Обсуждение: Re: [Bucardo-general] Master-Slave setup.


Re: [Bucardo-general] Master-Slave setup.

Periko Support
Excellent, Yes I can make a copy before run bucardo the first time and
just add pushdelta to my sync and star working.
Thanks David.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:04 AM, David Christensen <david@endpoint.com> wrote:
>> This week will continue testing but I have some doubts in a Master-Slave Setup.
>> The slave db, if I will replicate the master, is prefer to start my
>> slave with empty data? or with a exact copy of my master db?
> Hi Periko,
> If you can start it with a copy of the master db you save yourself a step.  Otherwise you will need to initialize the
targetin Bucardo either using a onetimesync=1 in the sync definition or copy over using pg_dump out-of-band.  Bucardo
willnot load the data in the target explicitly without being told to, so if you just started with empty data it would
onlycopy the rows over as changes were made to them, probably not the effect you were looking for. 
> David
> --
> David Christensen
> End Point Corporation
> david@endpoint.com
> 785-727-1171