Обсуждение: Web Hosts (off-topic)


Web Hosts (off-topic)

Tim Quinlan
The Hermit Hacker can ignore this (thanks).

I'm looking for a web host that provides Postgres, and runs on *nix or
*BSD.  Does anyone have any positive, un-solicited testimonials (or
visa-versa any horror stories)?  If you have a story to tell me, but you
don't feel that it is appropriate to post to the group, please don't
e-mail the group, just e-mail me.

Any feedback is welcome.

Re: Web Hosts (off-topic)

Peter Mount
At work, were using dedicated-servers.co.uk for our new sites. They use
Redhat 6.2, but I compiled both php4 and PostgreSQL 7.0.2 and it's running

Peter T Mount peter@retep.org.uk http://www.retep.org.uk
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/
Java PDF Generator http://www.retep.org.uk/pdf/

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Tim Quinlan wrote:

> The Hermit Hacker can ignore this (thanks).
> I'm looking for a web host that provides Postgres, and runs on *nix or
> *BSD.  Does anyone have any positive, un-solicited testimonials (or
> visa-versa any horror stories)?  If you have a story to tell me, but you
> don't feel that it is appropriate to post to the group, please don't
> e-mail the group, just e-mail me.
> Any feedback is welcome.