Обсуждение: info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit


info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Murad Nayal


This is a report on my attempts to install unixODBC (1.8.9) and postgres
odbc driver on IRIX 6.5.7 64bit using the native compiler. There are a
number of changes that were necessary to be made on both the
configuration files and source to get it to compile. patches are
attached. some of these were derived from 1.8.8, but they all apply
successfully on 1.8.9.


1- you can ignore the changes to acinclude.m4. they are a hack to
augment the qt libraries for my platform. a more thoughtful allowance
for this possibility though might be needed.

2- I had to propagate USER_LDFLAGS into DataManager/Makefile.in,
ODBCConfig/Makefile.in and odbctest/Makefile.am adding it to LDADD
flags. There is no reason not to and they were needed in my case to find
all qt related libraries.

3- The IRIX native compiler does not like having new lines in strings. I
had to delete spurious new lines from a few strings in
DataManager/classLogin.cpp and DataManager/classISQL.cpp

4- default values for function arguments were defined twice in a number
of files. in the headers as well as in cpp files. IRIX compiler does not
like that besides it is a maintenance burden. I kept the default
arguments in the header files only (see patch).

5- Needed to insert explicit type casts in some places as well as
leading function prototypes (see patch).

Postgres ODBC driver

6- One bug that was hard to track was related to the postgres driver.
The driver defines #define Int4 long int; in psqlodbc.h. unfortunately,
when compiling 64bit a long int is 8 bytes. for my setup I hacked it by
changing that to #define Int4 int; which I think is probably appropriate
on most platforms. But this type should really be determined at
configure time.


Murad Nayal M.D. Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
630 West 168th Street. New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212-305-6884    Fax: 212-305-6926*** ./acinclude.m4.bk1    Wed Jun 14 13:30:52 2000
--- ./acinclude.m4    Wed Jun 14 00:47:35 2000
*** 562,568 ****

  ac_qt_includes=NO ac_qt_libraries=NO ac_qt_bindir=NO
--- 562,568 ----

! LIBQT="$LIBQT -ljpeg -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 $LIBSOCKET"
  ac_qt_includes=NO ac_qt_libraries=NO ac_qt_bindir=NO
*** 693,699 ****

! LIB_QT='-lqt $(LIBPNG) -lXext $(LIB_X11)'

--- 693,699 ----

! LIB_QT='-lqt $(LIBPNG) -ljpeg -lSM -lICE -lXext $(LIB_X11)'

*** ./DataManager/Makefile.in.bk1    Wed Jun 14 13:28:47 2000
--- ./DataManager/Makefile.in    Tue Jun 13 13:25:30 2000
*** 176,182 ****


! @QT_TRUE@DataManager_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@     @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la

  @QT_TRUE@DataManager_DEPENDANCIES =     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la     ../DriverManager/libodbc.la

--- 176,182 ----


! @QT_TRUE@DataManager_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@ @USER_LDFLAGS@     @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la

  @QT_TRUE@DataManager_DEPENDANCIES =     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la     ../DriverManager/libodbc.la

*** ./ODBCConfig/Makefile.in.bk1    Tue Jun 13 13:18:55 2000
--- ./ODBCConfig/Makefile.in    Tue Jun 13 13:25:00 2000
*** 176,182 ****

  @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@     -DSYSTEM_FILE_PATH=\"@sysconfdir@\" -DDEFLIB_PATH=\"@libdir@\"

! @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@     @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la

  @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_DEPENDANCIES = ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la ../extras/libodbcextraslc.la

--- 176,182 ----

  @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@     -DSYSTEM_FILE_PATH=\"@sysconfdir@\" -DDEFLIB_PATH=\"@libdir@\"

! @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@ @USER_LDFLAGS@    @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la

  @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_DEPENDANCIES = ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la ../extras/libodbcextraslc.la

*** odbctest/Makefile.am.bk1    Wed Jun 14 15:16:22 2000
--- odbctest/Makefile.am    Wed Jun 14 15:16:37 2000
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,12 ----

  odbctest_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@ \
      @QT_LDFLAGS@ \
+     @USER_LDFLAGS@ \
      @LIB_QT@ \
      ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la \
*** ./DataManager/classLogin.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 14:20:07 2000
--- ./DataManager/classLogin.cpp    Tue Jun 13 14:20:57 2000
*** 85,93 ****
              QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
  /* END TIM */
!             QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager",  "Login failed\n\nThis may
! be for one of these reasons;\n1. invalid ID and Password\n2. invalid Data
! Source config\n3. improper installation" );

--- 85,91 ----
              QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
  /* END TIM */
!             QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager",  "Login failed\n\nThis may be for one of these reasons;\n1.
invalidID and Password\n2. invalid Data Source config\n3. improper installation" ); 

