Обсуждение: Calculate next event date based on instance of the day of week


Calculate next event date based on instance of the day of week

I'm sure the subject sounds extremely confusing :)

I have a table which stores an event date.  The event is stored as a standard mm/dd/yy entry.

I then need to calculate based on the dd value, WHICH day of the week that is (e.g. Wednesday) and which occurrence of that day of the week, within the month, it is (e.g. the THIRD Wednesday).

From there, I need to calculate, based on the previously obtained information, the mm/dd/yy DATE of next month's third Wednesday.

My business analyst has attempted a few various solutions but we seem to keep missing the mark, we've found tons of information for how to do it in a MySQL or MSSQL instance, but none on Postgres, or at least, none that have worked.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Re: Calculate next event date based on instance of the day of week

Jayadevan M
> I have a table which stores an event date.  The event is stored as a
> standard mm/dd/yy entry.
> I then need to calculate based on the dd value, WHICH day of the 
> week that is (e.g. Wednesday) and which occurrence of that day of 
> the week, within the month, it is (e.g. the THIRD Wednesday).
Here is an example to reach this far ....

postgres=# create table mt(myd date);
postgres=# insert into mt select  current_date+se from  (select 
generate_series(1,10000) as se ) as x; 
postgres=# select * from mt order by
postgres-# myd limit 10;   myd
(10 rows)

This is the query to get the data in the format you want...

select myd, d ,w from (
select myd, to_char(myd,'Day')  as d , to_char(myd,'W')  as w ,rank() over 
(partition by to_char(myd,'W') order by myd  ) as x from  mt order by myd 
) as t order by myd ;
   myd     |     d     | w
------------+-----------+---2010-12-04 | Saturday  | 12010-12-05 | Sunday    | 12010-12-06 | Monday    | 12010-12-07 |
Tuesday  | 12010-12-08 | Wednesday | 22010-12-09 | Thursday  | 22010-12-10 | Friday    | 22010-12-11 | Saturday  |
22010-12-12| Sunday    | 22010-12-13 | Monday    | 22010-12-14 | Tuesday   | 22010-12-15 | Wednesday | 32010-12-16 |
Thursday | 32010-12-17 | Friday    | 32010-12-18 | Saturday  | 32010-12-19 | Sunday    | 32010-12-20 | Monday    |
32010-12-21| Tuesday   | 32010-12-22 | Wednesday | 42010-12-23 | Thursday  | 42010-12-24 | Friday    | 42010-12-25 |
Saturday | 42010-12-26 | Sunday    | 42010-12-27 | Monday    | 42010-12-28 | Tuesday   | 42010-12-29 | Wednesday |
52010-12-30| Thursday  | 52010-12-31 | Friday    | 5



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