Обсуждение: 6.4.2 Compile Problems


6.4.2 Compile Problems

"Gerry Smit"

                        POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE

Your name               :       Gerry Smit, Toronto, Canada
Your email address      :       gsmit@lombard.ca
System Configuration
  Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)         : Sun Sparc 20

  Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)  : Solaris 2.6

  PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-6.4.2)  :   PostgreSQL-6.4.2

  Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.8.0)           : gcc 2.8.1

Please enter a FULL description of your problem:

1) We're installing PostgreSQL for the first time. Following the
   in "INSTALL", we get to step 14 (compile the program), and the compile
   dies with the following error (extracted from the make.log) :
gcc -I../../../include -I../../../backend     -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
3/local/pgsql/include\"    -c y.tab.c -o y.tab.o
/usr/ccs/bin/yaccpar: In function `yyparse':
/usr/ccs/bin/yaccpar:274: warning: implicit declaration of function `yylex'
/usr/ccs/bin/yaccpar:374: warning: label `yyerrlab' defined but not used
/usr/ccs/bin/yaccpar:164: warning: label `yynewstate' defined but not used
lex pgc.l
"pgc.l":line 53: Error: missing translation value
¬: *** |pgc.c¬ Error 1
make|3¬: Leaving directory
make|2¬: *** |all¬ Error 2
make|2¬: Leaving directory
make|1¬: *** |all¬ Error 2
make|1¬: Leaving directory `/usr3/Eval/PostgreSQL/pgsql/src/interfaces'
make: *** |all¬ Error 2

These are the last 14 lines of the make.log. We do not receive the message
"All of the PostgreSQL is successfully made."

We did go ahead with step 15 (Install), hoping these errors were not fatal.
However, the only pieces built were :
mickey% ls *
postgres        postmaster

access          ecpgerrno.h     fmgr.h          libpq-int.h
c.h             ecpglib.h       lib             os.h            sqlca.h
commands        ecpgtype.h      libpq           port            utils
config.h        executor        libpq-fe.h      postgres.h

global1.bki.source              libpq.so
global1.description             libpq.so.2
libecpg.a                       libpq.so.2.0
libecpg.so                      local1_template1.bki.source
libecpg.so.2                    local1_template1.description
libecpg.so.2.6.2                pg_geqo.sample
libpq.a                         pg_hba.conf.sample

Notably missing from the above are things like "initdb" and other members
the pgsql/src/bin directory, such as pg_dump.

Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
concise reproducible example, if at all possible:

Our source library is :
Our Install library is :

To recreate the error, you can re-run the configure and the compile :

cd /usr3/Eval/PostgreSQL/pgsql/src
./configure --prefix=/usr3/local/pgsql --with-odbc
gmake all >& make.log &

If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:

Examining the make.log output, it appears that we may have to download
Bison yacc. Does this seem reasonable ?

Gerry Smit.