Обсуждение: create view error


create view error

Gary Stainburn
Hi folks,

I know I'm missing something blindingly obvious, can someone point it out to 
me please.

create table locos (        -- Locos table - contains details of locos
lid         int4 default nextval('loco_lid_seq'::text) unique not null,
lclass        int4 references lclass(lcid),    -- Loco Class
lbuilt        date,                -- Date off-shed
lcme        int4 references cme(cmid),     -- Chief Mechanical Engineer
lname        character varying(30),        -- Name of Loco
lcomments    text                -- free text comments
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index 'locos_lid_key' for 
table 'locos'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
create table lnumbers ( -- alternate loco numbers
lnid        int4 not null references locos(lid),
lnumber        character varying(10),
lncurrent    bool,
primary key    (lnid, lnumber)
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'lnumbers_pkey' 
for table 'lnumbers'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
create view loco_dets as select * from locos l     left outer join        (select * from lclass) lc on lc.lcid =
l.lclass    left outer join       (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and ln.lncurrent 
= true     left outer join       (select * from company) c on c.coid = lc.lcompany;
ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid
Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000     

Re: create view error

Achilleus Mantzios
On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Gary Stainburn wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I know I'm missing something blindingly obvious, can someone point it out to 
> me please.
> create table locos (        -- Locos table - contains details of locos
> lid         int4 default nextval('loco_lid_seq'::text) unique not null,
> lclass        int4 references lclass(lcid),    -- Loco Class
> lbuilt        date,                -- Date off-shed
> lcme        int4 references cme(cmid),     -- Chief Mechanical Engineer
> lname        character varying(30),        -- Name of Loco
> lcomments    text                -- free text comments
> );
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index 'locos_lid_key' for 
> table 'locos'
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
> create table lnumbers ( -- alternate loco numbers
> lnid        int4 not null references locos(lid),
> lnumber        character varying(10),
> lncurrent    bool,
> primary key    (lnid, lnumber)
> );
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'lnumbers_pkey' 
> for table 'lnumbers'
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
> create view loco_dets as
>   select * from locos l
>       left outer join 
>         (select * from lclass) lc on lc.lcid = l.lclass
>       left outer join
>         (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and ln.lncurrent                        ^^^
        select also lnid

> = true
>       left outer join
>         (select * from company) c on c.coid = lc.lcompany;
> ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid

Achilleus Mantzios
S/W Engineer
IT dept
Dynacom Tankers Mngmt
Nikis 4, Glyfada
Athens 16610
tel:    +30-210-8981112
fax:    +30-210-8981877
email:  achill at matrix dot gatewaynet dot com       mantzios at softlab dot ece dot ntua dot gr

Re: create view error

Richard Huxton
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 12:40 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:

>       left outer join
>         (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and                 ^^^^^^^                      ^^^^^^^

> ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid

Is is this?

--  Richard Huxton

Concat and view - Re: create view error

Gary Stainburn
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 1:07 pm, Richard Huxton wrote:
> On Monday 07 Jul 2003 12:40 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> >       left outer join
> >         (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and
>                   ^^^^^^^                      ^^^^^^^
> > ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid
> Is is this?

Yup, thanks to both of you for this answer.

Is there any way to do this so that lnid is not visible in the resulting view?

Also, using examples from this list, I've created a concat function and 
aggregate so that I can convert a number of rows to a comma delimited string.  
I can then use this in a select as shown below, but what I can't work out is 
how to put this into my join. 

I want to include the second of the two selects shown below (the one with 
'lncurrent = true' where clause) into my view (shown at bottom).

I can't work out where to put the where and group by clauses.

nymr=# select lnid, concat(lnumber) as lnalternate from lnumbers  group by 
lnid;lnid | lnalternate
------+--------------   1 | 29   2 | 2392,65894   3 | 4277   4 | 80135   5 | 30926,926   6 | 45212   7 | 44767   8 |
60532  9 | 75014  10 | 75029  11 | 60007  12 | 25 278,D7628  13 | 08850,4518  14 | 62005,62012  15 | 24 061,D5061  16 |
45337 17 | 6619  18 | 64360,901  19 | 5  20 | 825  21 | 45157  22 | 76079  23 | 4771,60800  24 | 55019,D9019  25 |
D9009 26 | 08556,D3723
(26 rows)

nymr=# select lnid, concat(lnumber) as lnalternate from lnumbers where 
lncurrent = false group by lnid;lnid | lnalternate
------+-------------   2 | 2392   5 | 926  12 | 25 278  13 | 08850  14 | 62012  18 | 64360  23 | 4771  24 | D9019  26 |
(9 rows)


create view loco_dets as select * from locos l     left outer join         lclass lc on lc.lcid = l.lclass     left
outerjoin       lnumbers n on n.lnid = l.lid and n.lncurrent = true     left outer join       (select lnid,
concat(lnumber)as lnalternate, lncurrent from lnumbers 
) na on na.lnid = l.lid and na.lncurrent = false     left outer join        company c on c.coid = lc.lcompany;

