Обсуждение: Dynamic sql program using libpq


Dynamic sql program using libpq

"Prashanth - Kamath"
I am new to the embeeded sql programming. I am able to find couple 
of example for dynamic sql programming through ecpg. But i want to 
do dynamic sql programming through libpq.
If anyone has program doing the dynamic sql programmming using the 
libpq libraries please mail to me.Even pointers on the net are 

Prashanth Kamath

Re: Dynamic sql program using libpq

Christoph Haller
> I am able to find couple
> of examples for dynamic sql programming through ecpg. But i want to
> do dynamic sql programming through libpq.
> If anyone has programs doing the dynamic sql programmming using the
> libpq libraries please mail to me.
Attached you'll find my encapsulated library of postgres functions,
which I use for all queries resp. commands.
Regards, Christoph

 * libpq-myfe.h
 * Christoph Haller, D.T.I.
 * Created Sep 2001
#include "libpq-fe.h"

#ifndef LIBPQ_MYFE_H
#define LIBPQ_MYFE_H

int PGSQL_command(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
          char *thiscommand);
int PGSQL_process(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul,
          char *thiscommand);
int PGSQL_begin(PGconn *thisconnec);

int PGSQL_declare_cursor1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect);
int PGSQL_fetch_all1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul);
int PGSQL_close_cursor1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul);

int PGSQL_commit(PGconn *thisconnec);
int PGSQL_rollback(PGconn *thisconnec);

int PGSQL_declare_cursor2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect);
int PGSQL_fetch_all2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul);
int PGSQL_close_cursor2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul);

int PGSQL_declare_bincsr1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect);
int PGSQL_fetch_binall1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul);
int PGSQL_close_bincsr1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul);

int PGSQL_binprocess(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul,
             char *thiscommand);

#endif     /* LIBPQ_MYFE_H */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libpq-myfe.h"

char *strdup(const char *s);

#ifdef PostgreSQL_6_5_3
const char *PGSQL_UNIQUE_INDEX_VIOLATED = /* PostgreSQL 6.5.3 */
"ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into a unique index" ;
#endif /* PostgreSQL_6_5_3 */
const char *PGSQL_UNIQUE_INDEX_VIOLATED = /* PostgreSQL 7.1.2 */
"ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index " ;

** procedure:    trim_sequence
** purpose:    delete space sequences within a given string
**         delete spaces only within the given length
**         the given string does not have to be null terminated
**        this function is secure:
**        - one space always remains
**        - no space, no action
**        - several space sequences are processed
**        - deleting stops if a null character is found
**          and the given length is not reached
** parameters:    seq        - the string to trim
**        seq_len        - the length of string to trim
** returns:    the trimmed string
#  if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
char *trim_sequence(char *seq,size_t seq_len)
#  else /* __STDC__ || __cplusplus */
char *trim_sequence(seq,seq_len)
   char *seq;size_t seq_len;
#  endif /* __STDC__ || __cplusplus */
   char space=' ';        /* the trim character */
   char *first=seq;        /* ptr to the 1st space */
   char *last;            /* ptr to the last space */
   size_t seq_pos=0;        /* index within sequence */

   /* while not end of sequence ... */
   while(seq_pos<seq_len) {
      /* find first space */
      /* if there is no space break from loop */
      if(!(first=strchr(first,space))) break;
      /* assume last space to be next char after first */
      /* while sequence not terminated by null and
     current char evaluates to space and
     sequence end not reached -> continue search */
      while(last&&*last==space&&last-seq<seq_len) last++;
      /* if there is more than one space */
      if(last>first) {
     *first=NULL; /* set temporary termination */
     strcat(seq,last); /* append the following subsequence */
      seq_pos=last-seq; /* update sequence index */

   return seq; /* return the trimmed sequence */
} /* trim_sequence() */

int PGSQL_command(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thiscommand)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   trim_sequence(thiscommand, strlen(thiscommand));

   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, thiscommand);
   if (!thisresul || PQresultStatus(thisresul) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "'%s' command failed\n%s\n", thiscommand,
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
      result = atoi(PQcmdTuples(thisresul));
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   return result;

int PGSQL_process(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul,
              char *thiscommand)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   trim_sequence(thiscommand, strlen(thiscommand));

