Обсуждение: ipc-daemon runs wild on NT?


ipc-daemon runs wild on NT?

Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA
Hello folks,

I'm running 6.5.1 on NT.  I think I've applied all the patches to the
ipc-daaemon, but after a while it starts hogging the CPU, even when no
queries of any sort are being made (although there is a postmaster present).
Reducing the priority helps a bit, but it's not a solution.

Has anyone seen this?  If so did you find a fix?


                Ted Nolan

Re: [PORTS] ipc-daemon runs wild on NT?

Ted Nolan SRI Augusta GA
In message <199909241517.LAA19260@ags.ga.erg.sri.com>you write:
>Hello folks,
>I'm running 6.5.1 on NT.  I think I've applied all the patches to the
>ipc-daaemon, but after a while it starts hogging the CPU, even when no
>queries of any sort are being made (although there is a postmaster present).
>Reducing the priority helps a bit, but it's not a solution.
>Has anyone seen this?  If so did you find a fix?
>                Thanks,
>                Ted Nolan

I've done a little more looking (very little..) and see that the
ipc-daemon has a loop in ipc-daemon.c that looks like

        usleep(300000) ;

I still don't know exactly what the ipc-daemon _does_, but I'm wondering if
cygwin usleep() somehow granularizes to 0 in some cases..

Does anyone has any feeling what the consequences would be in changing that
usleep to a "sleep(1)"

                Ted Nolan