Обсуждение: Query about table and catalog


Query about table and catalog

javier garcia
I've got a table with several fields. Among others there are the fields 
'soil1', 'soil2', and 'soil3' that are char type. A row can have an empty 
value in one of these fields, or the three fields can have valid values:
cod_grass |    suelo1                        |    suelo2       |  suelo3

     2590 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos    |                      |      181 | Xerosoles calcicos           |
           |      265 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos  |                         |      593 | Zona urbana                   |
                        |     1112 | Cambisoles calcicos       |                     |        2 | Litosoles
             |                       |        3 | Xerosoles calcicos            |                    |        4 |
Litosoles                          | Rendsinas aridicas     |        5 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos   |
  |        6 | Litosoles                           |                      |        7 | Regosoles calcaricos       |

In other table I've got a catalog of posible soil types, assigning an integer 
value to each of possible soil types.
             tipo_suelo              | cod_tipo_suelo
-------------------------------------+----------------Arenosoles albicos                  |              1Cambisoles
calcicos                |              2Cambisoles eutricos                 |              3

Is it possible to prepare a query that show the contents of the table of 
soils and aditional columns after each of the soils fields, showing the 
corresponding numerical code for that soil, extracted from the catalog?

I just know how to do this for one of the soils:

SELECT cod_grass, suelo1,cod_tipo_suelo AS cod_suelo1 FROM 
suelos,suelos_catalogo WHERE suelo1=tipo_suelo ORDER BY cod_grass;

But I would like to do the same for the three at a time.

Thanks for your help and have a nice day.


Re: Query about table and catalog

Christoph Haller
> I've got a table with several fields. Among others there are the
> 'soil1', 'soil2', and 'soil3' that are char type. A row can have an
> value in one of these fields, or the three fields can have valid
>  cod_grass |    suelo1                        |    suelo2       |
> -------+--------------+--------+-----------------------------
>       2590 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos    |                      |
>        181 | Xerosoles calcicos           |
>        265 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos  |                         |
>        593 | Zona urbana                   |
>       1112 | Cambisoles calcicos       |                     |
>          2 | Litosoles
|                       |
>          3 | Xerosoles calcicos            |                    |
>          4 | Litosoles                           | Rendsinas
aridicas     |
>          5 | Xerosoles petrocalcicos   |                       |
>          6 | Litosoles
|                      |
>          7 | Regosoles calcaricos       | Xerosoles calcicos
> ...
> In other table I've got a catalog of posible soil types, assigning an
> value to each of possible soil types.
>               tipo_suelo              | cod_tipo_suelo
> -------------------------------------+----------------
>  Arenosoles albicos                  |              1
>  Cambisoles calcicos                 |              2
>  Cambisoles eutricos                 |              3
> Is it possible to prepare a query that show the contents of the table
> soils and aditional columns after each of the soils fields, showing
> corresponding numerical code for that soil, extracted from the
> I just know how to do this for one of the soils:
> SELECT cod_grass, suelo1,cod_tipo_suelo AS cod_suelo1 FROM
> suelos,suelos_catalogo WHERE suelo1=tipo_suelo ORDER BY cod_grass;
> But I would like to do the same for the three at a time.
Try this (untested) or something similar:
SELECT cod_grass,                 suelo1, st1.cod_tipo_suelo AS cod_suelo1                 suelo2, st2.cod_tipo_suelo
AScod_suelo2                 suelo3, st3.cod_tipo_suelo AS cod_suelo3
FROM    suelos, suelos_catalogo st1,  suelos_catalogo st2,
suelos_catalogo st3
WHERE suelo1=st1.tipo_suelo AND suelo2=st2.tipo_suelo AND suelo3=st3.tipo_suelo
ORDER BY cod_grass;

I'm curious why you did not design the tables vice versa.
Table "suelos" just holding "cod_tipo_suelo",
so queries like the above would run much faster, because
only integers have to be compared instead of strings.

Regards, Christoph