Обсуждение: cannot EXPLAIN query...


cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."

the query is running  fine but i cannot EXPLAIN or (ANALYZE)

I am seeing this message for the first time:

tradein_clients=# SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where city='DELHI';
| count |
|     2 |
(1 row)

tradein_clients=# explain  SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where city='DELHI';
ERROR:  get_names_for_var: bogus varno 5

i can paste the nasty view definations if nothing is obvious till


Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Project Manager (Development)
Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Tomasz Myrta
Rajesh Kumar Mallah. wrote:
> Hi,
> the query is running  fine but i cannot EXPLAIN or (ANALYZE)
> it.
> I am seeing this message for the first time:
> tradein_clients=# SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where city='DELHI';
> +-------+
> | count |
> +-------+
> |     2 |
> +-------+
> (1 row)
> tradein_clients=#
> tradein_clients=# explain  SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where city='DELHI';
> ERROR:  get_names_for_var: bogus varno 5
> tradein_clients=#
> i can paste the nasty view definations if nothing is obvious till
> now.
> regds
> MAllah.
Isn't it a very long view? I found some limitations of explain, but possibly they
had something to cygwin enviroment.

Tomasz Myrta

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Tom Lane
"Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> tradein_clients=# explain  SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where city='DELHI';
> ERROR:  get_names_for_var: bogus varno 5

What version is this?  ISTR having fixed some bugs that might cause that.

> i can paste the nasty view definations if nothing is obvious till
> now.

If it's a current release, we need to see *all* the schema definitions
referenced by the query --- views and tables.
        regards, tom lane

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."
It is PostgreSQL 7.3.0 on Linux.

Sorry Postgresql has really made my VIEWS  ugly.
It wasnt' so when i fed them.

I wish pgsql stores the create view defination some day ,
just like it does for indexes (pg_get_indexdef)

Here is the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output of a query that is working
on the view.

i find that whenever i put any filter expression on the select
for any feild it stops working.

tradein_clients=# explain analyze SELECT  *  from shippers1  ;
                                                                    QUERY PLAN 

Join (cost=31.67..26780.73 rows=2 width=339) (actual time=45.18..6072.38 rows=732 loops=1)  Hash Cond: ("outer".id =
"inner".id) Join Filter: ("inner".source = "outer".source)  ->  Subquery Scan b  (cost=0.00..26737.99 rows=492
width=307)(actual time=0.14..6015.04 rows=2293 loops=1)        ->  Append  (cost=0.00..26737.99 rows=492 width=307)
(actualtime=0.13..6001.13 rows=2293 loops=1)              ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=0.00..6739.42 rows=249
width=307)(actual time=0.12..2982.18 rows=321 loops=1)                    ->  Index Scan using eyp_listing_category_id,
eyp_listing_category_id,eyp_listing_category_id, eyp_listing_category_id, eyp_listing_category_id on eyp_listing
(cost=0.00..6739.42rows=249 width=307) (actual time=0.11..2979.18 rows=321 loops=1)                          Index
Cond:((category_id = 1142) OR (category_id = 1143) OR (category_id = 1145) OR (category_id = 1259) OR (category_id =
1161))                         Filter: ((amount > 0) AND (status = 'a'::character varying) AND (email IS NOT NULL))
        ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=0.00..9288.33 rows=77 width=286) (actual time=0.65..162.03 rows=112
loops=1)                   ->  Seq Scan on iid_listing  (cost=0.00..9288.33 rows=77 width=286) (actual
time=0.63..161.02rows=112 loops=1)                          Filter: (((category_id = 1142) OR (category_id = 1143) OR
(category_id= 1145) OR (category_id = 1259) OR (category_id = 1161)) AND (amount > 0) AND (status = 'a'::character
varying)AND (email IS NOT NULL))              ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 3"  (cost=10701.96..10710.24 rows=166
width=248)(actual time=2824.89..2851.45 rows=1860 loops=1)                    ->  Unique  (cost=10701.96..10710.24
rows=166width=248) (actual time=2824.86..2837.43 rows=1860 loops=1)                          ->  Sort
(cost=10701.96..10706.10rows=1656 width=248) (actual time=2824.85..2831.21 rows=2790 loops=1)
    Sort Key: branding_master.company_id                                ->  Hash Join  (cost=339.35..10613.44 rows=1656
width=248)(actual time=33.62..2798.98 rows=2790 loops=1)                                      Hash Cond:
("outer".company_id= "inner".company_id)                                      ->  Seq Scan on branding_master
(cost=0.00..7171.80rows=36254 width=242) (actual time=0.07..2620.57 rows=38766 loops=1)
          Filter: ((old_company_id = 0) AND (status = 'a'::character varying) AND (email IS NOT NULL))
                   ->  Hash  (cost=331.00..331.00 rows=3339 width=6) (actual time=32.92..32.92 rows=0 loops=1)
                                 ->  Seq Scan on branding_sp_category  (cost=0.00..331.00 rows=3339 width=6) (actual
time=0.06..26.18rows=3892 loops=1)                                                  Filter: ((category_id = 1142) OR
(category_id= 1143) OR (category_id = 1145) OR (category_id = 1259) OR (category_id = 1161))  ->  Hash
(cost=29.74..29.74rows=774 width=15) (actual time=43.78..43.78 rows=0 loops=1)        ->  Seq Scan on approved_profiles
a (cost=0.00..29.74 rows=774 width=15) (actual time=40.64..42.36 rows=778 loops=1)Total runtime: 6074.86 msec 
(26 rows)

