Обсуждение: problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb thing)


problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb thing)

"Joel Fradkin"
Can anyone help me out on this (I will need to backup and restore the data
base, but am not savy on the proper save and restore syntax). I used the
default ones in PGadmin as detailed below and it blew up on
pg_restore: restoring data for table "tblaction"
pg_restore: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xe9
CONTEXT:  COPY tblaction, line 1799, column value: "Chargé"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error
Backup command=
D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_dump.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
postgres -F c -b -v -f "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup" wazagua
D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_restore.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
postgres -d waztest -v "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup"
ServerVersion: 07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i386-redhat-linux-gnu,
compiled by GCC i386-redhat-linux-gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2
Resulting error text =
D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_restore.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
postgres -d waztest -v "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup"
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA public
pg_restore: creating COMMENT SCHEMA public
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler()
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 9; 1255 16207920 FUNCTION
plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax error at
or near "OWNER" at character 46
    Command was: ALTER FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler() OWNER TO
pg_restore: creating PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql
pg_restore: creating FUNCTION inserttabledata(character varying, character
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 10; 1255 16227934 FUNCTION
inserttabledata(character varying, character varying) postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax error at
or near "$" at character 94
    Command was: CREATE FUNCTION inserttabledata(character varying,
character varying) RETURNS boolean
    AS $_$
@clinum ALIAS FOR...
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax error at
or near "OWNER" at character 77
    Command was: ALTER FUNCTION public.inserttabledata(character varying,
character varying) OWNER TO postgres;
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcase
pg_restore: [archiver] Error from TOC entry 1672; 1259 12375856 TABLE
tblcase postgres
pg_restore: [archiver] could not set default_tablespace to "": ERROR: 
unrecognized configuration parameter "default_tablespace"
pg_restore: [archiver] could not set default_with_oids: ERROR:  unrecognized
configuration parameter "default_with_oids"
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportmarkedrecords
pg_restore: creating VIEW case_marked_exp
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllocation
pg_restore: creating VIEW casenumber_wrong_loc
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdacases
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcompany
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllastexportedcaseid
pg_restore: creating VIEW casesforcda
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblassociate
pg_restore: creating VIEW csi_associates
pg_restore: creating VIEW dupe_cli_case_incda
pg_restore: creating VIEW dupecasenumbers
pg_restore: creating VIEW duped_assoc
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblaction
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcasesource
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcasetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustomer
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldistrict
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldivision
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblethnicity
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblidentificationtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbljobtitle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmerchandise
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmethod
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmilitarybranch
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmilitarystatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbloffensetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblotherperson
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblpatrontype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblregion
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsex
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblstaffexec
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsubjecttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbluser
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblworktype
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaseexport
pg_restore: creating VIEW nrma_view
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "affiliatecode" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "affilateincidentnumber" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "middlename" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "address" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "city" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "state" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "zip" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "race" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "eyecolor" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "haircolor" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "height" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "weight" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "gender" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "prosecuted" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "signedstatement" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblproblemcodes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltrans
pg_restore: creating VIEW problemcodes_originalid
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbl_i2an_default_values
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblalarmcall
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblalarmsystem
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblallfields
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblanswer_defaults
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblanswers
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblassociatethirdpartyaccounts
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblaudit
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblauditassignments
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblauditstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblaudittypes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblaward
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblawardtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblbadpasswords
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblboolean
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcamera
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaselptools
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcasepayments
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaserestnotes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaseresttrackpaycheck
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaseresttrackpaymentcycle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaseresttrackpaymentstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaseresttrackpaymenttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcaseresttracktype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdacasestemp
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdacasetransfered
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdaclient
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdaorglevel
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdapayment
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdapaymenttemp
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdastore
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcdasyscode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblclientdatacapture
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcountry
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcreditcardtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcube
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcubeline
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcubesave
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcubesaveline
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustinc
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincattitude
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustinccustomer
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincinjuredpersons
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincinvolvedvehicle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustinclighting
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincnotes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincproduct
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincproperty
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincshoes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincvehicleloss
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblcustincwitnesslog
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldamagelevel
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldatadictionaryheader
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldatadictionarylinepresentation
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldepartment
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldiscountcode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldisposition
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldotcarrier
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldotdistribution
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldotsealincident
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldottrucksealincidenttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldriverboolean
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldriverfrequency
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldriverinformation
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldriverlicclass
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldrivernotes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldriverpurpose
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldropdowntables
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbldtsfields
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempinc
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincabsence
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincbodypart
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempinccause
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincequipment
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincfirstaider
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincfirstaidetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincillness
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincinjury
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincinsurancereportstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincinuredpersons
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincinvolvedvehicle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincio
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincnotes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincppe
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincproduct
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincproperty
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincpropertydamage
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincpropertystolen
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincsa
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincspecificarea
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincsq
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincsummaryprinted
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempinctransfer
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincudefq
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincunsafeact
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincunsafeboolean
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincunsafecondition
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincvehicleinjuredtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincvehicleloss
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincweatherconditions
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincwitnesslog
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblempincwitnesstype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidence
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidencefolder
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidenceimmediatealertemailsent
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidenceorigtransref
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidenceproblemcodes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidencetender
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidencetrans
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidencetranscustomer
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblevidencetransline
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexceptionimportlog
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexceptionworkfolder
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportclients
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportenity
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportentityxrefvalues
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportfields_entity_master
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportfields_waz_master
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexportfields_xref
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblexporttables
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbleyecolor
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtadditionalcharges
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtequipment
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtjobstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtjobtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtlabor
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtmain
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtmaterials
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtreasonforcall
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtservicecompany
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtservicetechnician
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtservicetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmttechniciancertificationlevel
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfacmgmtworkperformedtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfieldorder
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehicle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehiclehoused
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehiclenotes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehicleownership
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehiclesafety
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblfmvehiclesecurity
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblftpconfig
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgeneralparam
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgeneralparambymodule
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroup
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupaudit
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupcompanies
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupcompaniesavailable
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgrouplocations
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupnonparentusers
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupresponse_line
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupresponseheader
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupresponsesection
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblgroupuser
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblhaircolor
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblholdtranfields
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblhrdept
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblimmediatealertemail
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblimmediatealertemailsent
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblimmediatealertreport
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincident
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentcallback
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentdept
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentperson
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentpersontitle
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentreported
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentsuppquest
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidentsuppquestansw
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblincidenttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblinttendertype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblinttranslinetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblinttranstype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblinvestigation
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllevel
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllocationtype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllpregion
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbllptools
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmaritalstatus
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmarkettype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmodule
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblmonthendreport
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblnextreportdefid
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblnote
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbloffensecode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbloldpasswords
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblorigtransref
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblpassincounter
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblportalcontent
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblportalpermissions
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblportaltype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblpostvoidreasoncode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblpresentationlayers
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblproblemcodeconfig
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblproblemcodemast
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblquerrydefinefields
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblquerrydefineheader
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblquestions
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrefundreasoncode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblreportdef
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblreportexecution
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblreportqueue
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblreporttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblresponse_line
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblresponseheader
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblresponsesection
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblreturnreasoncode
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwactivity
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwcapabilities
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwfrequency
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwhours
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwjanalysis
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblrtwprocedures
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafcustreviewedaccidents
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafempreviewedaccidents
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeet
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetareaconcern
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetattlog
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetconcerns
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetmessageofmonth
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetmethodcommunicated
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetnewbusiness
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsafmeetnewbusinesstype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsearsautoxref
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsections
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblshk
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblshkdepartmentshrinkhistory
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblshkstoreshrinkhistory
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsiccodes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblstore
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsubdepartment
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsubjectbymodule
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblsuspectedactivity
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltender
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltendertype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltesttype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltnwxref
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranscustomer
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranscustomer_bom
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranslationfields
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranslations
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltransline
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranslinetype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranslinetype_bom
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltranstype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tbltypeofweapon
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblusagestats
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblusermovementlog
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblusstates
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblvehiclebodytype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblvehiclemake
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblvehiclepolicylimit
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblvehiclepolicytype
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblvendor
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblweekday
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblworkflowtypes
pg_restore: creating TABLE tblyeardesignation
pg_restore: creating VIEW thenetworkcallbackview
pg_restore: creating VIEW thenetworkview
pg_restore: creating VIEW username_duppes
pg_restore: creating VIEW viewallfields
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_aigc_groupusers
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_assoc_export
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_dropdowntables
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_duplicate_case_numbers
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_duplicate_case_numbers2
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_emailtotalbyemailinpriortosend
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_exportcase_noaprhdate
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_locations_too_high
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_long_cases_export
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_longs_special
pg_restore: creating VIEW viw_rnd_locs
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwassoclist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwauditcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwauditcubeavg
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwauditfeedbacklist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwauditlist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwawardcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwawardquery
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcase_wcasereport
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcase_wcasereport_assoc
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcase_wcasereport_other
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcasecube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcasecube_export_ent
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcasecube_w_auto_as_main
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcasecubetools
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaseexp_with_tools
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaseexport_small_case_rep_4096
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaseexportnoappdate
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwoldandnewcivil
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaselist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcaserestitutioncube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcdacube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcdapayments
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcoilist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcreateaudit
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcustinccube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwcustinclist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwdotseal
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwdotsealcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viweicube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viweilist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwempinccube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwempinccubeuserdefinquest
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwempinclist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwevidencelist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwexportentitylist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwexportlist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwfacmgmt
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwfacmgmtservicecompany
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwgicube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwgilist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwgroupauditcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwgroupauditlist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwillnesscount
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwincidentcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwincidentlist
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwlocationasis
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwlocationwdivregdis
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwlocxref
pg_restore: WARNING:  column "deletecrossreference" has type "unknown"
DETAIL:  Proceeding with relation creation anyway.
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwmerchcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwmovementlog
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwpriors
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwproblemcodes
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwrtwcap
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsafmeet
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsdotsealcube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsflp_casevalue_vs_paid
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwshrink
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsnapcount
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsnapmerch
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwsnapshot
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwtendercube
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwtnwincident
pg_restore: creating VIEW viwusma_count
pg_restore: restoring data for table "tbl_i2an_default_values"
pg_restore: restoring data for table "tblaction"
pg_restore: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xe9
CONTEXT:  COPY tblaction, line 1799, column value: "Chargé"
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error
Process returned exit code 1.
Joel Fradkin