*** ./DataManager/classISQL.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 13:49:38 2000
--- ./DataManager/classISQL.cpp    Tue Jun 13 13:50:56 2000
*** 140,147 ****
      iRC = SQLAllocStmt( hDbc, &hStmt );
      if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
! SQLAllocStmt " );

      if( SQL_SUCCESS != (iRC=SQLPrepare(hStmt,
  (SQLCHAR*)(txtSQL->text().data()), SQL_NTS)) )
--- 140,146 ----
      iRC = SQLAllocStmt( hDbc, &hStmt );
      if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLAllocStmt " );

      if( SQL_SUCCESS != (iRC=SQLPrepare(hStmt,
  (SQLCHAR*)(txtSQL->text().data()), SQL_NTS)) )
*** 151,158 ****
      if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
          QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
! SQLPrepare " );

      // EXECUTE
--- 150,156 ----
      if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
          QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLPrepare " );

      // EXECUTE
*** 163,170 ****
      if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
          QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
! SQLExecute " );

--- 161,167 ----
      if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
          QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLExecute " );

*** 186,193 ****
      iRC = SQLFreeStmt( hStmt, SQL_DROP );
      if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
! SQLFreeStmt " );

      pTabBar->setCurrentTab( 1 );
--- 183,189 ----
      iRC = SQLFreeStmt( hStmt, SQL_DROP );
      if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
!         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLFreeStmt " );

      pTabBar->setCurrentTab( 1 );
*** ./odbctest/odbctest.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 14:33:54 2000
--- ./odbctest/odbctest.cpp    Tue Jun 13 14:34:23 2000
*** 687,693 ****
      return a.exec();

! Handle::Handle( int t, SQLHANDLE h, QString desc = NULL, SQLHANDLE stmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE )
      type = t;
      handle = h;
--- 687,693 ----
      return a.exec();

! Handle::Handle( int t, SQLHANDLE h, QString desc, SQLHANDLE stmt)
      type = t;
      handle = h;
*** ./libltdl/ltdl.c.bk1    Sun Jun 11 23:35:11 2000
--- ./libltdl/ltdl.c    Sun Jun 11 23:35:34 2000
*** 210,218 ****

  /* dynamic linking with dlopen/dlsym */

  # include <dlfcn.h>
- #endif

   * GLOBAL is not a good thing for us, it breaks perl amonst others
--- 210,216 ----
*** ./Drivers/txt/SQLStatistics.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:55:21 2000
--- ./Drivers/txt/SQLStatistics.c    Fri May 26 16:55:43 2000
*** 58,64 ****
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
--- 58,64 ----
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
*** ./Drivers/txt/SQLColumns.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:52:03 2000
--- ./Drivers/txt/SQLColumns.c    Fri May 26 16:51:41 2000
*** 61,67 ****
          logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_WARNING, LOG_WARNING, hStmt->szSqlMsg );
          return SQL_ERROR;
!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
--- 61,67 ----
          logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_WARNING, LOG_WARNING, hStmt->szSqlMsg );
          return SQL_ERROR;
!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
*** ./Drivers/txt/SQLSpecialColumns.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:54:45 2000
--- ./Drivers/txt/SQLSpecialColumns.c    Fri May 26 16:55:03 2000
*** 76,82 ****
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
--- 76,82 ----
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
*** ./Drivers/txt/SQLTables.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:56:02 2000
--- ./Drivers/txt/SQLTables.c    Fri May 26 16:56:42 2000
*** 55,61 ****
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
--- 55,61 ----
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
*** ./Drivers/txt/SQLPrimaryKeys.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:53:27 2000
--- ./Drivers/txt/SQLPrimaryKeys.c    Fri May 26 16:53:41 2000
*** 55,61 ****
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
--- 55,61 ----
          return SQL_ERROR;

!     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );

      logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
      return SQL_SUCCESS;
*** ./Drivers/template/SQLAllocStmt.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:16:55 2000
--- ./Drivers/template/SQLAllocStmt.c    Fri May 26 17:18:17 2000
*** 62,68 ****
      (*phStmt)->pNext        = NULL;
      (*phStmt)->pPrev        = NULL;
      (*phStmt)->pszQuery        = NULL;
!     sprintf( (*phStmt)->szCursorName, "CUR_%08lX", *phStmt );


--- 65,71 ----
      (*phStmt)->pNext        = NULL;
      (*phStmt)->pPrev        = NULL;
      (*phStmt)->pszQuery        = NULL;
!     sprintf((char*) (*phStmt)->szCursorName, "CUR_%08lX", *phStmt );


*** ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeEnv.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:19:48 2000
--- ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeEnv.c    Fri May 26 17:20:08 2000
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,22 ----

  #include "driver.h"
    return  _FreeEnv( hDrvEnv );
*** ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeHandle.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:21:17 2000
--- ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeHandle.c    Fri May 26 17:21:27 2000
*** 25,31 ****
          return _FreeConnect( (SQLHDBC)nHandle );

      case SQL_HANDLE_STMT:
!       //        return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle, 0 );
          return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle );

      case SQL_HANDLE_DESC:
--- 25,31 ----
          return _FreeConnect( (SQLHDBC)nHandle );

      case SQL_HANDLE_STMT:
!       /*        return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle, 0 ); */
          return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle );

      case SQL_HANDLE_DESC:
*** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/environ.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:14:24 2000
--- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/environ.c    Fri May 26 15:35:46 2000
*** 425,431 ****

      /* Free any connections belonging to this environment */
      for (lf = 0; lf < MAX_CONNECTIONS; lf++) {
!         if (conns[lf] && conns[lf]->henv == self)
              rv = rv && CC_Destructor(conns[lf]);

--- 425,431 ----

      /* Free any connections belonging to this environment */
      for (lf = 0; lf < MAX_CONNECTIONS; lf++) {
!         if (conns[lf] && conns[lf]->henv == (HENV) self)
              rv = rv && CC_Destructor(conns[lf]);

*** 459,465 ****

      for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
          if ( ! conns[i]) {
!             conn->henv = self;
              conns[i] = conn;

              mylog("       added at i =%d, conn->henv = %u, conns[i]->henv = %u\n", i, conn->henv, conns[i]->henv);
--- 459,465 ----

      for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
          if ( ! conns[i]) {
!             conn->henv = (HENV) self;
              conns[i] = conn;

              mylog("       added at i =%d, conn->henv = %u, conns[i]->henv = %u\n", i, conn->henv, conns[i]->henv);
*** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/execute.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:36:14 2000
--- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/execute.c    Sun Jun 11 21:42:40 2000
*** 445,451 ****

          mylog("SQLCancel:  SQLFreeStmt returned %d\n", result);

!         SC_clear_error(hstmt);
          return SQL_SUCCESS;

--- 445,451 ----

          mylog("SQLCancel:  SQLFreeStmt returned %d\n", result);

!         SC_clear_error( (StatementClass *) hstmt);
          return SQL_SUCCESS;

*** 728,734 ****
              else {
!                 current_param->EXEC_buffer = malloc(cbValue + 1);
                  if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)";
--- 728,734 ----
              else {
!                 current_param->EXEC_buffer = (char*) malloc(cbValue + 1);
                  if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)";
*** 758,764 ****
              buffer = current_param->EXEC_buffer;

              if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) {
!                 buffer = realloc(buffer, strlen(buffer) + strlen(rgbValue) + 1);
                  if ( ! buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
--- 758,764 ----
              buffer = current_param->EXEC_buffer;

              if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) {
!                 buffer = (char*) realloc(buffer, strlen(buffer) + strlen(rgbValue) + 1);
                  if ( ! buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
*** 784,790 ****
                  mylog("        cbValue = %d, old_pos = %d, *used = %d\n", cbValue, old_pos,

                  /* dont lose the old pointer in case out of memory */
!                 buffer = realloc(current_param->EXEC_buffer, *current_param->EXEC_used + 1);
                  if ( ! buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
--- 784,790 ----
                  mylog("        cbValue = %d, old_pos = %d, *used = %d\n", cbValue, old_pos,

                  /* dont lose the old pointer in case out of memory */
!                 buffer = (char*) realloc(current_param->EXEC_buffer, *current_param->EXEC_used + 1);
                  if ( ! buffer) {
                      stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
                      stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
*** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/info.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:39:45 2000
--- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/info.c    Fri May 26 15:44:56 2000
*** 1028,1034 ****

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 1028,1034 ----

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 1149,1155 ****
          result = PG__SQLFetch(htbl_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 1149,1155 ----
          result = PG__SQLFetch(htbl_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 1240,1246 ****
      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hcol_stmt, columns_query,
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 1240,1246 ----
      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hcol_stmt, columns_query,
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 1470,1476 ****

      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 1470,1476 ----

      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 1760,1766 ****
          result = PG__SQLFetch(hcol_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND || total_columns == 0) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt); /*// "Couldn't get column names in SQLStatistics."; */
              stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
                 goto SEEYA;
--- 1760,1766 ----
          result = PG__SQLFetch(hcol_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND || total_columns == 0) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt); /*// "Couldn't get column names in
              stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
                 goto SEEYA;
*** 1784,1790 ****

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hindx_stmt, index_query, strlen(index_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hindx_stmt); /*// "Couldn't execute index query (w/SQLExecDirect) in
          stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
            goto SEEYA;
--- 1784,1790 ----

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hindx_stmt, index_query, strlen(index_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hindx_stmt); /*// "Couldn't execute index query
(w/SQLExecDirect)in SQLStatistics."; */ 
          stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
            goto SEEYA;
*** 1924,1930 ****
          result = PG__SQLFetch(hindx_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hindx_stmt); /*// "SQLFetch failed in SQLStatistics."; */
          stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
          goto SEEYA;
--- 1924,1930 ----
          result = PG__SQLFetch(hindx_stmt);
      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hindx_stmt); /*// "SQLFetch failed in SQLStatistics.";
          stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
          goto SEEYA;
*** 2076,2082 ****

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2076,2082 ----

      result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
      if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 2120,2126 ****