Time: 7080.76 ms

And Following are the VIEWS & Tables:

tradein_clients=# \d shippers1     View "shipping_corner.shippers1"
|  Column  |       Type        | Modifiers |
| co_name  | character varying |           |
| address  | character varying |           |
| city     | character varying |           |
| pin_code | character varying |           |
| phone    | character varying |           |
| fax      | character varying |           |
| contact  | character varying |           |
| email    | character varying |           |
| size     | character varying |           |
| paid     | boolean           |           |
View definition: SELECT b.co_name, b.address, b.city, b.pin_code, b.phone, b.fax, b.contact, b.email, b.size, CASE WHEN
(b.size= 'BRANDING'::character varying) THEN false ELSE true END AS paid FROM (ONLY approved_profiles a JOIN ONLY
ON (((a.id = b.id) AND (a.source = b.source))));

tradein_clients=# \d shipping_candidate_profiles
View "shipping_corner.shipping_candidate_profiles"
|   Column    |       Type        | Modifiers |
| id          | integer           |           |
| branch      | character varying |           |
| source      | character varying |           |
| co_name     | character varying |           |
| address     | character varying |           |
| city        | character varying |           |
| pin_code    | character varying |           |
| phone       | character varying |           |
| fax         | character varying |           |
| contact     | character varying |           |
| email       | character varying |           |
| size        | character varying |           |
| status      | boolean           |           |
| category_id | integer           |           |
| keywords    | text              |           |
| edition     | smallint          |           |
| sno         | integer           |           |
View definition: ((((SELECT eyp_listing.list_id AS id, eyp_listing.branch, 'EYP'::character varying AS source,
eyp_listing.co_name,((((CASE WHEN (eyp_listing.address1 IS NOT NULL) THEN eyp_listing.address1 WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL)
THEN''::character varying ELSE NULL::character varying END || ' '::character varying) || CASE WHEN
(eyp_listing.address2IS NOT NULL) THEN eyp_listing.address2 WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL) THEN ''::character varying ELSE
NULL::charactervarying END) || ' '::character varying) || CASE WHEN (eyp_listing.address3 IS NOT NULL) THEN
eyp_listing.address3WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL) THEN ''::character varying ELSE NULL::character varying END) AS address,
eyp_listing.city,eyp_listing.pin_code, eyp_listing.phone, eyp_listing.fax, eyp_listing.contact, eyp_listing.email,
eyp_listing.size,true AS status, eyp_listing.category_id, eyp_listing.keywords, eyp_listing.edition, eyp_listing.sno
FROMONLY public.eyp_listing WHERE ((((((((eyp_listing.category_id = 1142) OR (eyp_listing.category_id = 1143)) OR
(eyp_listing.category_id= 1145)) OR (eyp_listing.category_id = 1259)) OR (eyp_listing.category_id = 1161)) AND
(eyp_listing.amount> 0)) AND (eyp_listing.status = 'a'::character varying)) AND (eyp_listing.email IS NOT NULL))) UNION
ALL(SELECT iid_listing.list_id AS id, iid_listing.branch, 'IID'::character varying AS source, iid_listing.co_name,
((((CASEWHEN (iid_listing.address1 IS NOT NULL) THEN iid_listing.address1 WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL) THEN ''::character
varyingELSE NULL::character varying END || ' '::character varying) || CASE WHEN (iid_listing.address2 IS NOT NULL) THEN
iid_listing.address2WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL) THEN ''::character varying ELSE NULL::character varying END) || '
'::charactervarying) || CASE WHEN (iid_listing.address3 IS NOT NULL) THEN iid_listing.address3 WHEN ('' IS NOT NULL)
THEN''::character varying ELSE NULL::character varying END) AS address, iid_listing.city, iid_listing.pin_code,
iid_listing.phone,iid_listing.fax, iid_listing.contact, iid_listing.email, iid_listing.size, true AS status,
iid_listing.category_id,iid_listing.keywords, iid_listing.edition, iid_listing.sno FROM ONLY public.iid_listing WHERE
((((((((iid_listing.category_id= 1142) OR (iid_listing.category_id = 1143)) OR (iid_listing.category_id = 1145)) OR
(iid_listing.category_id= 1259)) OR (iid_listing.category_id = 1161)) AND (iid_listing.amount > 0)) AND
(iid_listing.status= 'a'::character varying)) AND (iid_listing.email IS NOT NULL))))) UNION ALL (SELECT DISTINCT ON
(company_id)company_id AS id, trade_india_branch AS branch, 'BRANDING'::character varying AS source, comp_name AS
co_name,office_addr AS address, city, pincode AS pin_code, phone_no AS phone, fax_no AS fax, key_exec AS contact,
email,'BRANDING' AS size, false AS status, category_id, serv_prov AS keywords, branding_master.edition, 0 AS sno FROM
(ONLYpublic.branding_master JOIN ONLY public.branding_sp_category USING (company_id)) WHERE ((((((((category_id = 1142)
OR(category_id = 1143)) OR (category_id = 1145)) OR (category_id = 1259)) OR (category_id = 1161)) AND (old_company_id
=0)) AND (status = 'a'::character varying)) AND (email IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY company_id)); 

tradein_clients=# \d approved_profiles
Table "shipping_corner.approved_profiles"
| Column |       Type        | Modifiers |
| id     | integer           | not null  |
| source | character varying | not null  |
Indexes: approved_profiles_id_key unique btree (id, source)

tradein_clients=# \d branding_master                                          Table "public.branding_master"
Column      |           Type           |                             Modifiers 