Re: problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb thing)

Richard Huxton
Joel Fradkin wrote:
> Can anyone help me out on this (I will need to backup and restore the data
> base, but am not savy on the proper save and restore syntax). I used the
> default ones in PGadmin as detailed below and it blew up on 
> pg_restore: restoring data for table "tblaction"
> pg_restore: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xe9
> CONTEXT:  COPY tblaction, line 1799, column value: "Chargé"
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
> pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

Looking at your output, that's not the only error.

> Backup command=
> D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_dump.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
> postgres -F c -b -v -f "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup" wazagua
> Restorecommand=
> D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_restore.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
> postgres -d waztest -v "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup"
> Using 
> ServerVersion: 07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i386-redhat-linux-gnu,
> compiled by GCC i386-redhat-linux-gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2

Good to see all the information needed - means we don't need to make any  guesses.

> Resulting error text =
> D:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pg_restore.exe -i -h -p 5432 -U
> postgres -d waztest -v "D:\backups\postgrescompressed.backup"
> pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
> pg_restore: creating DUMP TIMESTAMP DUMP TIMESTAMP
> pg_restore: creating SCHEMA public
> pg_restore: creating COMMENT SCHEMA public
> pg_restore: creating FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler()
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 9; 1255 16207920 FUNCTION
> plpgsql_call_handler() postgres
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax error at
> or near "OWNER" at character 46
>     Command was: ALTER FUNCTION public.plpgsql_call_handler() OWNER TO
> postgres;

OK - let's start here. The syntax here is fine, I just tested it on an 
8.0 database. Are you sure the DB you are restoring to is version 8?

