Обсуждение: Check integrity between servers


Check integrity between servers

Patrick B
Would be possible to check the integrity between two database servers?

Both servers are slaves (streaming replication + wal_files) but I believe one of them, when recovered from wal_files in a fast outage we got, got recovered not 100%.

How could I check the data between both DB?

I'm using Postgres 9.2

Re: Check integrity between servers

Patrick B

2016-11-17 12:19 GMT+13:00 Patrick B <patrickbakerbr@gmail.com>:
Would be possible to check the integrity between two database servers?

Both servers are slaves (streaming replication + wal_files) but I believe one of them, when recovered from wal_files in a fast outage we got, got recovered not 100%.

How could I check the data between both DB?

I'm using Postgres 9.2

As far as I could see, checksum is only allowed on Postgres 9.3? https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/What's_new_in_PostgreSQL_9.3#Data_Checksums

So can't use that! Any other ideas?

Re: Check integrity between servers

Venkata B Nagothi

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Patrick B <patrickbakerbr@gmail.com> wrote:
Would be possible to check the integrity between two database servers?

Both servers are slaves (streaming replication + wal_files) but I believe one of them, when recovered from wal_files in a fast outage we got, got recovered not 100%.

Did you mean to say recovery is not successful or complete ? How did you know that recovery is not 100% ? Any errors, messages etc ?
How could I check the data between both DB?

That is something which Application needs to do. From database perspective you can check if the databases are in complete sync.


Venkata B N
Database Consultant

Fujitsu Australia