Обсуждение: How to write this query!


How to write this query!

These are my PostgreSQL tables: 

pid | name 1  |  A 2  |  B 3  |  C 4  |  D 5  |  E 

tid | pid 1 | pid 2 | pid 3 
1   |  1    |  2    |  3 

Bascially, I would like to write a query to list only
the names which their "pid" match those pids in the
other table. If anyone knows, pls help!! 

Many Thanks!! 


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Re: How to write this query!

Richard Huxton
On Sunday 13 July 2003 17:32, Jo wrote:
> These are my PostgreSQL tables:
> pid | name
>  1  |  A
>  2  |  B
>  3  |  C
>  4  |  D
>  5  |  E
> tid | pid 1 | pid 2 | pid 3
> 1   |  1    |  2    |  3
> Bascially, I would like to write a query to list only
> the names which their "pid" match those pids in the
> other table. If anyone knows, pls help!!

Jo - not sure how your message took this long to reach the list, but it 
doesn't look like someone has answered, so...

SELECT DISTINCT a.name FROM table_a AS a, table_b as b WHERE a.pid=b.pid1 OR 
a.pid=b.pid2 OR a.pid=b.pid3;

--  Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd