Обсуждение: new calculated column


new calculated column

andres javier garcia garcia

I've got a table with two fields and about 3000 rows, the second one is a 
character field, what can have about twenty different values; of course these 
values are repeated a lot of times in the table. I need to create a new 
column of type integer, whose value depens on the character fields. The 
values of the new column are not important, the important thing is who can I 
create this column and assign a different integer to a different char value 
in the other column.

Re: new calculated column

Viacheslav N Tararin
For implicit modification you can use a trigger on the table. If you 
wan't store this data, you can use view.

andres javier garcia garcia ?????:

>I've got a table with two fields and about 3000 rows, the second one is a 
>character field, what can have about twenty different values; of course these 
>values are repeated a lot of times in the table. I need to create a new 
>column of type integer, whose value depens on the character fields. The 
>values of the new column are not important, the important thing is who can I 
>create this column and assign a different integer to a different char value 
>in the other column.
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