Обсуждение: strange "order by" request


strange "order by" request

Frank Bax
Two tables - employee and timesheet simple enough.  Each table is more 
complex than example before.  timesheet contains multiple rows per day 
because the "other" fields are different for various rows on same 
day/employee. My selection criteria actually uses some of these other 
fields.  lo_shift and hi_shift are always on the same date for a given row.

In the output, I *must* have all rows for an employee together, the 
sequence of employees should be based on lowest value of "lo_shift" for 
each employee.  How do I code such a select?

Here are some commands to create tables & sample data:
CREATE TABLE "employee" (        "emp" character(6) NOT NULL,        "last" character varying(64),        "first"

CREATE TABLE "timesheet" (        "emp" character(6) NOT NULL,        "dept" character(2) NOT NULL,        "lo_shift"
timestamp,       "hi_shift" timestamp

insert into employee(emp,last,first) values('091006','Clarke','Cynthia');
insert into employee(emp,last,first) values('096005','Mullins','Denise');
insert into employee(emp,last,first) values('089068','Johnson','Michelle');
insert into employee(emp,last,first) values('098036','Zandstra','Nicole');

insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('091006','10','2003-07-17 00:00','2003-07-17 07:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('091006','10','2003-07-17 08:00','2003-07-17 11:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('096005','10','2003-07-17 07:30','2003-07-17 08:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('096005','10','2003-07-17 09:00','2003-07-17 17:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('098036','10','2003-07-17 13:30','2003-07-17 19:29');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('098036','10','2003-07-17 19:30','2003-07-17 21:29');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('089068','10','2003-07-17 14:00','2003-07-17 17:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('089068','10','2003-07-17 18:00','2003-07-17 21:59');
insert into timesheet(emp,dept,lo_shift,hi_shift) 
values('000032','90','2003-07-18 18:00','2003-07-17 23:59');

SELECT emp.emp, emp.last, emp.first, ts.lo_shift, ts.hi_shift  FROM timesheet ts, employee emp WHERE ts.emp = emp.emp
ANDts.dept='10' AND ts.lo_shift::date = '2003-07-17' ORDER BY emp.first, emp.last, emp.emp, ts.lo_shift, ts.hi_shift;