       | integer                  | not null default nextval('"branding_master_company_id_seq"'::text)comp_name
| character varying(100)   |office_addr        | character varying(255)   |phone_no           | character varying(100)
|fax_no             | character varying(100)   |email              | character varying(100)   |website            |
charactervarying(100)   |key_exec           | character varying(255)   |bran               | character varying(100)
|estd              | smallint                 |staff              | integer                  |prod_exp           | text
                   |prod_manu          | text                     |prod_imp           | text
|serv_prov         | text                     |banker_name        | character varying(255)   |email_valid        |
integer                 |currency_ann       | character varying(4)     |old_company_id     | integer                  |
default0currency_exp       | character varying(4)     |old_formno         | integer                  |currency_imp
| character varying(4)     |imp_exp_code       | character varying(100)   |memb_affl          | character varying(255)
|std_cert           | character varying(255)   |trade_india_branch | character varying(25)    |areacode           |
integer                 | default 0datasource         | smallint                 |status             | character
varying(1)    | default 'p'formno             | integer                  |edition            | smallint
|area              | character varying(50)    |sno                | integer                  |city               |
charactervarying(100)   |pincode            | character varying(20)    |old_edition        | bigint
|has_new_form      | numeric(15,3)            |annual_turn        | numeric(15,2)            |exp_turn           |
numeric(15,2)           |imp_turn           | numeric(15,2)            |generated          | timestamp with time zone |
default"timestamp"('now'::text)operator_code      | character varying(25)    |fts_index          | integer[]
   |eyp_group_id       | integer                  | default 0old_branch         | character varying(20)    |imported
      | boolean                  | default falsecollector          | character varying(255)   |for_delete1        |
boolean                 | default falsefor_delete2        | boolean                  | default falseeyp_exported
|timestamp with time zone |last_updated       | timestamp with time zone | default now()eyp_paid           | integer
             |iid_exported       | timestamp with time zone |iid_paid           | integer                  |delete3
      | character varying(100)   |comp_name_index    | txtidx                   | 
Indexes: branding_master_pkey primary key btree (company_id),        branding_master_formno_ed_branc unique btree
(formno,edition, trade_india_branch),        branding_master_name_city unique btree (comp_name, city) WHERE
(old_company_id= 0),        branding_master_area btree (area),        branding_master_areacode btree (areacode),
branding_master_branchbtree (trade_india_branch),        branding_master_comp_name btree (comp_name),
branding_master_comp_name_indexgist (comp_name_index),        branding_master_edition btree (edition),
branding_master_emailbtree (email) WHERE ((old_company_id = 0) AND (email IS NOT NULL)),
branding_master_oldcomapany_idbtree (old_company_id) WHERE (old_company_id > 0),        branding_master_pincode btree
(pincode),       branding_master_status btree (status),        branding_master_tibranch btree (trade_india_branch),
  branding_master_website btree (website) 
Check constraints: "no_whites_paceallowed_in_imp" ((length(btrim(prod_imp)) > 1) OR (prod_imp IS NULL))
"no_whites_paceallowed_in_email" ((length(btrim((email)::text)) > 1) OR (email IS NULL))
"no_white_space_allowed_in_serv"((length(btrim(serv_prov)) > 1) OR (serv_prov IS NULL))
"no_white_space_allowed_in_manu"((length(btrim(prod_manu)) > 1) OR (prod_manu IS NULL))
