Обсуждение: Large or Small tables?


Large or Small tables?

Edipo Elder Fernandes de Melo
Hi all, 
   I'm developing a selective system for selection of students for a 
university. My system has tables for candidate, score, answers, exams, and 
   The candidate table has about 40 columns, of that, 35 are candidate 
information (name, address, etc), 10 are for score, status, etc, and use 2 
columns as primary key (a idCandidate and idSelection). 
  The answers table has five columns: idSelection, idExam, idQuestion, 
idCandidate, and  answer. Better explained: for each answer, it has a record 
(it's a lot of tuples - about 25000 candidates x 8 exams x 15 questions for 
exams = 3 milions!) 
  The score table has idCandidate, idSelection, idExam, and score of each 
candidate and exam. 
   Basicaly, to process the selection, I count how much questions the 
candidate got correct, make some calc, and find a score. 
   My question is if is better have a unique candidate table with all 
information of a candidate, or broke the table in two tables (one to 
candidate information, and the other for score and status) for process of 
find score. Or better, Having a large table in a middle of a process, where 
i use only 10% of information on it, slow it down? 
   Thanks for all, 
   Edipo Elder    [edipoelder@ig.com.br] 

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