Обсуждение: Multiple counts


Multiple counts

Richard Rowell
I have a one-to-many relationship with a table structure like so:

create table call(
uid    serial,
store    int,

create table status(
call_uid    int,
status_uid int,

First off, please note that the "call" table will get large ( growing by up 
to 6k records per week) and the status table will grow linearly with it (n*20 
or so).  

With that in mind, what I am trying for is an efficient query to get a tuple 
set like so:
store    number_of_calls    number_of_status_where_statusuid_iszero

I can get 1&2:
select store, count(*) from call group by store;

or 1&3:
select c.store,count(s.status_uid) 
from call c, status s 
where s.call_uid=c.uid  and s.status_uid=0 
group by c.store

But all my lame attempts at getting both in the same query fail.
Richard Rowell

Re: Multiple counts

"Andrew G. Hammond"
On Thu, 2001-12-27 at 00:36, Richard Rowell wrote:
> I have a one-to-many relationship with a table structure like so:
> create table call(
> uid    serial,
> store    int,
> ...)
> create table status(
> call_uid    int,
> status_uid int,
> ...)
> With that in mind, what I am trying for is an efficient query to get a tuple
> set like so:
> store    number_of_calls    number_of_status_where_statusuid_iszero
> I can get 1&2:
> select store, count(*) from call group by store;
> or 1&3:
> select c.store,count(s.status_uid)
> from call c, status s
> where s.call_uid=c.uid
>   and s.status_uid=0
> group by c.store
 From your schema, it looks like you're keeping history of a call's
status instead of just the current status.  If that is the case, then
your second query above will not report the correct answer as it will
not recognize situations where the call is now resolved.
 The correct query in this instance is as follows:

SELECT c.store, count(*) AS unresolved
FROM call c, (SELECT DISTINCT ON (call_uid) call_uid, status_uid FROM status ORDER BY call_uid, uid DESC) s
WHERE c.uid = s.call_uid AND s.status_uid = 0
GROUP BY c.store
 This can perhaps be made more efficient by creating a view and some

CREATE INDEX foo ON status (call_uid)

CREATE VEIW call_status AS
SELECT DISTINCT ON (s.call_uid) c.store, c.uid, s.status_uid
FROM call c, status s
WHERE c.uid = s.call_uid
ORDER BY s.call_uid, s.uid DESC

CREATE INDEX bar ON call_status (store);

SELECT store, count(*) AS unresolved
FROM call_status
WHERE status = 0
GROUP BY store
 If you are not interested in keeping call history, then I'd suggest
moving the status information into the call table as it will simplify
your schema somewhat.
 As for joining the two queries into one, I don't think there's a
clever way to do it, unless you do something like the following (if
you've got 7.2):

SELECT store, count(uid) AS calls
FROM call
GROUP BY store
SELECT store, count(*) AS unresolved
FROM call_status
WHERE status = 0
GROUP BY store
ORDER BY store

or, if you're not messing around with the latest and greatest yet,

SELECT c.store, c.calls, u.unresolved
FROM (SELECT store, count(*) AS calls FROM call GROUP BY store) c, (SELECT store, count(*) AS unresolved FROM
call_status  WHERE status = 0 GROUP BY store) u 
WHERE c.store = u.store
SELECT c.store, c.calls, 0 as unresolved
FROM (SELECT store, count(*) AS calls FROM call GROUP BY store) c
WHERE c.store NOT IN (SELECT store FROM call_status WHERE status = 0)
ORDER BY store
 There may be a better way to do this by writing a special purpose
aggregate function, but I can't think of it off hand.

Andrew G. Hammond     mailto:drew@xyzzy.dhs.org
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"To blow recursion you must first blow recur" -- me