> pg_restore: creating PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql
> pg_restore: creating FUNCTION inserttabledata(character varying, character
> varying)
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 10; 1255 16227934 FUNCTION
> inserttabledata(character varying, character varying) postgres
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax error at
> or near "$" at character 94
>     Command was: CREATE FUNCTION inserttabledata(character varying,
> character varying) RETURNS boolean
>     AS $_$

This is odd too - another version 8 feature.

I've skipped to the end here:

> pg_restore: restoring data for table "tblaction"
> pg_restore: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE": 0xe9
> CONTEXT:  COPY tblaction, line 1799, column value: "Chargé"

Well, it's complaining that the data you're restoring isn't unicode 
(UTF-8). Was the database you dumped from set up to store UTF-8 or was 
it SQL-ASCII or ISOxxxx? I suppose it might be something to do with a 
linux<=>windows transfer, but the place to start is running "psql -l" on 
the server.

--  Richard Huxton  Archonet Ltd

Re: problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb thing)

Tom Lane
Richard Huxton <dev@archonet.com> writes:
> Joel Fradkin wrote:
>> ServerVersion: 07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i386-redhat-linux-gnu,
>> compiled by GCC i386-redhat-linux-gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2

> OK - let's start here. The syntax here is fine, I just tested it on an 
> 8.0 database. Are you sure the DB you are restoring to is version 8?

Looks to me like he's trying to use 8.0 pg_dump/pg_restore to reload
into a 7.4 server.  This definitely won't work without specifying
--disable-dollar-quoting to pg_dump; and if you care about restoring
object ownership correctly, also --use-set-session-authorization.
I don't recall if there are any other gotchas.

The unicode issue I'm not sure about.  Perhaps the original database was
SQL_ASCII encoding and so was allowed to contain byte sequences that
aren't legal unicode?
        regards, tom lane

Re: problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb thing)

"Joel Fradkin"
I am not running version 8 (I did try this on the linux box as well, but the
version I documented was the server is linux and the client is XP).

I ran it from PG admin in both cases, maybe I need to just run from the
command line on the linux box (this is fine as long as I can backup the file
and restore it if need be). I did the dump and restore from the PGadminIII
program so maybe the data base is not (UTF-8). I am new to this so I do not
know how to determine and set the types so they match up.
I did a create database and am running a .net app to read the data from
MSSQL and add it to Postgres.

If anyone know a quick to determine this and what the syntax mods are for
the dump and restore I would be very happy, if not I can play around. Thanks
so much for all the help, maybe I should load version 8 (I was not sure
there were rpms for fedora 3 that worked, I tried to load it and was
obviously not doing it correctly).

Joel Fradkin
Wazagua, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 1:17 PM
To: Richard Huxton
Cc: Joel Fradkin; pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [SQL] problem with backup and restore (probaly stupit newb

Richard Huxton <dev@archonet.com> writes:
> Joel Fradkin wrote:
>> ServerVersion: 07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on i386-redhat-linux-gnu,
>> compiled by GCC i386-redhat-linux-gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2

> OK - let's start here. The syntax here is fine, I just tested it on an
> 8.0 database. Are you sure the DB you are restoring to is version 8?

Looks to me like he's trying to use 8.0 pg_dump/pg_restore to reload
into a 7.4 server.  This definitely won't work without specifying
--disable-dollar-quoting to pg_dump; and if you care about restoring
object ownership correctly, also --use-set-session-authorization.
I don't recall if there are any other gotchas.

The unicode issue I'm not sure about.  Perhaps the original database was
SQL_ASCII encoding and so was allowed to contain byte sequences that
aren't legal unicode?
        regards, tom lane