      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2120,2126 ----

      if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
!         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
          stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
          SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
          PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 2272,2278 ****

          result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
          if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2272,2278 ----

          result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
          if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 2314,2320 ****
              return SQL_SUCCESS;

          if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2314,2320 ----
              return SQL_SUCCESS;

          if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 2447,2453 ****

          result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
          if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2447,2453 ----

          result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
          if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** 2499,2505 ****
              return SQL_SUCCESS;

          if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
--- 2499,2505 ----
              return SQL_SUCCESS;

          if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
!             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
              stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
              SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
              PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
*** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/psqlodbc.h.bk1    Mon Jun 12 01:45:27 2000
--- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/psqlodbc.h    Mon Jun 12 01:45:39 2000
*** 18,24 ****
  #include <stdio.h>    /* for FILE* pointers: see GLOBAL_VALUES */

  #ifndef WIN32
! #define Int4 long int
  #define UInt4 unsigned int
  #define Int2 short
  #define UInt2 unsigned short
--- 18,24 ----
  #include <stdio.h>    /* for FILE* pointers: see GLOBAL_VALUES */

  #ifndef WIN32
! #define Int4 int
  #define UInt4 unsigned int
  #define Int2 short
  #define UInt2 unsigned short

Re: [HACKERS] info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Bruce Momjian
Is this patch based on the current snapshot?  I have applied several
unixODBC patches in the past several days that may already fix these

> Hello,
> This is a report on my attempts to install unixODBC (1.8.9) and postgres
> odbc driver on IRIX 6.5.7 64bit using the native compiler. There are a
> number of changes that were necessary to be made on both the
> configuration files and source to get it to compile. patches are
> attached. some of these were derived from 1.8.8, but they all apply
> successfully on 1.8.9.
> UnixODBC
> --------
> 1- you can ignore the changes to acinclude.m4. they are a hack to
> augment the qt libraries for my platform. a more thoughtful allowance
> for this possibility though might be needed.
> 2- I had to propagate USER_LDFLAGS into DataManager/Makefile.in,
> ODBCConfig/Makefile.in and odbctest/Makefile.am adding it to LDADD
> flags. There is no reason not to and they were needed in my case to find
> all qt related libraries.
> 3- The IRIX native compiler does not like having new lines in strings. I
> had to delete spurious new lines from a few strings in
> DataManager/classLogin.cpp and DataManager/classISQL.cpp
> 4- default values for function arguments were defined twice in a number
> of files. in the headers as well as in cpp files. IRIX compiler does not
> like that besides it is a maintenance burden. I kept the default
> arguments in the header files only (see patch).
> 5- Needed to insert explicit type casts in some places as well as
> leading function prototypes (see patch).
> Postgres ODBC driver
> --------------------
> 6- One bug that was hard to track was related to the postgres driver.
> The driver defines #define Int4 long int; in psqlodbc.h. unfortunately,
> when compiling 64bit a long int is 8 bytes. for my setup I hacked it by
> changing that to #define Int4 int; which I think is probably appropriate
> on most platforms. But this type should really be determined at
> configure time.
> Regards
> --
> Murad Nayal M.D. Ph.D.
> Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
> College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University
> 630 West 168th Street. New York, NY 10032
> Tel: 212-305-6884    Fax: 212-305-6926

