Обсуждение: database not accepting data properly


database not accepting data properly

Shaan Repswal
Hey guys, I hope I used the Mailing List properly. I am trying to upload a datetime.timedelta object into a column of type interval... But when I query it says datetime.interval(0).

here are the lines where the error probably is:-
print(cur.mogrify("""SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s""", (self.start_time.date(), self.start_time.time(), datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time, desc_text)))
        cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate, sessiontime, sessionduration, sessiondesc)
                    VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);""", (self.start_time.date(), self.start_time.time(), datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time, desc_text))

although when I wrote another script to enter a specific code, it was working just fine.

datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time is the time interval which seems to be where the error is.

when I did this :-
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate, sessiontime, sessionduration, sessiondesc)
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (datetime.datetime.now().date(), datetime.datetime.now().time(), datetime.timedelta(1, 18268), "This is a manual entry"))

It was working quite fine.

I will attach the two scripts

Sorry for the uber messy code. I hope you can read through my whole script as it isn't very big. I am using Gtk 3+ here so be warned... :P

Re: database not accepting data properly

Adrian Klaver
On 02/21/2016 02:45 AM, Shaan Repswal wrote:
> Hey guys, I hope I used the Mailing List properly. I am trying to upload
> a datetime.timedelta object into a column of type interval... But when I
> query it says datetime.interval(0)

Can you post the actual error message?

What are you querying that gets you datetime.interval[0]?

> here are the lines where the error probably is:-
> print(cur.mogrify("""SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s""", (self.start_time.date(),
> self.start_time.time(), datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time,
> desc_text)))
>          cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate,
> sessiontime, sessionduration, sessiondesc)
>                      VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);""",
> (self.start_time.date(), self.start_time.time(), datetime.datetime.now()
> - self.start_time, desc_text))
> although when I wrote another script to enter a specific code, it was
> working just fine.
> datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time is the time interval which
> seems to be where the error is.
> when I did this :-
> cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate, sessiontime,
> sessionduration, sessiondesc)
>              VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""",
> (datetime.datetime.now().date(), datetime.datetime.now().time(),
> datetime.timedelta(1, 18268), "This is a manual entry"))
> It was working quite fine.
> I will attach the two scripts
> Sorry for the uber messy code. I hope you can read through my whole
> script as it isn't very big. I am using Gtk 3+ here so be warned... :P

Adrian Klaver

Re: database not accepting data properly

Adrian Klaver
On 02/22/2016 02:03 AM, Shaan Repswal wrote:
Ccing list.
> That was so stupid of me. I am so sorry. When I use a script to query
> the database, the fourth column of my database is of type "interval" I
> store datetime.timedelta() objects in it from Python 3.4 But everytime I
> query it with the attached querying script it always returns
> datetime.timedelta(0) as the values of my sessionduration column.

So to be clear no error is thrown, correct?

You are just not seeing what you expect.

> I am storing them there from the testProductivityApp.py script that I
> sent to you in an earlier email. You will need to install GTK 3 for
> Python 3.4 to run that script. So bascally the datetime.timedelta()
> objects are stored, but they are always datetime.timedelta(0,0,0.0) Any
> idea why that could be happening?

First what are the values in that field in the database itself?

Second could it be (datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time) is
returning the correct result. In other words that now() and
self.start_time are the same. Have you looked at what those values are
as the script runs?

I ask because you have self.start_time created twice in your code:

1) In the __init__ as self.start_time = datetime.datetime

2) In startRecording as self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

I am not sure, but I have to believe that is causing at least part of
your issue.

