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vijay balan
<br /><br /><b><i>gould@embl.de</i></b> wrote: <blockquote class="replbq" style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px;
BORDER-LEFT:#1010ff 2px solid">Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:16:06 +0200<br />From: gould@embl.de<br />To:
pgsql-sql@postgresql.org<br/>Subject: [SQL] Omission of 'FROM' ? diff between pgsql 7.4.1 and pgsql 8.1.4<br /><br
/>hi<br/>I am upgrading from pgsql 7.4.1 to pgsql 8.1.4. However, some of the application<br />queries won't run on the
newerversion of pgsql.<br />An example of the type of query is:<br /><br />SELECT<br
/>protein_external_links.protein_id,external_links.external_id,<br />proteins.public_name<br />WHERE<br
/>protein_external_links.external_link_id= external_links.id and<br />protein_external_links.protein_id = proteins.id
and<br/>external_links.external_database_id != 8 and<br />external_links.external_id_type_id = 2;<br /><br />on
pgsql7.4.1what tables need to be queried seems to be implicitly deduced from<br />the rest of the SQL without the need
fora FROM clause.<br />However, on pgsql 8.1.4 the following error is given:<br />ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for
table"protein_external_links"<br /><br />Is there some query optimization config setting I can set in pgsql 8.1.4 to
fix<br/>this problem rather than having to change the queries in the code? I've read<br />over the changes between
pgsql7 and pgsql 8 but nothing seems to stand out to<br />me as referencing this problem. Anyone with more knowledge
thatcan point me in<br />the right direction?<br /><br />Thanks<br />Kate<br /><br />---------------------------(end of
broadcast)---------------------------<br/>TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to<br
/>choosean index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not<br />match<br /></blockquote><br /><p><hr size="1" />
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