> *** ./acinclude.m4.bk1    Wed Jun 14 13:30:52 2000
> --- ./acinclude.m4    Wed Jun 14 00:47:35 2000
> ***************
> *** 562,568 ****
>   fi
>   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Qt])
> ! LIBQT="$LIBQT -lXext -lX11 $LIBSOCKET"
>   ac_qt_includes=NO ac_qt_libraries=NO ac_qt_bindir=NO
>   qt_libraries=""
>   qt_includes=""
> --- 562,568 ----
>   fi
>   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Qt])
> ! LIBQT="$LIBQT -ljpeg -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 $LIBSOCKET"
>   ac_qt_includes=NO ac_qt_libraries=NO ac_qt_bindir=NO
>   qt_libraries=""
>   qt_includes=""
> ***************
> *** 693,699 ****
> ! LIB_QT='-lqt $(LIBPNG) -lXext $(LIB_X11)'
>   ])
> --- 693,699 ----
> ! LIB_QT='-lqt $(LIBPNG) -ljpeg -lSM -lICE -lXext $(LIB_X11)'
>   ])
> *** ./DataManager/Makefile.in.bk1    Wed Jun 14 13:28:47 2000
> --- ./DataManager/Makefile.in    Tue Jun 13 13:25:30 2000
> ***************
> *** 176,182 ****
>   @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@
> ! @QT_TRUE@DataManager_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@     @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la
>   @QT_TRUE@DataManager_DEPENDANCIES =     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la     ../DriverManager/libodbc.la
> --- 176,182 ----
>   @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@
../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la    ../DriverManager/libodbc.la  
>   @QT_TRUE@DataManager_DEPENDANCIES =     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la     ../DriverManager/libodbc.la
> *** ./ODBCConfig/Makefile.in.bk1    Tue Jun 13 13:18:55 2000
> --- ./ODBCConfig/Makefile.in    Tue Jun 13 13:25:00 2000
> ***************
> *** 176,182 ****
>   @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@     -DSYSTEM_FILE_PATH=\"@sysconfdir@\" -DDEFLIB_PATH=\"@libdir@\"
> ! @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@     @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la
>   @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_DEPENDANCIES = ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la ../extras/libodbcextraslc.la
> --- 176,182 ----
>   @QT_TRUE@INCLUDES = -I../include @QT_INCLUDES@     -DSYSTEM_FILE_PATH=\"@sysconfdir@\" -DDEFLIB_PATH=\"@libdir@\"
> ! @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@     @QT_LDFLAGS@ @USER_LDFLAGS@    @LIB_QT@     ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la
>   @QT_TRUE@ODBCConfig_DEPENDANCIES = ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la ../extras/libodbcextraslc.la
> *** odbctest/Makefile.am.bk1    Wed Jun 14 15:16:22 2000
> --- odbctest/Makefile.am    Wed Jun 14 15:16:37 2000
> ***************
> *** 6,11 ****
> --- 6,12 ----
>   odbctest_LDADD = @X_LDFLAGS@ \
>       @QT_LDFLAGS@ \
> +     @USER_LDFLAGS@ \
>       @LIB_QT@ \
>       ../odbcinst/libodbcinst.la \
>       ../DriverManager/libodbc.la
> *** ./DataManager/classLogin.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 14:20:07 2000
> --- ./DataManager/classLogin.cpp    Tue Jun 13 14:20:57 2000
> ***************
> *** 85,93 ****
>               QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>           else
>   /* END TIM */
> !             QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager",  "Login failed\n\nThis may
> ! be for one of these reasons;\n1. invalid ID and Password\n2. invalid Data
> ! Source config\n3. improper installation" );
>           return;
>       }
> --- 85,91 ----
>               QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>           else
>   /* END TIM */
> !             QMessageBox::warning( this, "Data Manager",  "Login failed\n\nThis may be for one of these reasons;\n1.
invalidID and Password\n2. invalid Data Source config\n3. improper installation" ); 
>           return;
>       }
> *** ./DataManager/classISQL.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 13:49:38 2000
> --- ./DataManager/classISQL.cpp    Tue Jun 13 13:50:56 2000
> ***************
> *** 140,147 ****
>       iRC = SQLAllocStmt( hDbc, &hStmt );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
> ! SQLAllocStmt " );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != (iRC=SQLPrepare(hStmt,
>   (SQLCHAR*)(txtSQL->text().data()), SQL_NTS)) )
> --- 140,146 ----
>       iRC = SQLAllocStmt( hDbc, &hStmt );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLAllocStmt " );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != (iRC=SQLPrepare(hStmt,
>   (SQLCHAR*)(txtSQL->text().data()), SQL_NTS)) )
> ***************
> *** 151,158 ****
>       if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
>           QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>       else
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
> ! SQLPrepare " );
>       }
>       // EXECUTE
> --- 150,156 ----
>       if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
>           QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>       else
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLPrepare " );
>       }
>       // EXECUTE
> ***************
> *** 163,170 ****
>       if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
>           QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>       else
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
> ! SQLExecute " );
>       }
> --- 161,167 ----
>       if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
>           QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", szBuf);
>       else
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLExecute " );
>       }
> ***************
> *** 186,193 ****
>       iRC = SQLFreeStmt( hStmt, SQL_DROP );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed:
> ! SQLFreeStmt " );
>       pTabBar->setCurrentTab( 1 );
>       txtResults->show();
> --- 183,189 ----
>       iRC = SQLFreeStmt( hStmt, SQL_DROP );
>       if( SQL_SUCCESS != iRC )
> !         QMessageBox::critical( (QWidget *)this, "Data Manager", "Failed: SQLFreeStmt " );
>       pTabBar->setCurrentTab( 1 );
>       txtResults->show();
> *** ./odbctest/odbctest.cpp.bk1    Tue Jun 13 14:33:54 2000
> --- ./odbctest/odbctest.cpp    Tue Jun 13 14:34:23 2000
> ***************
> *** 687,693 ****
>       return a.exec();
>   }
> ! Handle::Handle( int t, SQLHANDLE h, QString desc = NULL, SQLHANDLE stmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE )
>   {
>       type = t;
>       handle = h;
> --- 687,693 ----
>       return a.exec();
>   }
> ! Handle::Handle( int t, SQLHANDLE h, QString desc, SQLHANDLE stmt)
>   {
>       type = t;
>       handle = h;
> *** ./libltdl/ltdl.c.bk1    Sun Jun 11 23:35:11 2000
> --- ./libltdl/ltdl.c    Sun Jun 11 23:35:34 2000
> ***************
> *** 210,218 ****
>   /* dynamic linking with dlopen/dlsym */
> - #if HAVE_DLFCN_H
>   # include <dlfcn.h>
> - #endif
>   /*
>    * GLOBAL is not a good thing for us, it breaks perl amonst others
> --- 210,216 ----
