Обсуждение: bundling postgres with an application


bundling postgres with an application

Dear Community,

We would like to bundle and ship PostgreSQL latest with our java (Tomcat
web~) application, that way so PostgreSQL server would be automatically
started and stopped by our app. It should run on Windows, and recent
versions of Suse, Fedora and RedHat linux distributions. There are few
questions arise:
- Do we need to compile PostgreSQL to a different binary for each of the
mentioned linuxes, or is there an 'universally' compatible binary we
could use? I did see that there are different RPMS for different Fedora
and RedHat versions, that suggests we need to build it, is it correct?
- Also we would like to reduce the distribution size, so what would be
the minimum set of files we need to ship? The requirement is to have
UTF8 and jdbc/socket connection support to our database.

Thank you for your comments in advance, I would happily read any similar
experiences of yours.

Re: bundling postgres with an application

Robert Treat
On Tuesday 27 February 2007 01:20, zluspai wrote:
> Dear Community,
> We would like to bundle and ship PostgreSQL latest with our java (Tomcat
> web~) application, that way so PostgreSQL server would be automatically
> started and stopped by our app. It should run on Windows, and recent
> versions of Suse, Fedora and RedHat linux distributions. There are few
> questions arise:
> - Do we need to compile PostgreSQL to a different binary for each of the
> mentioned linuxes, or is there an 'universally' compatible binary we
> could use? I did see that there are different RPMS for different Fedora
> and RedHat versions, that suggests we need to build it, is it correct?

I would imagine you will need to compile postgres for each distribution;
especially when you take into account different versions and hardware.

> - Also we would like to reduce the distribution size, so what would be
> the minimum set of files we need to ship? The requirement is to have
> UTF8 and jdbc/socket connection support to our database.

Note you can ship just the binaries and then do initdb with your install
program (wich will create many more files).  The easiest way to get a list is
to compile the package and then look through the listed files for what you
need.  There may well be things like contrib scripts or binary programs you
do not need to ship.  I think the list we also be different between win32 and
linux (though not entirely certain).

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL