Обсуждение: Support for bulk reads/writes ?


Support for bulk reads/writes ?

I have looked around quite a bit and could not find any information on
whether or not Postgres supports Oracle-style array usage for bulk
reading/writing of the database, e.g. bulk insert statements ?

I have a web application --- I'm acquiring/calculating various data
throughout a user's session that needs to be written to the database. I
could either just insert/update the data in Postgres as it is computed
throughout the session, or, I could keep the data in memory (using servlets,
storing the data at session scope) and then write it all to Postgres when
the session ends, if there were any advantage to doing so, i.e., if there
were a way that I could insert the data in bulk to save a bunch of trips
back and forth to the database. Otherwise, there would seem to be no
performance difference in whether the web app is executing a bunch of SQL 
statements over the course of the session vs. executing all the same 
statements at the end of the session.

The web application could experience high loads, in terms of the
number of simultaneous user sessions, which is why I'm concerned about


Re: Support for bulk reads/writes ?

Andrew Perrin
I'm not entirely sure if I'm understanding you, but if I am then it
seems like transactions would do what you're asking, but batch them at the
backend point rather than the client point:




will wait until the COMMIT line to actually change the backend db.

Andrew J Perrin - andrew_perrin@unc.edu - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrinAssistant Professor of Sociology, U of North
Carolina,Chapel Hill     269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, charlie wrote:

> I have looked around quite a bit and could not find any information on
> whether or not Postgres supports Oracle-style array usage for bulk
> reading/writing of the database, e.g. bulk insert statements ?
> I have a web application --- I'm acquiring/calculating various data
> throughout a user's session that needs to be written to the database. I
> could either just insert/update the data in Postgres as it is computed
> throughout the session, or, I could keep the data in memory (using servlets,
> storing the data at session scope) and then write it all to Postgres when
> the session ends, if there were any advantage to doing so, i.e., if there
> were a way that I could insert the data in bulk to save a bunch of trips
> back and forth to the database. Otherwise, there would seem to be no
> performance difference in whether the web app is executing a bunch of SQL 
> statements over the course of the session vs. executing all the same 
> statements at the end of the session.
> The web application could experience high loads, in terms of the
> number of simultaneous user sessions, which is why I'm concerned about
> performance.
> thanks,
> charlie
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: Support for bulk reads/writes ?

David Stanaway
You may find these code snippets handy    

CREATE FUNCTION editpresentationparam(int,text[][])
AS 'DECLARE         prid ALIAS FOR $1;         pairs  ALIAS FOR $2;         result int;         rc int;         i int;
 BEGIN        result := 0;        i := 1;        DELETE FROM tblPresentationParam WHERE ppprID = prid;        WHILE
pairs[i][1]!= '''' LOOP            INSERT INTO tblPresentationParam (ppprID,pppnID,ppValue)                SELECT prid,
pnID,pairs[i][2] FROM 
tblPresentationParamName WHERE pnName = pairs[i][1];            GET DIAGNOSTICS rc = ROW_COUNT;            result :=
result+ rc;            i := i + 1;        END LOOP;        RETURN result;    END;'
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


//Turns a pair of values into a postgres array literal
//EG: "name","Bloggs, Bill 'owdy" ->
//  '{"name","Bloggs, Bill ''owdy"}'
function makepair($p1,$p2) {  $pat = array ("/\\\\/","/\"/","/'/");  $rep = array ( '\\\\' , '\"' ,"''");  return
'{"'.preg_replace($pat,$rep,$p1).   '","'. preg_replace($pat,$rep,$p2).'"}';

function updatepresentationparam($formvars) {  if(isset($formvars['ref'])&&preg_match('/^\d+$/',($formvars['ref']))) {
 $q="SELECT editpresentationparam(".$formvars['ref'].",'{";    reset($formvars);    while (list($pnname,$ppvalue) =
each($formvars)){      if($pnname != "ref" && $pnname != "func" && $ppvalue != "") {
$q.=makepair($pnname,$ppvalue).",";     }    }    $q.="{,}}')";    if(! ($res=psql_query_wrap($q))) {      return -1;
} else {      $row = pg_fetch_array($res,0);      return $row[0];    }  } else return -1;


David Stanaway
Personal: david@stanaway.net
Work: david@netventures.com.au