Обсуждение: Hi Mr.Ramani


Hi Mr.Ramani

Reza Harasani

Hello Mr.Ramani
Thanks for your response, Can you help me?
I want to add some functions into PostgreSQL codes for this purpose :
    - For first step, I want to add a column automatically, that means when a user use CREATE TABLE code for creating tables, without his/her know about added column,  a column add in the created table and calculate hash that row ...
            I want to add a column without knowing user that used it, automatically ...
    - for second step, I want to know that columns that the unauthorized user changed it. In fact, i want to recognize changed rows that unauthorized users modified them, without the user know about existence of added columns that calculate hash of every rows ...

Can you help me about this work? Can you tell me what should i do for this work and where should i change PostgreSQL Codes for this purpose? Which Class or every things ???

Thanks Mr.Ramani ...

Re: Hi Mr.Ramani

hitesh ramani
Hello Reza,

You can start debugging and studying how exactly the CREATE TABLE works using gdb. After starting your server and client, fetch the pid of backend processes by entering "select pg_backend_pid();" query. This will give you the backend pid. Attach this pid to your gdb and create a breakpoint at raw_parser, this is where all the query processing starts.

Study the processing code of CREATE TABLE query and edit according to your needs in the binary package which you can later compile and check the progress.


Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:24:49 +0330
Subject: [pgsql-students] Hi Mr.Ramani
From: rharasani@gmail.com
To: pgsql-students@postgresql.org; hitesh.ramani@hotmail.com

Hello Mr.Ramani
Thanks for your response, Can you help me?
I want to add some functions into PostgreSQL codes for this purpose :
    - For first step, I want to add a column automatically, that means when a user use CREATE TABLE code for creating tables, without his/her know about added column,  a column add in the created table and calculate hash that row ...
            I want to add a column without knowing user that used it, automatically ...
    - for second step, I want to know that columns that the unauthorized user changed it. In fact, i want to recognize changed rows that unauthorized users modified them, without the user know about existence of added columns that calculate hash of every rows ...

Can you help me about this work? Can you tell me what should i do for this work and where should i change PostgreSQL Codes for this purpose? Which Class or every things ???

Thanks Mr.Ramani ...