"no_white_space_allowed_in_exp"((length(btrim(prod_exp)) > 1) OR (prod_exp IS NULL)) 

tradein_clients=# \d eyp_listing                                        Table "public.eyp_listing"      Column       |
        Type           |                          Modifiers 
       | integer                  |category           | character varying(50)    |category_id        | integer
       | not nullbranch             | character varying        |sno                | integer                  | default
-1size              | character varying(20)    |co_name            | character varying(100)   | not nulladdress1
  | character varying(200)   |address2           | character varying(200)   | default ' 'address3           | character
varying(200)  | default ' 'city               | character varying(100)   |pin_code           | character varying(30)
|phone             | character varying(100)   |fax                | character varying(100)   |email              |
charactervarying(100)   |contact            | character varying(100)   |website            | character varying(100)
|keywords          | text                     |show_ad            | character varying(25)    | default 'f'status
    | character varying(200)   | default 'a'amount             | integer                  |group_id           | integer
                | default nextval('"eyp_listing_group_id_seq"'::text)list_id            | integer                  |
notnull default nextval('"eyp_listing_list_id_seq"'::text)catalog_id         | integer                  | default
0generated         | date                     | default date('now'::text)edition            | smallint
|wrong_last_updated| date                     |last_updated       | timestamp with time zone | default
now()user_keywords     | text                     |counter            | smallint                 | default 0sent_on
      | timestamp with time zone | default now()max_emails         | smallint                 |emails_sent        |
smallint                | default 0total_emails       | smallint                 | default 0notification       |
boolean                 |branding_id        | integer                  |keywordidx         | txtidx
|company_id        | integer                  |website_working    | boolean                  | default 'f'hide_email
    | boolean                  | default 'f'co_name_index      | txtidx                   |bankers            |
charactervarying(200)   |estd               | integer                  |staff              | integer
|annual_turn_value | numeric                  |mobile             | character varying(50)    |reminder_cnt       |
smallint                | default 0expires_on         | date                     | 
Indexes: eyp_listing_pkey primary key btree (list_id),        eyp_listing_br_cid_cat_id unique btree (company_id,
category_id)WHERE (size = 'BRANDING'::character varying),        a_gist_key gist (keywordidx),        eyp_listing_amt
btree(amount),        eyp_listing_branch btree (branch) WHERE (amount > 0),        eyp_listing_category_id btree
(category_id),       eyp_listing_co_name btree (co_name),        eyp_listing_co_name_index gist (co_name_index),
eyp_listing_company_idbtree (company_id),        eyp_listing_email btree (email),        eyp_listing_group_id btree
(group_id),       eyp_listing_size btree (size),        eyp_listing_sno_branch btree (branch, sno),
eyp_listing_useridbtree (userid) 
Check constraints: "branding_check" CASE WHEN (size = 'BRANDING'::character varying) THEN ((company_id IS NOT NULL) AND
(company_id> 0)) ELSE (company_id IS NULL) END 
Foreign Key constraints: referrer_branches_master FOREIGN KEY (branch) REFERENCES tradeindia_branches(branch) ON UPDATE
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_29292778,         RI_ConstraintTrigger_29292779,         co_name_index_update,
last_updated,        set_category,         set_max_emails 


tradein_clients=# \d eyp_listing                                        Table "public.eyp_listing"      Column       |
        Type           |                          Modifiers 
       | integer                  |category           | character varying(50)    |category_id        | integer
       | not nullbranch             | character varying        |sno                | integer                  | default
-1size              | character varying(20)    |co_name            | character varying(100)   | not nulladdress1
  | character varying(200)   |address2           | character varying(200)   | default ' 'address3           | character
varying(200)  | default ' 'city               | character varying(100)   |pin_code           | character varying(30)
|phone             | character varying(100)   |fax                | character varying(100)   |email              |
charactervarying(100)   |contact            | character varying(100)   |website            | character varying(100)
|keywords          | text                     |show_ad            | character varying(25)    | default 'f'status
    | character varying(200)   | default 'a'amount             | integer                  |group_id           | integer
                | default nextval('"eyp_listing_group_id_seq"'::text)list_id            | integer                  |
notnull default nextval('"eyp_listing_list_id_seq"'::text)catalog_id         | integer                  | default
0generated         | date                     | default date('now'::text)edition            | smallint
|wrong_last_updated| date                     |last_updated       | timestamp with time zone | default
now()user_keywords     | text                     |counter            | smallint                 | default 0sent_on
      | timestamp with time zone | default now()max_emails         | smallint                 |emails_sent        |
smallint                | default 0total_emails       | smallint                 | default 0notification       |
boolean                 |branding_id        | integer                  |keywordidx         | txtidx
|company_id        | integer                  |website_working    | boolean                  | default 'f'hide_email
    | boolean                  | default 'f'co_name_index      | txtidx                   |bankers            |
charactervarying(200)   |estd               | integer                  |staff              | integer
|annual_turn_value | numeric                  |mobile             | character varying(50)    |reminder_cnt       |
smallint                | default 0expires_on         | date                     | 
Indexes: eyp_listing_pkey primary key btree (list_id),        eyp_listing_br_cid_cat_id unique btree (company_id,
category_id)WHERE (size = 'BRANDING'::character varying),        a_gist_key gist (keywordidx),        eyp_listing_amt
btree(amount),        eyp_listing_branch btree (branch) WHERE (amount > 0),        eyp_listing_category_id btree
(category_id),       eyp_listing_co_name btree (co_name),        eyp_listing_co_name_index gist (co_name_index),
eyp_listing_company_idbtree (company_id),        eyp_listing_email btree (email),        eyp_listing_group_id btree
(group_id),       eyp_listing_size btree (size),        eyp_listing_sno_branch btree (branch, sno),
eyp_listing_useridbtree (userid) 
Check constraints: "branding_check" CASE WHEN (size = 'BRANDING'::character varying) THEN ((company_id IS NOT NULL) AND
(company_id> 0)) ELSE (company_id IS NULL) END 
Foreign Key constraints: referrer_branches_master FOREIGN KEY (branch) REFERENCES tradeindia_branches(branch) ON UPDATE
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_29292778,         RI_ConstraintTrigger_29292779,         co_name_index_update,
last_updated,        set_category,         set_max_emails 


On Monday 03 February 2003 08:16 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> > tradein_clients=# explain  SELECT count(*) from shippers1 where
> > city='DELHI'; ERROR:  get_names_for_var: bogus varno 5
> What version is this?  ISTR having fixed some bugs that might cause that.
> > i can paste the nasty view definations if nothing is obvious till
> > now.
> If it's a current release, we need to see *all* the schema definitions
> referenced by the query --- views and tables.
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org


--------------------------------------------                               Regds Mallah
Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Project Manager (Development)
Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Tom Lane
"Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> It is PostgreSQL 7.3.0 on Linux.