> However to troubleshoot the program I wrote another micro script (also
> sent with the last email) called manualaitestdbentry.py which was to
> check if I could store datetime.timedelta() objects in the postgresql
> database, turns out I can store the datetime.timedelta() objects with
> their seconds, days and microseconds attributes intact.
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Adrian Klaver
> <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>     On 02/21/2016 02:45 AM, Shaan Repswal wrote:
>         Hey guys, I hope I used the Mailing List properly. I am trying
>         to upload
>         a datetime.timedelta object into a column of type interval...
>         But when I
>         query it says datetime.interval(0)
>     Can you post the actual error message?
>     What are you querying that gets you datetime.interval[0]?
>         here are the lines where the error probably is:-
>         print(cur.mogrify("""SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s""",
>         (self.start_time.date(),
>         self.start_time.time(), datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time,
>         desc_text)))
>                   cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate,
>         sessiontime, sessionduration, sessiondesc)
>                               VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);""",
>         (self.start_time.date(), self.start_time.time(),
>         datetime.datetime.now()
>         - self.start_time, desc_text))
>         although when I wrote another script to enter a specific code,
>         it was
>         working just fine.
>         datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time is the time interval which
>         seems to be where the error is.
>         when I did this :-
>         cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sessionlogs(sessiondate, sessiontime,
>         sessionduration, sessiondesc)
>                       VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)""",
>         (datetime.datetime.now().date(), datetime.datetime.now().time(),
>         datetime.timedelta(1, 18268), "This is a manual entry"))
>         It was working quite fine.
>         I will attach the two scripts
>         Sorry for the uber messy code. I hope you can read through my whole
>         script as it isn't very big. I am using Gtk 3+ here so be
>         warned... :P
>     --
>     Adrian Klaver
>     adrian.klaver@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>

Adrian Klaver

Re: database not accepting data properly

Adrian Klaver
On 02/21/2016 02:45 AM, Shaan Repswal wrote:
> Hey guys, I hope I used the Mailing List properly. I am trying to upload
> a datetime.timedelta object into a column of type interval... But when I
> query it says datetime.interval(0).

Had some time to run the attached code. Other then making a change to
the database in connect() and adding some print functions it is the
same. Running the application I got an interval in the sessionduration
field. Details below:

postgres@test=# \d sessionlogs
               Table "public.sessionlogs"
      Column      |          Type          | Modifiers
  sessiondate     | date                   |
  sessiontime     | time without time zone |
  sessionduration | interval(0)            |
  sessiondesc     | text                   |

aklaver@killi:~> python testProductivityApp.py
('First', <type 'datetime.datetime'>)
('Second', datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 22, 13, 38, 34, 870868))
SELECT '2016-02-22'::date, '13:38:34.870868'::time, '0 days 4.497017
seconds'::interval, 'Enter here how you utilised your time.'
('Second', datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 22, 13, 38, 42, 440964))
SELECT '2016-02-22'::date, '13:38:42.440964'::time, '0 days 184.828224
seconds'::interval, 'Enter here how you utilised your time.'
('Second', datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 22, 13, 41, 50, 29445))
SELECT '2016-02-22'::date, '13:41:50.029445'::time, '0 days 568.953356
seconds'::interval, 'Enter here how you utilised your time.'
('Second', datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 22, 13, 51, 51, 293405))
SELECT '2016-02-22'::date, '13:51:51.293405'::time, '0 days 0.611630
seconds'::interval, 'Enter here how you utilised your time.'
('Second', datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 22, 13, 52, 17, 473494))
SELECT '2016-02-22'::date, '13:52:17.473494'::time, '0 days 0.417363
seconds'::interval, 'Enter here how you utilised your time.

postgres@test=# select * from sessionlogs ;
  sessiondate |   sessiontime   | sessionduration |
  2016-02-22  | 13:38:34.870868 | 00:00:04        | Enter here how you
utilised your time.
  2016-02-22  | 13:38:42.440964 | 00:03:05        | Enter here how you
utilised your time.
  2016-02-22  | 13:41:50.029445 | 00:09:29        | Enter here how you
utilised your time.
  2016-02-22  | 13:51:51.293405 | 00:00:01        | Enter here how you
utilised your time.
  2016-02-22  | 13:52:17.473494 | 00:00:00        | Enter here how you
utilised your time.
(5 rows)

The only way I could get only 0's was to have a duration less then 0.5
seconds. So the code works here.

Adrian Klaver