Обсуждение: (no subject)


(no subject)

"A. Van Hook"
We have been using 7.3.3 on several different applications and have 
discovered an anomaly.
Backups are done nightly using "pg_dump --attribute-inserts -f 
att.dump.`dcode` spdb";
Dump files are used to restore and test. This test method has been used 
successfully on
all previous versions. However, in 7.3.3, when the dump utility hits a 
carriage return imbeded with in a text field, the
dump utility immeadiately jumps to the next record rendering the dump of 
successive records useless.
INSERT INTO registry (rid, sid, aflag, fname, lname, mi, addr, city, 
state, zip, phone, email, weddate, regdate, items, \
notes, ref) VALUES (1148, 503, NULL, 'Jillian', 'Kooker', ' ', '', '', 
'', '', '610-649-3327', '', '2002-10-24', '2002-0\
8-15', 'HP: 9120 Malis Henderson Veil: S2378 sparkle tulle and rat-tail 
edge', 'Used an 888 slip^M <<<<<<

What am I doing wrong??


A. R. Van Hook 
Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies  IT System Engineer
City of Lake Lotawana MO  Mayor
pager        (816)458-2585
cell         (816)564-0769
hook@kcp.com (816)997-3531
hook@lota.us (816)578-4704
hook@lake-lotawana.mo.us  (816)578-4215

Re: (no subject)

Tom Lane
"A. Van Hook" <hook@kcp.com> writes:
> Dump files are used to restore and test. This test method has been used 
> successfully on
> all previous versions. However, in 7.3.3, when the dump utility hits a 
> carriage return imbeded with in a text field, the
> dump utility immeadiately jumps to the next record rendering the dump of 
> successive records useless.

AFAICT, pg_dump with -D in 7.3 and current dumps embedded carriage
returns and newlines literally, same as it always has.  I suspect your
problems are not actually with Postgres, but with some other tool that
is misreading or altering the dump file.

Personally, I would use pg_dump without -D.  Recent versions give a
fairly nice behavior for embedded control characters:

COPY foo (f1) FROM stdin;
        regards, tom lane