   *thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, thiscommand);
   if (!*thisresul || PQresultStatus(*thisresul) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "'%s' command failed\n%s\n", thiscommand,
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
      result = PQntuples(*thisresul);
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   The calling function has to PQclear PGresult
   use PGSQL_process to select
   return result;

int PGSQL_begin(PGconn *thisconnec)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   PGresult *thisresul;

   /* start a transaction block */
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "BEGIN");
   if (!thisresul || PQresultStatus(thisresul) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed\n");
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   return result;

int PGSQL_declare_cursor1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   char *thiscommand = (char *)malloc( 32 + strlen(thisselect) );

   trim_sequence(thisselect, strlen(thisselect));

   sprintf(thiscommand, "DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR %s", thisselect);
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, thiscommand);
   if (!thisresul || PQresultStatus(thisresul) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "DECLARE CURSOR command \n%s\nfailed \n%s\n",
          thisselect, PQresultErrorMessage(thisresul));
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   return result;

int PGSQL_fetch_all1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   *thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "FETCH ALL in mycursor");
   if (!*thisresul || PQresultStatus(*thisresul) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples properly\n");
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   return result;

int PGSQL_close_cursor1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "CLOSE mycursor");
   return result;

int PGSQL_commit(PGconn *thisconnec)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   PGresult *thisresul;
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "COMMIT");
   return result;

int PGSQL_rollback(PGconn *thisconnec)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   PGresult *thisresul;
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "ROLLBACK");
   return result;

int PGSQL_declare_cursor2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   char *thiscommand = (char *)malloc( 32 + strlen(thisselect) );

   trim_sequence(thisselect, strlen(thisselect));

   sprintf(thiscommand, "DECLARE mycursor2 CURSOR FOR %s", thisselect);
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, thiscommand);
   if (!thisresul || PQresultStatus(thisresul) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "DECLARE CURSOR command \n%s\nfailed \n%s\n",
          thisselect, PQresultErrorMessage(thisresul));
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   return result;

int PGSQL_fetch_all2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   *thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "FETCH ALL in mycursor2");
   if (!*thisresul || PQresultStatus(*thisresul) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples properly\n");
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   return result;

int PGSQL_close_cursor2(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "CLOSE mycursor2");
   return result;

int PGSQL_declare_bincsr1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul,
              char *thisselect)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   char *thiscommand = (char *)malloc( 32 + strlen(thisselect) );

   trim_sequence(thisselect, strlen(thisselect));

   sprintf(thiscommand, "DECLARE mybcursor BINARY CURSOR FOR %s", thisselect);
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, thiscommand);
   if (!thisresul || PQresultStatus(thisresul) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "DECLARE BINARY CURSOR command \n%s\nfailed \n%s\n",
          thisselect, PQresultErrorMessage(thisresul));
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   /* PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks */
   return result;

int PGSQL_fetch_binall1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   *thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "FETCH ALL in mybcursor");
   if (!*thisresul || PQresultStatus(*thisresul) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
      fprintf(stderr, "FETCH ALL BINARY command didn't return tuples properly\n");
      result = -EXIT_FAILURE;
   return result;

int PGSQL_close_bincsr1(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult *thisresul)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
   thisresul = PQexec(thisconnec, "CLOSE mybcursor");
   return result;

int PGSQL_binprocess(PGconn *thisconnec, PGresult **thisresul,
              char *thiscommand)
   int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   result = PGSQL_declare_bincsr1(thisconnec, *thisresul, thiscommand);

   if (result < EXIT_SUCCESS)
      return result;

   result = PGSQL_fetch_binall1(thisconnec, thisresul);

   if (result < EXIT_SUCCESS)
      return result;
   The calling function has to PQclear PGresult
   use PGSQL_binprocess to select

      /* use a local PGresult to close the cursor because
         the PGresult parameter 'thisresul' is needed by
     the calling function
      PGresult   *local_pgresult;
      result = PGSQL_close_bincsr1(thisconnec, local_pgresult);

   return result;