Обсуждение: Project proposal


Project proposal

Diorman Colmenares

My name is Diorman Colmenares and I am a Computers Engineering student at "UNET" in Venezuela.

A couple of days ago I proposed on "phpPgAdmin-devel" mailing list developing a module for phpPgAdmin that allow users to design their prostgre databases drawing E-R diagrams using JQuery library for my university's final project, and as a contribution for phpPgAdmin. But first I had to accomplish other projects i was working on. Now I have the opportunity to start developing this idea, and also to propose it to Google Summer of Code, so i would like to discuss this project with you. 

I think the main features could be:
- Forward and reverse engineering.
- Multiple diagrams per database.
- Export and import diagrams.
- Update diagrams if changes on database objects happen. 

I would like to know what do you think about this, and would appreciate any feedback you might give me. And if you are interested, what features do you think should or should not be a part of this?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Diorman Colmenares