Обсуждение: Linux RH 5.1 (2.0.36 kernel)


Linux RH 5.1 (2.0.36 kernel)

I have sucessfully installed Postgresql 6.4.2 on a Linux i686 (AMD K6 -
233MHz) machine, 128MB RAM, 8.4GB HD.
I compiled, installed and ran the regression test. The compile was
clean. I Compiled with the default options set.

There were some warning form the regression test included below.

My most sincere congratulations to all on the Postgresql team for a
great job. Well done.

Bradley Kieser

Output from regression test:

=============== destroying old regression database... =================
ERROR:  destroydb: database 'regression' does not exist
destroydb: database destroy failed on regression.
=============== creating new regression database...   =================
=============== running regression queries...         =================
boolean .. ok
char .. ok
name .. ok
varchar .. ok
text .. ok
strings .. ok
int2 .. failed
int4 .. failed
int8 .. ok
oid .. ok
float4 .. ok
float8 .. ok
numerology .. ok
point .. ok
lseg .. ok
box .. ok
path .. ok
polygon .. ok
circle .. ok
geometry .. failed
timespan .. ok
datetime .. ok
reltime .. ok
abstime .. ok
tinterval .. ok
horology .. ok
inet .. ok
comments .. ok
opr_sanity .. ok
create_function_1 .. ok
create_type .. ok
create_table .. ok
create_function_2 .. ok
constraints .. ok
triggers .. ok
copy .. ok
create_misc .. ok
create_aggregate .. ok
create_operator .. ok
create_view .. ok
create_index .. ok
sanity_check .. ok
errors .. ok
select .. ok
select_into .. ok
select_distinct .. ok
select_distinct_on .. ok
select_implicit .. ok
select_having .. ok
subselect .. ok
union .. ok
aggregates .. ok
transactions .. ok
random .. ok
portals .. ok
misc .. ok
arrays .. ok
btree_index .. ok
hash_index .. ok
select_views .. ok
alter_table .. ok
portals_p2 .. ok
rules .. ok
install_plpgsql .. ok
plpgsql .. ok
