Обсуждение: [BUGS] Assertion of synchronous replication


[BUGS] Assertion of synchronous replication

Hi all!

    I have found a bug about synchronous replication.
    At first, see the stack of the core file.
    I think it is impossible when i print something about the assertion.
    So, what causes this assertion? To solve my doubts, i add some debug log. See the macro DEBUG_SUNNY as below.

    Then i made pressure test by benchmark, and got some log as below.
    You can find the "DELETE" log is later than the "IMPOSSIBLE" log. What conditions does this happen under?

    At last, i have made this bug reappear by GDB follow these steps.
1. In wal sender process, add a breakpoint at code line "SHMQueueDelete(&(thisproc->syncRepLinks)); " of "SyncRepWakeQueue".
2. In backend process, add a breakpoint at code line "if (MyProc->syncRepState == SYNC_REP_WAIT_COMPLETE)" of "SyncRepWaitForLSN".
3. Execute a SQL whatever will generate tansaction log by psql.
4. Hold the breakpoint in wal sender process and step next in backend process. Then a assertion core file will be found.

    Is this a bug? And how to slove it? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!
    Sorry about my poor english O(∩_∩)O

                                            Const Sunny
