively. We should keep the latter, for
sure. I'm open for changing the dir names, or invent a way to translate EL-6 to

Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR
