Обсуждение: how to get index scan at work?


how to get index scan at work?

Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Hi folks, <p>can any one help me with this. <p><tt><font color="#000099">tradein_clients=> explain SELECT  
email_idfrom email_bank where lower(email) = 'mallah@grex.org' ;</font></tt><br /><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE: 
QUERYPLAN:</font></tt><tt><font color="#000099"></font></tt><p><tt><font color="#000099">Seq Scan on email_bank 
(cost=0.00..25223.02rows=9385 width=4)</font></tt><tt><font color="#000099"></font></tt><p><tt><font
color="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><br/><tt><font color="#000099">tradein_clients=> explain SELECT   email_id from
email_bankwhere email = 'mallah@grex.org' ;</font></tt><br /><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE:  QUERY
PLAN:</font></tt><tt><fontcolor="#000099"></font></tt><p><tt><font color="#000099">Index Scan using
email_bank_email_keyon email_bank  (cost=0.00..4.83 rows=1 width=4)</font></tt><tt><font
color="#000099"></font></tt><p><tt><fontcolor="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><tt></tt><p>i want to query the data in case
insensetivemanner , but if i put lower(email) <br />index is not being used  any workarounds?? <br />  <p>regds <br
/>Mallah.<br />  <br />  <br />  

Re: how to get index scan at work?

Thomas Swan
Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:<br /><blockquote cite="mid3CBFFB30.C9F29632@trade-india.com" type="cite"> Hi folks, <p>can
anyone help me with this. <p><tt><font color="#000099">tradein_clients=> explain SELECT   email_id from email_bank
wherelower(email) = '<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:mallah@grex.org">mallah@grex.org</a>'
;</font></tt><br/><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE:  QUERY PLAN:</font></tt><p><tt><font color="#000099">Seq Scan on
email_bank (cost=0.00..25223.02 rows=9385 width=4)</font></tt><p><tt><font color="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><br
/><tt><fontcolor="#000099">tradein_clients=> explain </font></tt><tt><font color="#000099">SELECT   email_id from
email_bank</font></tt><tt><font color="#000099">where email = '<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
href="mailto:mallah@grex.org">mallah@grex.org</a>';</font></tt><br /><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE:  QUERY
PLAN:</font></tt><p><tt><fontcolor="#000099">Index Scan using email_bank_email_key on email_bank  (cost=0.00..4.83
rows=1width=4)</font></tt><p><tt><font color="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><p>i want to query the data in case
insensetivemanner , but if i put lower(email) <br /> index is not being used  any workarounds?? <br />   <p>regds <br
/>Mallah.<br /></blockquote> ILIKE is the case insensitive comparison operator.   <br /><br /> SELECT   email_id from
email_bankWHERE email ILIKE '<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:user@domain.org">user@domain.org</a>'<br
/><br/> You might also want to create an using the lower function.<br /><br /> CREATE INDEX my_foo_index ON

Re: how to get index scan at work?

Rajesh Kumar Mallah
Hi Thomas, <p>it  did not  work  for me! <p><tt><font color="#000099">tradein_clients=> explain SELECT  email_id
fromemail_bank where email ILIKE 'mallah@grex.org';</font></tt><br /><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE:  QUERY
PLAN:</font></tt><br/><tt><font color="#000099">Seq Scan on email_bank  (cost=0.00..22926.16 rows=1
width=4)</font></tt><br/><tt><font color="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><br /><tt><font
color="#000099">tradein_clients=>explain SELECT  email_id from email_bank where email =
'mallah@grex.org';</font></tt><br/><tt><font color="#000099">NOTICE:  QUERY PLAN:</font></tt><br /><tt><font
color="#000099">IndexScan using email_bank_case_insen on email_bank  (cost=0.00..4.83 rows=1 width=4)</font></tt><br
/><tt><fontcolor="#000099">EXPLAIN</font></tt><br /><tt><font color="#000099">tradein_clients=></font></tt><br /> 
<p>btwi could not create the index the way you suggested <p>regds <p><tt>tradein_clients=> CREATE UNIQUE  INDEX 
email_bank_case_insenon LOWER(email_bank(email));</tt><br /><b><tt><font color="#CC0000">ERROR:  DefineIndex: relation
"lower"not found</font></tt></b><br /><tt>tradein_clients=></tt><br />  

Re: how to get index scan at work?

Stephan Szabo
On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Rajesh Kumar Mallah wrote:

> btw i could not create the index the way you suggested
> regds
> tradein_clients=> CREATE UNIQUE  INDEX  email_bank_case_insen on
> LOWER(email_bank(email));
> ERROR:  DefineIndex: relation "lower" not found
> tradein_clients=>

It actually should be:
create index email_bank_case_insen on email_bank(lower(email));

And that should allow
to be indexable.