Обсуждение: Count of rows


Count of rows

Paul Lambert
What's the best way to count how many rows are in each table via SQL? Or 
is it even possible?

I'm trying something like:

select tablename, count(*) from (select tablename from pg_tables where 
schemaname = 'public') as test group by tablename;

But obviously this just gives a count of 1 for each table in the public 

Can it be done or would I have to write a function?

Paul Lambert
Database Administrator

Re: Count of rows

"Christian Kindler"
do this via execute in a stored procedure - something like this (written on the flow - untested!)

returns setof text

declaremy_record record;my counter as bigint;


for my_record in   select tablename from pg_tables where  schemaname = 'public' 
loop  execute into counter      'select count(*) from ' || my_record.tablename ;  return next my_record.tablename || ':
'|| counter::text;

end loop;  return null;


On Fri, August 3, 2007 7:35 am, Paul Lambert wrote:
> What's the best way to count how many rows are in each table via SQL? Or
> is it even possible?
> I'm trying something like:
> select tablename, count(*) from (select tablename from pg_tables where
> schemaname = 'public') as test group by tablename;
> But obviously this just gives a count of 1 for each table in the public
> schema.
> Can it be done or would I have to write a function?
> --
> Paul Lambert
> Database Administrator
> AutoLedgers
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