> *** ./Drivers/txt/SQLStatistics.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:55:21 2000
> --- ./Drivers/txt/SQLStatistics.c    Fri May 26 16:55:43 2000
> ***************
> *** 58,64 ****
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> --- 58,64 ----
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> *** ./Drivers/txt/SQLColumns.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:52:03 2000
> --- ./Drivers/txt/SQLColumns.c    Fri May 26 16:51:41 2000
> ***************
> *** 61,67 ****
>           logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_WARNING, LOG_WARNING, hStmt->szSqlMsg );
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> --- 61,67 ----
>           logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_WARNING, LOG_WARNING, hStmt->szSqlMsg );
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> *** ./Drivers/txt/SQLSpecialColumns.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:54:45 2000
> --- ./Drivers/txt/SQLSpecialColumns.c    Fri May 26 16:55:03 2000
> ***************
> *** 76,82 ****
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> --- 76,82 ----
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> *** ./Drivers/txt/SQLTables.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:56:02 2000
> --- ./Drivers/txt/SQLTables.c    Fri May 26 16:56:42 2000
> ***************
> *** 55,61 ****
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> --- 55,61 ----
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> *** ./Drivers/txt/SQLPrimaryKeys.c.bk1    Fri May 26 16:53:27 2000
> --- ./Drivers/txt/SQLPrimaryKeys.c    Fri May 26 16:53:41 2000
> ***************
> *** 55,61 ****
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols( hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> --- 55,61 ----
>           return SQL_ERROR;
>       }
> !     hStmt->hStmtExtras->hBoundCols    = _CreateBoundCols((SQLHSTMT) hStmt );
>       logPushMsg( hStmt->hLog, __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_INFO, LOG_INFO, "SQL_SUCCESS" );
>       return SQL_SUCCESS;
> *** ./Drivers/template/SQLAllocStmt.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:16:55 2000
> --- ./Drivers/template/SQLAllocStmt.c    Fri May 26 17:18:17 2000
> ***************
> *** 62,68 ****
>       (*phStmt)->pNext        = NULL;
>       (*phStmt)->pPrev        = NULL;
>       (*phStmt)->pszQuery        = NULL;
> !     sprintf( (*phStmt)->szCursorName, "CUR_%08lX", *phStmt );
> --- 65,71 ----
>       (*phStmt)->pNext        = NULL;
>       (*phStmt)->pPrev        = NULL;
>       (*phStmt)->pszQuery        = NULL;
> !     sprintf((char*) (*phStmt)->szCursorName, "CUR_%08lX", *phStmt );
> *** ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeEnv.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:19:48 2000
> --- ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeEnv.c    Fri May 26 17:20:08 2000
> ***************
> *** 14,19 ****
> --- 14,22 ----
>    **********************************************************************/
>   #include "driver.h"
> +
> +
>   {
>     return  _FreeEnv( hDrvEnv );
> *** ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeHandle.c.bk1    Fri May 26 17:21:17 2000
> --- ./Drivers/template/SQLFreeHandle.c    Fri May 26 17:21:27 2000
> ***************
> *** 25,31 ****
>           return _FreeConnect( (SQLHDBC)nHandle );
>       case SQL_HANDLE_STMT:
> !       //        return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle, 0 );
>           return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle );
>       case SQL_HANDLE_DESC:
> --- 25,31 ----
>           return _FreeConnect( (SQLHDBC)nHandle );
>       case SQL_HANDLE_STMT:
> !       /*        return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle, 0 ); */
>           return _FreeStmt( (SQLHSTMT)nHandle );
>       case SQL_HANDLE_DESC:
> *** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/environ.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:14:24 2000
> --- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/environ.c    Fri May 26 15:35:46 2000
> ***************
> *** 425,431 ****
>       /* Free any connections belonging to this environment */
>       for (lf = 0; lf < MAX_CONNECTIONS; lf++) {
> !         if (conns[lf] && conns[lf]->henv == self)
>               rv = rv && CC_Destructor(conns[lf]);
>       }
> --- 425,431 ----
>       /* Free any connections belonging to this environment */
>       for (lf = 0; lf < MAX_CONNECTIONS; lf++) {
> !         if (conns[lf] && conns[lf]->henv == (HENV) self)
>               rv = rv && CC_Destructor(conns[lf]);
>       }
> ***************
> *** 459,465 ****
>       for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
>           if ( ! conns[i]) {
> !             conn->henv = self;
>               conns[i] = conn;
>               mylog("       added at i =%d, conn->henv = %u, conns[i]->henv = %u\n", i, conn->henv, conns[i]->henv);
> --- 459,465 ----
>       for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
>           if ( ! conns[i]) {
> !             conn->henv = (HENV) self;
>               conns[i] = conn;
>               mylog("       added at i =%d, conn->henv = %u, conns[i]->henv = %u\n", i, conn->henv, conns[i]->henv);
> *** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/execute.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:36:14 2000
> --- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/execute.c    Sun Jun 11 21:42:40 2000
> ***************
> *** 445,451 ****
>           mylog("SQLCancel:  SQLFreeStmt returned %d\n", result);
> !         SC_clear_error(hstmt);
>           return SQL_SUCCESS;
>       }
> --- 445,451 ----
>           mylog("SQLCancel:  SQLFreeStmt returned %d\n", result);
> !         SC_clear_error( (StatementClass *) hstmt);
>           return SQL_SUCCESS;
>       }
> ***************
> *** 728,734 ****
>                   }
>               }
>               else {
> !                 current_param->EXEC_buffer = malloc(cbValue + 1);
>                   if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)";
> --- 728,734 ----
>                   }
>               }
>               else {
> !                 current_param->EXEC_buffer = (char*) malloc(cbValue + 1);
>                   if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)";
> ***************
> *** 758,764 ****
>               buffer = current_param->EXEC_buffer;
>               if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) {
> !                 buffer = realloc(buffer, strlen(buffer) + strlen(rgbValue) + 1);
>                   if ( ! buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
> --- 758,764 ----
>               buffer = current_param->EXEC_buffer;
>               if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) {
> !                 buffer = (char*) realloc(buffer, strlen(buffer) + strlen(rgbValue) + 1);
>                   if ( ! buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
