Обсуждение: [BUGS] Unique Constraint Provides Lock in Transaction


[BUGS] Unique Constraint Provides Lock in Transaction

lx xl
Bug reproducible 100% PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6

 Unique constraint assigned on column 'name' of table 'table_a'
 In PgAdmin Auto Commit should be disabled
 It is important to have 2 foreign keys from table_b to table_a

1. Within 1st Transaction was executed following query(Important For Each Execution value for 'name' should be unique):

update table_a SET name = 'n10' where id = '1';

2. Within 2nd Transaction was executed following queries(It is Important: Should be executed at once both queries):

update table_b SET name = 't1' where id = '1';
update table_b SET name = 't1' where id = '1';

3. Observe 2nd transaction hanged until we did not commit 1st transaction

4. Transaction 2 does not hang:
 - if we remove unique constraint, 
 - If we run in first Transaction same query several times(without actual update name column)
 - If we run in second transaction on update instead of two
 - if we run in second transaction both updates separately
 - if we remove all foreign keys from table_b
 - if we remove one foreign key from table_b  

Schema with data can be found bellow:

Inline image 1