Обсуждение: Error codes as numbers or in other languages etc.


Error codes as numbers or in other languages etc.

"Aasmund Midttun Godal"
I have seen several people asking about getting error numbers or similar things out of postgres. The way I have done
thisis as follows:

CREATE TABLE errors (errorstring TEXT PRIMARY KEY,message TEXT

INSERT INTO errors VALUES ('^FATAL 1:  Database "([^\"]+)" does not exist in the system catalog.$', 'FATALE 1: Le
database"$1" n''existe pas dans le catalogue systeme');

Now in the app if we use perl and DBI we set RaiseError => 1 and catch the error via $dbh->errstr or something

pass it into a query like:

prepare('SELECT * FROM errors WHERE ? ~ errorstring'); 
#Isn't postgres great? reverse regular expression searches :)
my $s = execute($dbh->errstr);

then we exploit perl's ability:

$dbh->errstr =~ /$s->{'errorstring'}/"$s->{'message'}"/e;

Hopes someone else find it usefull,

Getting out numbers is offcourse even easier.

Aasmund Midttun Godal

aasmund@godal.com - http://www.godal.com/
+47 40 45 20 46