> ***************
> *** 784,790 ****
>                   mylog("        cbValue = %d, old_pos = %d, *used = %d\n", cbValue, old_pos,
>                   /* dont lose the old pointer in case out of memory */
> !                 buffer = realloc(current_param->EXEC_buffer, *current_param->EXEC_used + 1);
>                   if ( ! buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
> --- 784,790 ----
>                   mylog("        cbValue = %d, old_pos = %d, *used = %d\n", cbValue, old_pos,
>                   /* dont lose the old pointer in case out of memory */
> !                 buffer = (char*) realloc(current_param->EXEC_buffer, *current_param->EXEC_used + 1);
>                   if ( ! buffer) {
>                       stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
>                       stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)";
> *** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/info.c.bk1    Fri May 26 15:39:45 2000
> --- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/info.c    Fri May 26 15:44:56 2000
> ***************
> *** 1028,1034 ****
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 1028,1034 ----
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 1149,1155 ****
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(htbl_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 1149,1155 ----
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(htbl_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 1240,1246 ****
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hcol_stmt, columns_query,
>                              strlen(columns_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 1240,1246 ----
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hcol_stmt, columns_query,
>                              strlen(columns_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 1470,1476 ****
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 1470,1476 ----
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 1760,1766 ****
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(hcol_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND || total_columns == 0) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hcol_stmt); /*// "Couldn't get column names in SQLStatistics."; */
>               stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>                  goto SEEYA;
> --- 1760,1766 ----
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(hcol_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND || total_columns == 0) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hcol_stmt); /*// "Couldn't get column names in
>               stmt->errornumber = col_stmt->errornumber;
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(hcol_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>                  goto SEEYA;
> ***************
> *** 1784,1790 ****
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hindx_stmt, index_query, strlen(index_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hindx_stmt); /*// "Couldn't execute index query (w/SQLExecDirect) in
>           stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>             goto SEEYA;
> --- 1784,1790 ----
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(hindx_stmt, index_query, strlen(index_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hindx_stmt); /*// "Couldn't execute index query
(w/SQLExecDirect)in SQLStatistics."; */ 
>           stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>             goto SEEYA;
> ***************
> *** 1924,1930 ****
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(hindx_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(hindx_stmt); /*// "SQLFetch failed in SQLStatistics."; */
>           stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>           goto SEEYA;
> --- 1924,1930 ----
>           result = PG__SQLFetch(hindx_stmt);
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) hindx_stmt); /*// "SQLFetch failed in
>           stmt->errornumber = indx_stmt->errornumber;
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(hindx_stmt, SQL_DROP);
>           goto SEEYA;
> ***************
> *** 2076,2082 ****
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2076,2082 ----
>       result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>       if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 2120,2126 ****
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2120,2126 ----
>       }
>       if(result != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {
> !         stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>           stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>           SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>           PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 2272,2278 ****
>           result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>           if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2272,2278 ----
>           result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>           if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 2314,2320 ****
>               return SQL_SUCCESS;
>           if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2314,2320 ----
>               return SQL_SUCCESS;
>           if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 2447,2453 ****
>           result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>           if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2447,2453 ----
>           result = PG__SQLExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
>           if((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> ***************
> *** 2499,2505 ****
>               return SQL_SUCCESS;
>           if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg(htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> --- 2499,2505 ----
>               return SQL_SUCCESS;
>           if(result != SQL_SUCCESS) {
> !             stmt->errormsg = SC_create_errormsg((StatementClass *) htbl_stmt);
>               stmt->errornumber = tbl_stmt->errornumber;
>               SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
>               PG__SQLFreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
> *** ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/psqlodbc.h.bk1    Mon Jun 12 01:45:27 2000
> --- ./Drivers/PostgreSQL/psqlodbc.h    Mon Jun 12 01:45:39 2000
> ***************
> *** 18,24 ****
>   #include <stdio.h>    /* for FILE* pointers: see GLOBAL_VALUES */
>   #ifndef WIN32
> ! #define Int4 long int
>   #define UInt4 unsigned int
>   #define Int2 short
>   #define UInt2 unsigned short
> --- 18,24 ----
>   #include <stdio.h>    /* for FILE* pointers: see GLOBAL_VALUES */
>   #ifndef WIN32
> ! #define Int4 int
>   #define UInt4 unsigned int
>   #define Int2 short
>   #define UInt2 unsigned short

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://www.op.net/~candle
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: [HACKERS] info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Thomas Lockhart
> Is this patch based on the current snapshot?  I have applied several
> unixODBC patches in the past several days that may already fix these
> problems.
> > This is a report on my attempts to install unixODBC (1.8.9)

afaik, unixODBC != psqlODBC, though they have common roots. Is that
actually the case? Is unixODBC sufficiently mature to consider merging
the efforts?

                    - Thomas

Re: [unixODBC-DEV] - Re: [HACKERS] info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Peter Harvey
The PostgreSQL driver, in unixODBC, is a direct descendent of Byrons
driver. I took the driver,  made it compile on UNIX again, then added a few
fixs to make it work in unixODBC and with StarOffice 5.0. I think other
enhancements were made to it since then (about a year ago).

The intention was to merge the changes back into Byrons stuff but that has not
happened (that I am aware of).

It would be great if this driver could be common and even better if any common
driver was to be based upon unixODBC (i.e. its odbcinst etc).


NOTE: There is no reason, that I am aware of, why a common driver would not be
able to work on unix with unixODBC and on MS'isms without change to the code
(providing some care was taken).

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> > Is this patch based on the current snapshot?  I have applied several
> > unixODBC patches in the past several days that may already fix these
> > problems.
> > > This is a report on my attempts to install unixODBC (1.8.9)
> afaik, unixODBC != psqlODBC, though they have common roots. Is that
> actually the case? Is unixODBC sufficiently mature to consider merging
> the efforts?
>                     - Thomas

Peter Harvey wrote:
> The PostgreSQL driver, in unixODBC, is a direct descendent of Byrons
> driver. I took the driver,  made it compile on UNIX again, then added a few
> fixs to make it work in unixODBC and with StarOffice 5.0. I think other
> enhancements were made to it since then (about a year ago).
> The intention was to merge the changes back into Byrons stuff but that has not
> happened (that I am aware of).

Is the unixODBC driver GPL?  If so, that's why it hasn't been pulled
back into the BSD-licensed PostgreSQL distribution.

Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: [unixODBC-DEV] - Re: [HACKERS] info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Peter Harvey
Well the driver is derived from the MS Windows driver (Byrons) so it has to
adhere to whatever licensing that is there but unixODBC is, in general, LGPL.


On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Lamar Owen wrote:
> Peter Harvey wrote:
> >
> > The PostgreSQL driver, in unixODBC, is a direct descendent of Byrons
> > driver. I took the driver,  made it compile on UNIX again, then added a few
> > fixs to make it work in unixODBC and with StarOffice 5.0. I think other
> > enhancements were made to it since then (about a year ago).
> >
> > The intention was to merge the changes back into Byrons stuff but that has not
> > happened (that I am aware of).
> Is the unixODBC driver GPL?  If so, that's why it hasn't been pulled
> back into the BSD-licensed PostgreSQL distribution.
> --
> Lamar Owen
> WGCR Internet Radio
> 1 Peter 4:11

Re: [unixODBC-DEV] - Re: [HACKERS] info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Bruce Momjian
> Well the driver is derived from the MS Windows driver (Byrons) so it has to
> adhere to whatever licensing that is there but unixODBC is, in general, LGPL.

Oh, that is fine.  Yes, our ODBC is LGPL, which is fine for us.

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://www.op.net/~candle
  pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Re: [unixODBC-DEV] - info on unixODBC/Postgres driver port to IRIX 6.5.7 64bit

Nick Gorham
Murad Nayal wrote:

> Hello,
> This is a report on my attempts to install unixODBC (1.8.9) and postgres
> odbc driver on IRIX 6.5.7 64bit using the native compiler. There are a
> number of changes that were necessary to be made on both the
> configuration files and source to get it to compile. patches are
> attached. some of these were derived from 1.8.8, but they all apply
> successfully on 1.8.9.

Thanks for that, I will apply the changes, I had checked unixODBC on a 64 bit alpha platform, but its not a suprise
thatsome have escaped. 

To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth everytime you use it.
                                 -- reddy@lion.austin.ibm.com