Обсуждение: Re: [NOVICE] Storing number '001' ?


Re: [NOVICE] Storing number '001' ?

"Josh Berkus"

> I drew it in Canvas, which will export a jpeg.

Darn.  I was hoping it was a diagramming tool ...

> I have written up a summary of the basic flow of data below, because 
> I am probably not conveying clearly all the info needed to properly 
> design the DB.

Aiee!  Too much detail!

Actually, the outline you provide will probably be useful for your
lab-mates.  However, it's hard for me to pick out the answers to the
questions I have:

1. Are "Fasta" and "Sequence" the same thing? (further questions assume
this to be the case).
2. We established in the last e-mail that there is potentially more than
one clone related to each clone_fasta and to each clone_qual record, and
that no clone has more than one fasta or qual record.  Is that still
3. In what order does the data arrive for your tables?  I.e., is this an
accurate order of events:
(1) Clone data
(2) Sequence (Fasta?) data
(3) Qual data
(4) Contig data
(5) Library and Genebank data.
Is this accurate?

We can proceed from there.

> Regarding the schema, I am not very confident that the relationships 
> I define as one to many are correct.  For instance, the relationship 
> between the three clone tables (clone, clone_fasta, clone_qual). For 
> the clone::clone_fasta relationship I define this as:
>  Each clone has one and only one sequence (one to one)
>  a sequence exists for one or more clones (one to many).
> Is this correct?

That's what I'm asking you.  The difficulty is that I really don't
understand what you're doing with sequences.  Maybe you could get a
collegue to render an opinion?

> Here were the TABLES I had proposed, but which are probably in need 
> of tweaking.  Sample data are provided to the right.

We need to answer the relationship questions before we can arraive at a
correct table design. 


______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________                                      Josh Berkus Complete
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