Try 7.3.1 then.  I think this is this problem:

2002-12-06 14:28  tgl
* src/backend/commands/explain.c (REL7_3_STABLE): Explain's codefor showing quals of SubqueryScan nodes has been broken
allalong;not noticed till now.  It's a scan not an upper qual ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."

Thank you . But i have a problem ,

I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?


On Monday 03 February 2003 09:10 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> > It is PostgreSQL 7.3.0 on Linux.
> Try 7.3.1 then.  I think this is this problem:
> 2002-12-06 14:28  tgl
>     * src/backend/commands/explain.c (REL7_3_STABLE): Explain's code
>     for showing quals of SubqueryScan nodes has been broken all along;
>     not noticed till now.  It's a scan not an upper qual ...
>             regards, tom lane

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Tom Lane
"Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
> all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?

        regards, tom lane

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Bruce Momjian
No, you can mix them.


Rajesh Kumar Mallah. wrote:
> Thank you . But i have a problem ,
> I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
> all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?
> regds
> Mallah.
> On Monday 03 February 2003 09:10 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> > "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> > > It is PostgreSQL 7.3.0 on Linux.
> >
> > Try 7.3.1 then.  I think this is this problem:
> >
> > 2002-12-06 14:28  tgl
> >
> >     * src/backend/commands/explain.c (REL7_3_STABLE): Explain's code
> >     for showing quals of SubqueryScan nodes has been broken all along;
> >     not noticed till now.  It's a scan not an upper qual ...
> >
> >             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."
Thanks , if that is so i am upgrading it right away and posting
you the results. Its my live DB server :-)


On Monday 03 February 2003 09:15 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> > I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
> > all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?
> No.
>             regards, tom lane


--------------------------------------------                               Regds Mallah
Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Project Manager (Development)
Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

Christoph Haller
> Sorry Postgresql has really made my VIEWS  ugly.
> It wasnt' so when i fed them.
> I wish pgsql stores the create view defination some day ,
> just like it does for indexes (pg_get_indexdef)
Did you ever try

SELECT * FROM pg_views ;

It definitely has all view definitions.

Regards, Christoph

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."
On Monday 03 February 2003 09:20 pm, Christoph Haller wrote:
> > Sorry Postgresql has really made my VIEWS  ugly.
> > It wasnt' so when i fed them.
> >
> > I wish pgsql stores the create view defination some day ,
> > just like it does for indexes (pg_get_indexdef)
> Did you ever try
> SELECT * FROM pg_views ;

i thing when you do a \d <view_name> it uses that only.
in any case i have verified that the content in them are equally
messed up.


> It definitely has all view definitions.
> Regards, Christoph


--------------------------------------------                               Regds Mallah
Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Project Manager (Development)
Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...

"Rajesh Kumar Mallah."

Hmmm... upgrade to 7.3.1 was not that smooth..
after upgrade i could not run a single query..

tradein_clients=> SELECT * from hogs;
ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block
any other query seems to be giving the same ERROR.

check the message below on psql start (7.3.1) with a 7.3.1 server.

PS: i applied the heir patch though ... ;-) will try again without

[postgres@ns3 postgres]$ psql -Upostgres -h66.234.10.12 tradein_clients

>> ERROR:  nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node

Welcome to psql 7.3.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms      \h for help with SQL commands      \? for help on internal slash commands
    \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query      \q to quit



On Monday 03 February 2003 09:15 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
> > I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
> > all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?
> No.
>             regards, tom lane


--------------------------------------------                               Regds Mallah
Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
Project Manager (Development)
Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.

Re: cannot EXPLAIN query...