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000     

Re: Concat and view - Re: create view error

Gary Stainburn
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 1:36 pm, you wrote:
> On Monday 07 Jul 2003 1:07 pm, Richard Huxton wrote:
> > On Monday 07 Jul 2003 12:40 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > >       left outer join
> > >         (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and
> >
> >                   ^^^^^^^                      ^^^^^^^
> >
> > > ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid
> >
> > Is is this?
> Yup, thanks to both of you for this answer.
> Is there any way to do this so that lnid is not visible in the resulting
> view?

I've managed to get the view I wanted by using sub-selects - as shown below, 
but I now have the 'lid' field showing in the resulting view three times (as 
lid, lnid and lnaid).  How can I remove lnid and lnaid from the result?

create view loco_dets as select * from locos l     left outer join         lclass lc on lc.lcid = l.lclass     left
outerjoin       lnumbers n on n.lnid = l.lid and n.lncurrent = true     left outer join       (select lnid as lnaid,
concat(lnumber)as lnalternate from   (select lnid, lnumber from lnumbers where lncurrent = false order by lnid, 
lnumber) alt  group by lnaid) na on na.lnaid = l.lid      left outer join        company c on c.coid = lc.lcompany;

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000     

Re: Concat and view - Re: create view error

Richard Huxton
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 2:12 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> I've managed to get the view I wanted by using sub-selects - as shown
> below, but I now have the 'lid' field showing in the resulting view three
> times (as lid, lnid and lnaid).  How can I remove lnid and lnaid from the
> result?
> create view loco_dets as
>   select * from locos l
>       left outer join

Don't do "select *" do "select field_a,field_b..." - the * doesn't just refer
to the locos table.

--  Richard Huxton

Re: Concat and view - Re: create view error

Gary Stainburn
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 3:34 pm, Richard Huxton wrote:
> On Monday 07 Jul 2003 2:12 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > I've managed to get the view I wanted by using sub-selects - as shown
> > below, but I now have the 'lid' field showing in the resulting view three
> > times (as lid, lnid and lnaid).  How can I remove lnid and lnaid from the
> > result?
> >
> > create view loco_dets as
> >   select * from locos l
> >       left outer join
> [snip]
> Don't do "select *" do "select field_a,field_b..." - the * doesn't just
> refer to the locos table.

Sorry if I didn't make myself plain enough, but I had

create view loco_dets as    select * from locos l               -- includes lid which I want      left outer join
 (select lnid, lnumber.......) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid

The problem is that I have to have lnid in the sub-select to allow the 'on' 
clause to work, but I don't want lnid to appear in the resulting view.

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000     

Re: Concat and view - Re: create view error

Richard Huxton
On Monday 07 Jul 2003 4:10 pm, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> On Monday 07 Jul 2003 3:34 pm, Richard Huxton wrote:
> > Don't do "select *" do "select field_a,field_b..." - the * doesn't just
> > refer to the locos table.
> Sorry if I didn't make myself plain enough, but I had
> create view loco_dets as
>     select * from locos l               -- includes lid which I want
>        left outer join
>           (select lnid, lnumber.......) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid
> .......
> The problem is that I have to have lnid in the sub-select to allow the 'on'
> clause to work, but I don't want lnid to appear in the resulting view.

Yep, so don't do "SELECT *", list the fields you want instead. The * in that
second line applies to the rest of the query, not just the "locos" table.

There is something to be said for a format such as "SELECT * EXCEPT lnid" but
I don't think it's mentioned in any sql spec.

--  Richard Huxton

Re: create view error

mila boldareva
Hi, Gary!

> create view loco_dets as
>   select * from locos l
>       left outer join 
>         (select * from lclass) lc on lc.lcid = l.lclass
>       left outer join
(*)          (select lnumber from lnumbers) ln on ln.lnid = l.lid and ln.lncurrent
> = true
>       left outer join
>         (select * from company) c on c.coid = lc.lcompany;
> ERROR:  No such attribute or function ln.lnid

your subselect on line (*) does not contain lnid in the list of
selected fields.

I suspect you can also use constructions like
select * from locos l left outer join lclass lc on (lc.lcid = l.lclass)
instead of what you use:
> select * from locos l
>       left outer join 
>         (select * from lclass) lc on lc.lcid = l.lclass 

in this way you automatically avoid the error that you had!
