Обсуждение: Query with large in clauses uses a lot of memory


Query with large in clauses uses a lot of memory

I had an issue today where the OOM killer terminated one of my postgres
On my server I have 8 GB of RAM, shared_memory is 1 GB and work_memory is
I have connection pooling which limits us to 25 connections.  Even if I'm
maxed out there, I'm still only using 1.6 MB of RAM of my 8 which seems like
it shouldn't be a problem.

Looking through my postgres logs, I noticed that right about the time of the
OOM incident, I had some queries running with pretty massive in clauses
(thank you ruby/ActiveRecord).  One of the queries was about 28MB in size.

So, I decided to try an experiment.  I wrote 2 queries as follows:
1 ) select pg_sleep(100) ;
2 ) with q (s1, s2) as (select pg_sleep(100), 1)
        select * from q where s2 in ( 1, <about 28 MB worth of comma
delimited numbers>)

I ran those queries via psql and did this:

-sh-4.1$ ps aux | grep -i -E "local|COMMAND" | grep -v ruby
postgres 20896 27.0 28.2 3416812 2132112 ?     Ss   21:18   0:02 postgres:
hireology hireology [local] SELECT
postgres 20899  0.0  0.0 1281368 4800 ?        Ss   21:18   0:00 postgres:
hireology hireology [local] SELECT

It looks to me like the connection running the big query is using about 2GB
more memory than the other one.  I could see why it might use *some* more
(like 28MB more?), but 2GB more seems excessive.

So, the question is why does it use so much more memory.  And is there
anything I can do to limit this problem other than fixing the silly queries?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Greig Wise

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Re: Query with large in clauses uses a lot of memory

Tom Lane
greigwise <greigwise@comcast.net> writes:
> So, I decided to try an experiment.  I wrote 2 queries as follows:
> 1 ) select pg_sleep(100) ;
> 2 ) with q (s1, s2) as (select pg_sleep(100), 1)
>         select * from q where s2 in ( 1, <about 28 MB worth of comma
> delimited numbers>)
> It looks to me like the connection running the big query is using about 2GB
> more memory than the other one.  I could see why it might use *some* more
> (like 28MB more?), but 2GB more seems excessive.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to get better.  Depending on what
I assume about the widths of your numbers, you've got something like 3
million Const parse nodes in that query, so the system is eating something
like 600-700 bytes per Const, which is not all that many copies because
one Const node plus List overhead is probably 100 bytes on a 64-bit
server.  OK, it's not exactly frugal perhaps, but it would not be hard to
get to that at all if you're running the query in a way that requires
keeping a plancache entry for it.  It would take significant work (and
probably some performance sacrifices) to make much of a dent in the
space consumption, and even if we put in the work, I'd only expect to
be able to dent it a bit --- an order-of-magnitude reduction is not in
the cards.  Queries with that many parse elements in them are just not

Now, that WHERE condition will eventually get folded to the form

    s2 = ANY ('{1,2,...}'::integer[])

and that constant array is a *lot* less space-wasteful, only 4 bytes
per element (or 8 bytes if we're talking bigints).  So the approach I'd
advise is trying to send the query with a constant array to begin with
--- either write it like that, or like

    s2 = ANY ($1::integer[])

and send the array as an out-of-line parameter.

Don't know how hard it might be to arm-wrestle ActiveRecord into doing
it like that :-(

            regards, tom lane

Re: Query with large in clauses uses a lot of memory

Wow.  Thanks for the prompt answer.

As a follow-up I was wondering if maybe there would be a way to tell it to
NOT try to plan/execute the query (and instead throw an error) if the memory
usage exceeded X.

Thanks again.


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