Hi ,

This is to confirm that the EXPLAIN problem
does not occur anymore after successfully upgrading
to 7.3.1 from 7.3.0

Thanks everyone.


explain select * from shippers1 where city='DELHI';

NestedLoop  (cost=0.00..26461.22 rows=1 width=339)  ->  Subquery Scan b  (cost=0.00..26448.53 rows=477 width=307)
Filter: (city = 'DELHI'::character varying)        ->  Append  (cost=0.00..26448.53 rows=477 width=307)              ->
Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=0.00..6739.42 rows=249 width=307)                    ->  Index Scan using
eyp_listing_category_id,eyp_listing_category_id,                    eyp_listing_category_id, eyp_listing_category_id,
eyp_listing_category_idon                    eyp_listing  (cost=0.00..6739.42 rows=249 width=307)
   Index Cond: ((category_id = 1142) OR (category_id = 1143) OR                          (category_id = 1145) OR
(category_id= 1259) OR (category_id = 1161))                           Filter: ((amount > 0) AND (status =
'a'::charactervarying) AND (email                          IS NOT NULL))               ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 2"
(cost=0.00..9288.33rows=77 width=286)                    ->  Seq Scan on iid_listing  (cost=0.00..9288.33 rows=77
width=286)                         Filter: (((category_id = 1142) OR (category_id = 1143) OR (category_id
          = 1145) OR (category_id = 1259) OR (category_id = 1161)) AND (amount >                          0) AND
(status= 'a'::character varying) AND (email IS NOT NULL))               ->  Subquery Scan "*SELECT* 3"
(cost=10413.26..10420.79rows=151 width=248)                    ->  Unique  (cost=10413.26..10420.79 rows=151 width=248)
                        ->  Sort  (cost=10413.26..10417.02 rows=1506 width=248)                                Sort
Key:branding_master.company_id                                ->  Hash Join  (cost=339.35..10333.74 rows=1506
width=248)                                     Hash Cond: ("outer".company_id = "inner".company_id)
                ->  Seq Scan on branding_master  (cost=0.00..7171.80                                      rows=32985
width=242)                                            Filter: ((old_company_id = 0) AND (status =
                    'a'::character varying) AND (email IS NOT NULL) AND
(eyp_paidIS NULL) AND (iid_paid IS NULL))                                       ->  Hash  (cost=331.00..331.00
rows=3339width=6)                                            ->  Seq Scan on branding_sp_category
                     (cost=0.00..331.00 rows=3339 width=6)                                                   Filter:
((category_id= 1142) OR (category_id =                                                  1143) OR (category_id = 1145)
OR(category_id =                                                  1259) OR (category_id = 1161))   ->  Index Scan using
approved_profiles_id_keyon approved_profiles a  (cost=0.00..5.30 rows=1  width=15)         Index Cond: ((a.id =
"outer".id)AND (a.source = "outer".source)) 
(24 rows)


> Hmmm... upgrade to 7.3.1 was not that smooth..
> after upgrade i could not run a single query..
> tradein_clients=> SELECT * from hogs;
> ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block
> tradein_clients=>
> any other query seems to be giving the same ERROR.
> check the message below on psql start (7.3.1) with a 7.3.1 server.
> PS: i applied the heir patch though ... ;-) will try again without that.
> [postgres@ns3 postgres]$ psql -Upostgres -h66.234.10.12 tradein_clients
>>> ERROR:  nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node
> Welcome to psql 7.3.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>       \h for help with SQL commands
>       \? for help on internal slash commands
>       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>       \q to quit
> tradein_clients=>
> regds
> mallah.
> On Monday 03 February 2003 09:15 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
>> "Rajesh Kumar Mallah." <mallah@trade-india.com> writes:
>> > I think if i do that i will hve to immediately upgrade
>> > all the 7.3.0 clients in other machines to 7.3.1  rite?
>> No.
>>             regards, tom lane
> --
> --------------------------------------------
>                                Regds Mallah
> Rajesh Kumar Mallah,
> Project Manager (Development)
> Infocom Network Limited, New Delhi
> phone: +91(11)26152172 (221) (L) 9811255597 (M)
> Visit http://www.trade-india.com ,
> India's Leading B2B eMarketplace.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: subscribe and
> unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@postgresql.org

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