Обсуждение: rename idx's with table; avoid confusing idx names?


rename idx's with table; avoid confusing idx names?

george young
[PostgreSQL 8.1.0 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.0.1]
After tearing out some hair over the following sequence of events:

[a few weeks ago]  alter table foo rename to old_foo;  create table foo(<somewhat different schema>);  insert into foo
selectblahblahblah from old_foo;

[today]  cluster foo_pkey on foo;  ERROR:  "foo_pkey" is not an index for table "foo"  What?????  Why does \d say the
primarykey idx is foo_pkey1 ????

[light dawns]  Aha! "alter table rename to" did not rename the table's indexes!

I put together a plpgsql function to rename a table and it's indexes
correspondingly[see below].  I would like to know:
 Is there a more robust/portable/clear way to do this? Is this a bad idea for some subtle reason? Is there any way to
geta less cumbersome interface than "select rename_table_and_indexes('foo','old_foo')? Does this look useful enough for
meto package more formally? 

-- George Young

CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION rename_table_and_indexes(old_name text, new_name text) returns void AS $$
declare  prefix_len integer;  r record;
begin  prefix_len = length(old_name);  for r in select indexrelname from pg_stat_user_indexes where relname=old_name
loop    execute 'alter index ' || r.indexrelname || ' rename to ' || quote_ident(new_name) || substr(r.indexrelname,
prefix_len+ 1);     raise NOTICE 'renamed index % to %', r.indexrelname, new_name || substr(r.indexrelname, prefix_len
+1);     end loop;
  execute 'alter table ' || quote_ident(old_name) || ' rename to ' || quote_ident(new_name);  raise NOTICE 'alter table
%rename to %', old_name, new_name;
$$   LANGUAGE plpgsql;

"Are the gods not just?"  "Oh no, child.
What would become of us if they were?" (CSL)

Re: rename idx's with table; avoid confusing idx names?

Tom Lane
george young <gry@ll.mit.edu> writes:
> I put together a plpgsql function to rename a table and it's indexes
> correspondingly[see below].  I would like to know:

>   Is there a more robust/portable/clear way to do this?
>   Is this a bad idea for some subtle reason?

It won't work if the table and column names are so long as to require
truncation to form an index name.  Also there are some corner cases
in which you'll collide with existing index names.  (The underlying
backend index-name creation logic goes to some effort to generate
nonconflicting index names, but this code isn't doing any such thing.)
        regards, tom lane